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DAYS Recap, April 22: Ava Could End Up Homeless, Harris Gives Stefan A Warning

Days of Our Lives

DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, April 22: Ava Could End Up Homeless, Harris Gives Stefan A Warning

Roman and Stefan both had bad news for Ava.

On the April 22 episode of Days of our Lives, Ava and Harris tried to do Clyde’s bidding once again, Paulina had to answer to her husband, and Johnny and Chanel learned their radiation fate.

A Restaurant Break-In

Roman (Josh Taylor) was surprised to see Kate (Lauren Koslow) return from the monastery early. Lucas (Bryan R. Dattilo) was still whining and complaining but Kate thought he was basically fine. However, she worried for his safety now that Clyde Weston (James Read) had escaped and was out there somewhere. Could he come gunning for Lucas at his little hideout?

Harris (Steve Burton) and Ava (Tamara Braun) needed to find a new way to get into The Bistro now that it was allegedly closed for renovations. Ava decided to go for broke with the keys she held onto while Harris stood outside as a lookout while Ava tried to find Gil’s little black book.

Too bad Kate found Harris in the Square and distracted him. She wanted to talk about Lucas and when he would finally be free. Harris tried to appease her but he was more concerned with Ava, who was now in the restaurant looking around. Imagine her surprise when she found Stefan (Brandon Barash) already there wondering what the heck she was doing.

She wanted to know the same thing so Stefan told her he planned to re-open the restaurant and make it better than ever before.

Harris Grills Stefan, Roman Lays Down The Law

While Kate harped on Harris and Ava sparred with Stefan, Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) arrived at The Brady Pub so Roman had someone to talk to. She’d had a busy day so her big brother was there to give her some clam chowder and someone to talk to. When Kate returned, all she did was complain about Harris and his lack of concern over Lucas.

In The Bistro, Stefan and Ava discussed his restaurant plans. They discussed their guilt over running drugs for Clyde. Ava just wanted Stefan back behind bars for trying to kill Harris not once but twice. Stefan and Ava argued more than ever before until he finally broke down and admitted he had regrets. However, he did it all to save Gabi.

Still, they couldn’t help but remember their night of lust in her apartment. Could it ever happen again? Ava didn’t even want to discuss it. Ava then lied and said she was there because she was feeling nostalgic, not because she wanted that black book. She even offered to work for him part-time and asked to keep the keys. Stefan wasn’t interested. He thought they needed to make a clear break from one another.

Ava handed Stefan her set of keys and left. She told Harris what happened. When Stefan walked by, Harris insisted on talking to him without Ava so she made herself scarce. Harris just wanted to know how the heck Stefan managed to get himself out of jail so easily. Harris knew that Stefan had to have something on EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel). At least Stefan apologized for shooing Harris.

While Stefan and Harris argued, Ava ran into Kayla. She wasn’t pleased when Kayla told her to stay away from her husband. Ava didn’t have eyes for Steve so Kayla had nothing to worry about. Soon, Roman happened about and told Ava she wasn’t allowed to live with Harris in his room above the pub.

Paulina Has To Defend Herself

Paulina (Jackee Harry) was back in the hospital and Kayla was back in a hazmat suit to try to avoid radiation. Paulina tried to make jokes but Kayla was furious at her for sneaking out of the hospital to rescue Chanel (Raven Bowens) while she was receiving radiation treatments.

Abe (James Reynolds) was just as furious as Kayla and kept flashing back to everything that happened. He couldn’t lose his wife now after they had just found each other again. Kayla and Abe discussed the Paulina situation and Abe promised he would keep her in line from here on out. They both knew that was easier said than done.

Later, Abe sat with Paulina on video chat and read her the riot act for her antics. Paulina apologized and also admitted she abused her power as mayor. She could have also damaged her reputation.

Her radiation levels were decreasing but it was still too high for her to be considered safe to be around other people. Paulina was sorry for worrying everyone but she had to do what she had to do. She felt she had no choice. Abe admitted he was more worried than angry and was ready to forgive Paulina. She knew she would soon be fine and radiation-free.

Good News For Johnny and Chanel

Chanel and Johnny (Carson Boatman) seemed to check out fine and were none the worse for wear after their snowy and radiation-filled honeymoon. Chanel was worried about her mother and blamed herself for everything because she went out into the snow to search for her new husband.

Kayla soon arrived with good news. Chanel’s ankle wasn’t broken, just badly sprained. Chanel had some elevated radiation levels but Kayla wasn’t too concerned and Chanel was just happy that she didn’t have to isolate like her mother. Johnny and Chanel were thrilled that they were healthy and free to go home.

Chanel was shocked when Johnny suggested they head back to the cabin to try having a honeymoon once again. After what just happened there and everything that went wrong, Chanel thought he was crazy.

At least he got them a room at The Salem Inn filled with flowers and rose petals on the bed. They were finally ready for a proper honeymoon if only for one night away. They would have to get back to real life tomorrow, but for now, they were going to have a night of romance with no interruptions.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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