Days of Our Lives
DAYS Recaps
DAYS Recap, April 26: Sloan And Leo Caught In The Act
Eric caught on to where all his money has been going.
On the April 26 episode of Days of our Lives, Sloan had some explaining to do, Nicole found a new job, and Paulina and EJ were at odds.
Sloan’s In Big Trouble

As Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) paced her apartment, she got an email that Dimitri Von Leuchner (Peter Porte) was about to be released from prison. She panicked and quickly called Melinda (Tina Huang) to beg her to take care of this problem right away. Now, she’d have to worry about both Leo (Greg Rikaart)and Dimitri telling the truth about Jude.
A confused and suspicious Eric (Greg Vaughan) sat in Horton Square with the Salem Inn bill and deduced that Sloan was having an affair. That was the only explanation he could think of because the thought that she was paying Leo Stark’s expenses to keep him quiet about her stealing Nicole’s baby was just too much. He called the Salem Inn to dispute charges on his wife’s charges and learned what room she was paying for.
Little did Eric know that Sloan was on her way to Leo’s room to do some damage control, as she put it. When Leo opened the door expecting to see Sloan, Eric was standing in front of him instead. Eric was surprised that this was Leo’s room and wondered why his wife was paying for it. Leo tried to deny everything until Sloan started banging on the door.
Leo tried to get rid of her in the hallway as she whispered the news about Dimitri. When she insisted on entering Leo’s room, she found her husband standing there. Sloan was furious at his accusations and reminded Eric that opening her mail was a federal offense. Eric was furious and demanded the truth.
So, Leo lied and said Sloan was paying for his room out of the bottom of her heart. They both scoffed at the idea of Sloan ever having an affair with Leo. Eric demanded he stop paying for Leo’s room immediately.
A DiMera Evening At Home

Chanel (Raven Bowens) was surprised and pleased to see a package from New Zealand arrive with a card from Allie congratulating them on their wedding. Allie apparently had a new boyfriend — a blonde surfer who she was head over heels with.
EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel) and Nicole (Arianne Zucker) enjoyed a quiet and relaxing evening in the living room on their devices. They took a break to actually speak to each other and make small talk. Nicole was reading The Spectator and told her husband that they published his apology to Tate (Leo Howard).
Nicole was intrigued when she saw an ad for a reporter and was determined to get the job. EJ suggested they watch a movie for the night, but Nicole insisted she had to go out for a while. However, she wouldn’t tell him why she was leaving.
When Nicole left, Johnny (Carson Boatman) and Chanel walked in and showed EJ the wedding present from Allie. EJ had his own wedding present for them — a generous check. He also offered Johnny a job at DiMera Enterprises but Johnny wasn’t interested. The corporate life just wasn’t for him. EJ hinted toward them starting a family, but Chanel told her father-in-law that she wasn’t going to pressure her husband into anything.
Johnny and Chanel then dropped the news that they were apartment hunting and were going to look at a few places that evening.
Nicole The Reporter

Before he made it back to his room, Leo sat at his desk writing his Lady Whistleblower column when Sloan called to see if he’d gotten anywhere convincing the powers that be to give Eric a photographer’s job at the paper. He promised to work on it just as Chad (Billy Flynn) walked in. Leo quickly talked up Eric and Chad said he would keep him in mind. Chad was more concerned with finding a new reporter, but Leo turned down the job.
Chad was intrigued when Nicole dropped by to talk about the ad and offer her journalistic services. Nicole had to admit she didn’t have much print experience nor did she have any writing samples. She thought she was qualified because she once ran EJ’s mayoral campaign. Nicole assumed she would not get the job, but Chad still hired her, pointing out that they needed a woman on staff. Plus, she has more experience than Chad, Leo, and Xander (Paul Telfer), so why not add another novice?
Chad made sure that Nicole would not cover any story involving EJ and then gave her the job. How nice that she will likely be working with Eric again. Hello, contrived plot point.
Paulina Reads The Riot Act

Abe (James Reynolds) and Paulina (Jackee Harry) arrived back at her office. She was out of the hospital and determined to get back to work. Abe wanted her to just spend some time at home, but Paulina wouldn’t hear of it. She needed to have a little chat with EJ ASAP.
When EJ arrived, she chewed him out for that “dumpster fire of a press conference” that he didn’t even tell her he was holding. EJ tried to make excuses for himself but Paulina didn’t want to hear it. She was also furious that he cut a deal with his drug-dealing brother. She was also upset that the drug ring had not been brought down completely.
EJ wasn’t amused and called her out for escaping the hospital and using city equipment to rescue her daughter. He also told her that Salemites longed to have the other Mayor Carver back, the “sane one” as EJ put it.
Paulina was furious when Abe took her home. She was ranting and raging about EJ and his remarks, which just amused Abe. He knew that both EJ and Paulina knew how to push people’s buttons. He was right because EJ was just as angry when he got home and ranted to Nicole. He was later surprised to hear that Nicole got a job as a reporter.
Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.