Days of Our Lives
DAYS Recaps
DAYS Recap, April 25: Kristen Gets Alex Into Bed
When Alex visited Kristen, he got more than he bargained for.
On the April 25 episode of Days of our Lives, Kristen and Alex made things happen, Theresa did Konstantin’s bidding, Alex and Kristen made things happen, and Maggie dropped a bomb on her family.
Theresa Has a Mission to Accomplish

A saddened Theresa (Emily O’Brien) walked into Alex’s (Robert Scott Wilson) office with boxes as she packed up the office she barely ever used at Bella Magazine and Titan. All Alex could really notice was her low-cut dress. The subject turned to Maggie’s (Suzanne Rogers) new job at Titan. Alex asked Theresa to bring Maggie the paperwork because he didn’t want to talk to her. Theresa refused but made sure to bend over Alex’s desk and reveal her ample assets.
This prompted Alex to ask if she wanted to have dinner that night but she turned him down and claimed she had to look for work. Alex assured her that she didn’t have to worry about rent while she was unemployed. His apartment would even be free soon because he felt he would win custody of the mansion from Maggie soon.
Later, Theresa took a walk through the park where she ran into Konstantin (John Kapelos) holding flowers and candy as a gift for Maggie. He suggested they even have a double wedding. She could marry Alex, the man they both have believing that he was Victor’s son. Theresa reassured Konstantin that she was doing her job to keep Alex convinced of this lie.
After her run-in with Konstantin, Theresa stopped by the pub where she told Brady (Eric Martsolf) that she felt like a failure both personally and professionally. Brady tried reassuring her that she wasn’t but Theresa chastised herself for always thinking about money over love. She then wondered if she could eventually have it all. Theresa suddenly felt better and decided to go home to Alex and see if he still wanted to have dinner.
Kristen Gets Her Wish And More

Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) debated becoming a class mom for Rachel’s (Finley Rose Slater) school trip but then realized she only liked her own child, so that role wouldn’t suit her. However, the idea did give her a reason to call Brady. He was happy to take on the task and spend some time with his daughter.
Brady was sure there had to be a catch because Kristen would never allow him to spend such time with Rachel otherwise. He finally realized Kristen thought a group setting would be a good environment since he wasn’t allowed to be alone with Rachel. (Didn’t he just stop by to take her to school?)
When Rachel learned her dad would be going on the field trip, she was concerned. She didn’t think she could be alone with her father so she wanted Kristen to go too. Kristen explained why that wasn’t a good idea but assured Rachel that she and Brady were starting to get along better.
She then planted the seed in Rachel’s head about Alex being Kristen’s new man. Kristen hoped Rachel would mention all of this to Brady. When Rachel went to get a cookie, Kristen invited Alex over for a chat. When he got there, she invited him to her bedroom so they could discuss their big plan.
Kristen wanted it to seem like they’d slept together so Rachel could find them and blab to Brady while they were at the aquarium. Alex went along with it and even suggested they strip down and look the part. Ultimately, they ended up doing the deed for real.
Maggie’s Big News

Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) and Xander (Paul Telfer) stopped by Maggie’s so they could get some big news. She explained that Konstantin’s visa was expiring and they’d exhausted all options for him to stay in the U.S. except for one. Sarah offered Maggie sympathy over losing Konstantin but she declared she wasn’t. She was going to make things up to him for Victor killing his daughter by marrying the man and keep him in the country.
Needless to say, Sarah and Xander were stunned. Maggie insisted the marriage would be in name only. Sarah was concerned because it was so soon after Victor’s death. Maggie wasn’t worried at all, but Xander insisted this was a dangerous move and he wouldn’t let her do it.
Alex soon arrived to witness this little brouhaha and wondered what was going on. Maggie informed Alex that she was marrying Konstantin and was stunned and confused. Alex was not happy about this at all. He knew Maggie was going to do whatever she wanted to do but he didn’t approve. Maggie didn’t care that he didn’t approve because this was her life and she was going to live it any way she wanted.
When Xander walked Alex to the door, Sarah tried defending the men to Maggie, but she was angry that they couldn’t be supportive of her decision. At least Maggie handed Konstantin a pre-nup when she returned from the park. Maggie told him it was a formality and didn’t know why Konstantin was surprised. He signed the papers and watched Maggie place them in the safe.
Steve and John Fear For Maggie

Steve (Stephen Nichols) and John (Drake Hogestyn) sat down in Horton Square to discuss Konstantin. They have had no luck tracking down his ex-wife and wondered how she just fell off the grid so easily after the divorce. John wondered if Konstantin might have killed her and Steve worried about Maggie. At least his visa was soon expiring, at least as far as they knew.
Both men discussed their mental health. Marlena thought Konstantin and Clyde (James Read) were causing John’s recent panic attacks while Steve just wanted to get a good night’s sleep again. However, they both worried about what Konstantin would do before he was forced to leave.
That conversation led to what happened to Konstantin’s daughter. Steve was still convinced that John might not have killed her. He was determined to get to the bottom of things. Steve also didn’t trust that Konstantin really forgave John. Just then, the man himself showed up and told them that he realized Katerina’s murder was not John’s fault, but instead, he felt Steve was responsible.
Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.