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DAYS Recap, April 2: Marlena Hypnotizes Everett

Days of Our Lives

DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, April 2: Marlena Hypnotizes Everett

Everett got a shock when Marlena tried to get him to remember.

On the April 2 episode of Days of our Lives, Everett underwent hypnosis, Stephanie opened up to Julie, Chad visited Abigail’s grave, and two couples had a day of love and romance.

Everett’s Hypnosis Memories

Everett (Blake Berris) arrived at Marlena’s (Deidre Hall) office where she was anxious to hypnotize him, but Everett wasn’t so sure that he could go through with it. He was afraid of what he and Marlena might find out when she put him under, but Marlena assured him she would bring him out of it if things got too difficult emotionally. Everett finally agreed so they got to work.

While under, Everett remembered being in a gazebo near a steam. He was there with his mother, who he described as wonderful, elegant, and strong. She even liked to bake and was wearing an apron. Her hands were full of flour in this gazebo memory. When Marlena suggested he ask his mother something, all he could say was “Why’d you do it, Mom?”

When things became too difficult for Everett, Marlena brought him out of hypnosis but made sure he would remember everything that they talked about. Everett soon seemed confused but Marlena assured a tearful Everett that he was safe. Everett claimed the memory of his mother was fuzzy and he felt a bit shaken up. After Everett left, Marlena was slightly alarmed.

Everett turned up at The Brady Pub where he ran into Stephanie and got ready to tell her all about his session with Marlena.

Julie Supports Stephanie And Chad

Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) stood in an almost restored Horton living room looking at paint samples when Stephanie walked in. Julie wanted Stephanie’s (Abigail Klein) help choosing colors and reminisced about the time back in the 1980s when she owned a small interior design business and decorated so many Salem apartments and homes.

The subject turned to the time capsule that Tom Horton (Macdonald Carey) had buried all those decades ago, but she just couldn’t find the key. Stephanie suggested that Julie post photos of the box online to see if anyone had any clue how to open it, but not yet. First, she had to make the house livable again and be ready for all the generations to come.

Eventually, talk turned to Everett. Stephanie admitted how upsetting the whole situation was and didn’t want to learn the truth. She couldn’t handle it if Everett knew he was married while he was dating her. That means she was nothing but the cheater that Jada (Elia Cantu) claimed he was. Stephanie explained how Jada now hates her and ended their lifelong friendship. Stephanie worried that the signs were there and she ignored them the whole time she was with Everett.

Stephanie felt blindsided because she thought she and Everett had a future and she suddenly learned he had a whole other identity he claimed he couldn’t remember. Chad soon stopped by so Julie gave the exes some time alone. All Chad wanted to talk about was Everett and figure out if he was really Bobby Stein. Stephanie explained she couldn’t work with Everett anymore so she resigned as The Spectator’s PR person.

When they had some time alone, Stephanie assured Chad that Clyde’s (James Read) escape wasn’t his fault and she would be there to support him if he needed it. Chad also blamed himself for the house fire and profusely apologized to Julie when she walked back into the room. Julie assured her cousin-in-law that he was not to blame for what happened.

Chad Visits Abigail

Chad visited Abigail’s grave and brought her some flowers for Easter. He talked to his late wife as if she was there and told her all about Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) hiding eggs for the kids at the Kiriakis mansion. They enjoyed their day and Chad wished that Abby could have been there to see Thomas and Charlotte’s smiles and their cries. When Thomas won a contest, Charlotte was upset until Thomas shared the candy.

He gave Abigail an update on their living arrangements and told her that the Horton house was being renovated so they would be moving home soon. Finally, Chad shared his regret that her killer, Clyde Weston, had escaped from Statesville. He was sorry that he had tried to bring her killer to justice, but everything went all wrong. He blamed himself for putting Clyde’s picture in the Spectator. Chad thought he pushed Clyde too much and set all his other crimes in motion.

Ava And Harris Steam Up The Room

Ava (Tamara Braun) and Harris (Steve Burton) woke up in bed after a wonderful night together. They basked in the afterglow and marveled at the fact that it was already late in the afternoon. However, neither one of them wanted to get out of bed. They had nowhere else to be now that Stefan (Brandon Barash) was in jail and Tripp (Lucas Adams) was safe.

Soon, Harris was deep in thought and opened up to Ava about his fears. Clyde and Goldman were still free and he feared what the sociopathic killer and his girlfriend would do. Ava was alarmed when Harris told her that he was determined to join the manhunt for Clyde as soon as he was up to it. After all, he was still recovering from a gunshot wound. They eventually decided to have a private dinner at The Bistro.

Johnny And Chanel’s ‘Office’ Romance

Chanel (Reven Bowens) and Johnny (Carson Boatman) met up in Horton Square where she worried about how she was going to start focusing on her business again. She had let things go at Sweet Bits while Paulina was in the hospital, but now she had to get back to work and needed help. To that end, she enlisted her new husband to be her baking assistant — at least for the day. Johnny had no job and no aim in life so he was happy to oblige.

Once they got in the kitchen to knead the dough, the newlyweds got distracted and things turned steamy. Chanel gave Johnny a baking lesson and a science lesson, but he was more interested in kissing her neck and her lips than getting work.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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