Days of Our Lives
DAYS Recaps
DAYS Recap, April 15: EJ Angers Everybody, Chanel And Johnny Vanish
EJ can’t seem to please anyone and isn’t really trying.
On the April 15 episode of Days of our Lives, EJ tries to walk a fine line, Holly and Tate try to stay away from each other, and Johnny and Chanel try to enjoy a honeymoon with Julie.
EJ Starts His Bad Day

EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel) greeted Nicole (Arianne Zucker) as she sipped coffee in the DiMera living room. She had already been for a run to clear her head and was ready for the day. After all that happened with the baby that she believes she lost and with Holly’s (Ashley Puzemis) drug use and coma, Nicole isn’t sure what her next chapter should be.
Just then, Holly walked into the living room so Nicole could drive her to school. She showed her mother the apology letters she wrote to Tate (Leo Howard) and his family and wondered how she would give them to them if she wasn’t allowed to see Tate. Nicole assured her that she would make sure the letters got to the recipient.
EJ wasn’t looking forward to his mea culpa at the press conference as he had to admit he was wrong. He just couldn’t imagine that Holly was taking drugs of her own free will. Holly being Holly told EJ that maybe she did drugs because her life is screwed up. After all, she was on her third stepfather and the last name DiMera came with too much baggage she didn’t want.
EJ was soon called away to a meeting but promised not to be late for the press conference. EJ then had a talk with himself laying out his ways to make sure the judge rejects his plea agreement with Stefan (Brandon Barash).
Encounter At The Brady Pub

Tate and Brady (Eric Martsolf) shared breakfast at The Brady Pub before school. Theresa (Emily O’Brien) then arrived so they could all attend EJ’s press conference in the Square. They were ready for EJ to officially exonerate Tate and tell all of Salem he was sorry.
Theresa and Brady then gave Tate some school instructions. If he saw Holly at school, he was to keep his distance. Theresa was much more adamant about it than Brady. She felt Holly was trouble and wasn’t going to let this girl screw up her son’s life any more than she already had.
Tate had something else on his mind. He wanted to start working at the pub again. Brady and Theresa thought it might be too much after all he had been through but Tate felt it would be good to be productive and make some money. Plus, he still had to pay them back the money he owed them from the damage at his old school.
Before they could resolve anything, Holly and Nicole walked in and that ended the whole conversation. Nicole wanted to leave right away but Holly objected. She pointed out that they couldn’t just run off every time they ran into Tate, but Nicole disagreed. When Holly suggested they give Brady, Theresa, and Tate the letters, Nicole relented.
The letter to Tate wasn’t so much an apology but instead a teenage love letter, but Tate didn’t let on what Holly wrote. Theresa tried to be polite, but it didn’t work out well. Brady and Nicole were a bit more civil about things as Nicole promised to abide by Tate’s parents’ wishes.
Tate was later horrified when he saw nasty social media posts describing him as a pill pusher who was headed back to school for the first time in months.
EJ Plays Some Dangerous Games

Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) sat with Stefan in the Salem PD interrogation room and agreed to be his attorney. However, she found it odd to represent someone who had already worked out a deal with the DA, who happened to also be his brother.
Of course, she wanted her retainer right away so she could pay her rent and finance Leo’s (Greg Rikaart) lifestyle but Stefan had some money troubles. Sloan tried to back out of representing him but Stefan promised to overpay her once he had access to his money. Stefan also knew that EJ was about to double-cross him in court.
When EJ arrived for a pre-hearing meeting, Stefan was more sure than ever that he was right — and he was, which was why he needed Sloan so badly. When they got to the hearing, EJ’s plans seemed to be working until Sloan took over and presented an excellent defense.
Stefan provided loads of information about Clyde Weston (James Read) and should be set free as per the agreement. After all, so many others have now been arrested. Still, the judge was not totally convinced and held off making a decision. Once alone, Stefan accused EJ of presenting a weak case. EJ reminded Stefan that his blackmail trumped Stefan’s blackmail any day of the week.
Finally, the press conference began. EJ gave the apology he promised regarding Tate but started before Tate, Holly, Brady, Theresa, and Nicole could get there. EJ said about 10 words and that wasn’t good enough for Brady. The press wasn’t even there.
Honeymoon Happenings

Chanel (Raven Bowens) and Johnny (Carson Boatman) woke up together on the Horton cabin couch but didn’t get much time alone because Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) soon entered the room ready for the day. When she realized she was still a third wheel, she tried to leave but learned the snow had stopped the ferry from running so she couldn’t go anywhere.
Julie didn’t like being trapped in the cabin with “hot little newlyweds.” They had to make the best of things with WiFi and plenty of food, so it wouldn’t be that bad. Julie even had the right clothing for them to play in the snow. Johnny and Chanel were a little mortified by their attire, but they did as Julie suggested and ended up enjoying themselves.
The day got better when Julie remembered where the rum and cognac were. They moved on to a game of charades before the fire started to go out. Johnny went to get more firewood, leaving Chanel and Julie alone. They discussed the situation with Paulina’s radiation treatment and the joys of the Horton cabin.
When they began discussing the time capsule, Chanel was fascinated but then decided to help Johnny with the firewood. Julie sat alone for a while doing crosswords before wondering what was taking Johnny and Chanel so long.
Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.