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DAYS Recap, April 10: Everett Refused To Sign, Eric Wondered Why He Was Broke

Days of Our Lives

DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, April 10: Everett Refused To Sign, Eric Wondered Why He Was Broke

Jada couldn’t get what she wanted out of Everett.

On the April 10 episode of Days of our Lives, Jada wanted something from Everett, Eric got some surprising news, Xander got good news, and Nicole and Kristen went at it.

Jada Was Desperate For A Signature

At the Spectator office, Leo (Greg Rikaart) and Stephanie (Abigail Klein) discussed the Stefan drug dealer case and were amazed at how much website traffic the story was getting. Leo knew that Stefan had a dark side, but never thought he would resort to being a drug dealer. They worried about how Chad was dealing with the news about his brother, who he never liked anyway.

When Everett arrived, Stephanie was a bit unnerved. She asked him where he had been as Everett looked like he was hiding something. Everett tried to keep his cool, but Stephanie could see that she looked frazzled. He just wanted to talk about work and was pleased with how well the Stefan story was going.

Stephanie just wanted to know what was wrong, but the problem became apparent when Jada busted in and told Everett he was psychotic while ordering him to sign the divorce papers. Stephanie was shocked to learn that Everett and Jada were still married, but not as shocked as Leo. He just wanted to use all this info for his gossip column.

Jada begged him to just sign the name Robert Stein, but he still refused because he didn’t consider himself to be Robert Stein. After Jada left, Stephanie questioned Everett on why he really refused to sign the papers. After Stephanie and Jada left, Everett ended up venting to a very curious Leo. In his mind, he was the bad guy although he felt like a victim. But the fingerprint evidence didn’t make him look like the good guy, so he had to admit something more was going on with his life than even he understood.

Back at the Pub, Jada wondered if Stephanie still had feelings for Everett.

Broke Bradys

Sloan met up with Jada at The Brady Pub to discuss the divorce. Sloan wanted her retainer fee before doing anything so Jada electronically sent it. Too bad she learned that the law was not on her side. Everett had a brain injury so he didn’t have the cognitive ability to sign divorce papers and have them pass legal muster.

Eric was confused when his landlord called to tell him that they were two months behind on rent. Wasn’t Sloan supposed to be the one to pay that? He was sure it had to be an oversight and vowed to fix this little financial mess.

When Sloan returned home all she could think about was how much money she’d been giving Leo. That was why she was so behind on her rent and bills, but she couldn’t tell Eric that. When Eric questioned their money situation. Why were they flat broke and why haven’t they been paying their rent? Eric tried to be understanding as Sloan reminded him that she’d been so busy and babies were so expensive.

When Eric suggested that they make a family budget, Sloan balked because she knew Eric would wonder what all those payments were to Leo, as well as why her credit cards were all maxed out. Sloan made excuse after excuse not to sit with Eric and do this. When she ran out to get diapers, Eric did some digging and

Xander Is Free

Xander and Sarah enjoyed a day walking in Horton Square with Victoria and eating some ice cream. EJ soon came along with news about Xander’s case. He told them that he believed Xander belonged behind bars, but there wasn’t enough evidence to try him. The forensic team confirmed that Xander didn’t shoot Harris so Xander was officially off the hook.

Sarah and Xander took some time to celebrate their good fortune. Xander could barely believe that someone like EJ would congratulate him. When they got home, both Sarah and Xander wondered who set him up. They were determined to get to the bottom of things.

Nicole And Kristen Go Head To Head

Kristen desperately tried reaching EJ on the phone to get some answers about Stefan since DiMera stock was plummeting by the second. When she finished leaving a voicemail, Nicole walked into the living room demanding to know why Kristen chewed out Holly the way she did.

Nicole couldn’t believe that Kristen would pick on a teenage girl as she told her sister-in-law that Holly was upstairs crying at the moment. Kristen just called her a drama queen and didn’t seem to care. Kristen said no mother would want their child hanging out with a drug addict.

Nicole argued that Holly was not a drug addict, but Kristen wondered how she could know since she didn’t realize Holly had been doing drugs at all. Kristen also pointed out that Rachel’s brother Tate ended up in prison. Nicole didn’t really have much to argue with but she certainly tried. Nicole was not amused when Kristen declared that Holly was as selfish and manipulative as her mother.

Kristen should have watched her mouth because Nicole had many things to remind her of, including the fact that Rachel was conceived when Kristen was wearing a Nicole mask. Nicole was sure that Rachel was destined to be a bad seed just like her mother. Nicole called Rachel a brat and decided she should come with a warning label.

EJ had to come along and break things up before this all turned into a catfight. He told her to show Nicole some respect since she was his wife. EJ warned Kristen she’d have to find a new home if she didn’t try to get along with Nicole. After the fight was over, EJ debated taking over the company again. Kristen offered to do it but EJ just laughed in her face.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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