Days of Our Lives
DAYS Recaps
DAYS Recap, April 24: Everett and Bobby Appeared In One Day
Everett confused both Stephanie and Jada.
On the April 24 episode of Days of our Lives, Everett seemed to be two people at once, Kristen embarked on a new mission, and Ava’s wish came true — plus much more.
The Transformation of Everett?

Stephanie (Abigail Klein) caught up with Jada (Elia Cantu) outside the pub to tell her that Everett (Blake Berris) signed the divorce papers. Jada was thrilled, but had no idea that Everett also tossed the papers in the trash. He seemed to be losing it and becoming someone else in his Salem Inn room. Did Everett even realize what was happening?
While Everett sat in his room with a sinister look in his eyes, Stephanie and Jada rejoiced. Jada thought she was free to move on with her life and maybe even marry Rafe. She was grateful that Stephanie managed to talk Everett into it, but confused when Everett soon walked by and showed more interest in her than Stephanie.
Stephanie was also confused because it seemed like Everett was blowing her off in favor of Jada. She thought they were getting close so this was a surprising turn of events. He even told Jada he took his coffee the way Bobby did and not the way Everett did.
Jada insisted on seeing the divorce papers but Everett was cagey about them and promised he would get them to her. He didn’t even mind when Jada called him Bobby. As Stephanie and Jada discussed this after Everett left, Tripp (Lucas Adams) came by and interrupted them.
When Stephanie and Tripp walked into the Pub to find Everett, he didn’t seem to remember seeing how outside a few minutes prior. Stephanie questioned him but Everett had no idea what she was talking about. He said he was distracted outside as Stephanie accused him of being evasive. At that point, he seemed to slip back into his Bobby personality.
Rafe (Galen Gering) and Jada later stopped by Everett’s hotel room where he gave them the papers. When he left, he stared a pic of Jada on his phone and got a sinister look in his eyes.
Kristen Does Stefan’s Bidding

Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) enjoyed more of her morning sipping on champagne. Stefan (Brandon Barash) happened by in the living room and invited her to The Bistro’s soft reopening. Free mimosas, so why not? Kristen found reasons for not, but Stefan then tried to butter her up by promising his support in her quest to become the new CEO of DiMera Enterprises — as long as she helped him figure out who really killed Li Shin (Remington Hoffman).
Kristen wasn’t even sure Gabi was innocent but Stefan insisted that she was. He even suggested himself as a suspect. Kristen pointed out that Gabi had killed before so Stefan reminded her that Nick Fallon (who looked just like Everett) was a psycho and Gabi felt she had no choice.
While they argued, Stefan reminded Kristen that Li kept him alive for years and Kristen was the one who made sure Li didn’t kill him in the end. Stefan insisted that Kristen could get to the bottom of the Li Shin murder mystery and would do her brother’s bidding.
Kristen then got to work and stopped by to see Wendy and suggested they establish an MBA scholarship in Li’s honor. Wendy (Victoria Grace) was confused by the generosity and had no idea that Kristen was just trying to get to the bottom of a murder. Kristen nearly gave away the game when she asked Wendy if she found it difficult to live in the same apartment where Li was killed. When Tripp later arrived home, he discovered an alarmed Wendy who had chained the door.
Wendy was also in tears because she had just spoken to her parents and told them about the scholarship offer. Her parents were always crying, which made her cry. Tripp surprised Wendy and offered to travel with her to Hong Kong.
Harris Begs Roman

As Roman (Josh Taylor) put out a ‘Help Wanted’ sign at The Brady Pub, Harris (Steve Burton) approached him to have a talk. He tried to convince Roman to let Ava (Tamara Braun) live with him, but Roman refused to budge. Harris thought they could come to some kind of agreement, but Roman pointed out that Ava upset Kayla and that was enough for him.
Harris tried to reason with Roman that Ava would only be there temporarily. Roman agreed there was no overnight guest policy and finally decided to reconsider things. He said Ava could stay but it couldn’t be for long.
Ava and Harris Go For Broke Again

Ava was back where she started making coffee and breakfast for Tripp and Wendy since Roman refused to let her move into Harris’s room above the pub. She explained what happened with Roman and assured them that she and Harris did not have a fight. She had no idea where she was going to live but would figure something out.
She wanted them to all sit down and have a meal together, but they were headed to the pub for an early lunch. Tripp wanted to know where his mother would go, but she insisted she had some solid leads. So, she left to follow up on those leads as Tripp thanked Wendy for being so understanding about his mother’s hot mess of a life.
When Harris and Ava met in Horton Square, he gave her the good news that she could stay with him until he found his own place. They then decided they needed to somehow get into The Bistro again to find Gil’s little black book. When Harris suggested they just walk in as paying customers, Ava thought that was a great idea, so they did just that and ran into a suspicious Rafe.
Jada made a point of letting Ava know that she was moving in, so Ava gleefully warned her that she needed to watch the stove at Rafe’s house. Harris soon asked her to stop pushing Jada’s buttons. Ava brushed the comment off as they tried to figure out how to sneak around the restaurant.
Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday starting at 6 AM EST on Peacock.