Days of Our Lives
DAYS Recaps
DAYS Recap, April 29: Alex and Kristen’s Morning After
Kristen and Alex had a wonderful time and forgot all about the real reason for their tryst.
On the April 29, episode of Days of our Lives, Alex and Kristen decided they liked one another — a lot. Also, Rachel did a sneaky thing, and Tripp and Wendy bid farewell to Salem.
Rachel’s Family Breakfast

Ava (Tamara Braun) approached Brady (Eric Martsolf) and Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) at The Brady Pub before her class trip. They were going to the aquarium so there was fish talk. When John (Drake Hogestyn) walked in, things got awkward, so Ava left. John sat down with them next and Rachel was thrilled to see her grandfather.
When Rachel walked over to say hello to a friend, John and Brady had a chance to chat alone. Brady was happy that Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) was allowing him to see Rachel more but John was suspicious. Why would Kristen suddenly become nice?
Brady tried to be reasonable and hoped that Kristen was mellowing but John didn’t buy it and felt Kristen’s new attitude was another ploy to reel him back in. Finally, Brady had to admit that John was right but declared that Kristen was wasting her time. She was going to have to give up at some point.
Kristen’s Pride and Joy

Over at the DiMera mansion, Kristen and Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) were still in bed going at it so it seems that Rachel didn’t get to see them in bed together before leaving with Brady. Heck, Kristen didn’t even get her daughter ready and see her off with the father she was not supposed to be alone with.
They went over how many times they had sex the night before and it seemed to add up to five. For some reason, Kristen still felt that Rachel was home and would catch them in bed. Apparently, they didn’t even care much about that as they realized they really liked one another and maybe Brady and Theresa (Emily O’ Brien) weren’t the only people for them after all.
Suddenly, Kristen realized that Rachel never showed up to get her permission slip signed. She called Brady to see what was going on and learned that Brady picked up Rachel on his own. Rachel eventually confessed that she signed the permission slip on her own.
Once Kristen learned what happened, she was semi-proud of her daughter for being a chip off the old block. Kristen was also happy to be with Alex, so maybe things turned out the way they were supposed to after all. That meant that Kristen and Alex could get back to bed and continue with their good time. There was plenty of time until Rachel would be home.
As for Brady and John, they were curious as to why Kristen didn’t get as angry as expected but Brady still had to take Rachel to ask for forging a signature. Brady realized that Rachel sounded more like her mother every day. He tried to explain to Rachel that what she did was wrong, but Rachel didn’t think it was a big deal as long as she didn’t get caught.
Rachel sat down to finish her breakfast and asked her dad if she had a girlfriend. Brady didn’t quite know what to say. He once again insisted to her that he was absolutely not getting back together with Kristen.
Theresa’s Dilemma

Theresa set up a perfect breakfast for Alex and invited him to eat while she donned lingerie. She had no idea that he wasn’t in his bedroom until she walked into his bedroom and found he was not there. Seeing that his bed was made caused Theresa to wonder what the heck was going on. He couldn’t have left for work already, right?
As Theresa tried to figure things out, Konstantin (John Kapelos) showed up and demanded her help. Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) had him sign a pre-nup and he needed Theresa’s help to retrieve it from the Kiriakis mansion safe. Theresa wasn’t sure how Konstantin didn’t see a pre-nup coming. Theresa balked at the idea until Konstantin once again reminded her that he could blow the whole Alex-as-Victor’s-son thing wide open.
Finally, Alex returned to the apartment and it was clear he had been gone all night. She asked where he had been so Alex wondered why she even cared if they were just roomies. Theresa begged him to say he wasn’t with Kristen so he told her it was none of her business.
Theresa knew and was horrified, especially after everything Kristen had done to her, including removing a fetus from Theresa’s womb and giving birth to Tate herself. Alex blamed Theresa for all of this since she was the one who said she just wanted to be platonic. Theresa finally had to admit that she was jealous just as Kristen called Alex to talk about the next time they would see one another.
Bye-Bye Tripp and Wendy

Steve (Stephne Nichols), Kayla (Mary Beth Evans), Tripp (Lucas Adams), and Wendy (Victoria Grace) all gathered at the Johnsons’ to say their goodbyes before the younger couple left for Hong Kong. Stephanie couldn’t be there but she was the one who encouraged the trip. Tripp assured his father and stepmother that he would be back.
The small talk continued with Tripp announcing he intended to learn Mandarin and volunteer at a medical clinic while they were there. While the womenfolk made breakfast, Steve and Tripp shared some tender father-son moments. Steve tried to give Tripp a talk as if he was 10 years old as they discussed the intricacies of Chinese culture.
In the kitchen, the ladies discussed how excited Wendy’s parents were to see her again. Tripp and Wendy separately said that they mutually agreed it was not time to marry just yet. At least Ava stopped by to put an end to this entirely boring 20 minutes of small talk. Steve invited her in but Kayla was not happy to see Tripp’s mother at all.
Kayla tried to be cordial for Tripp’s sake as they all finally said their goodbyes. Tripp and Wendy were off to Hong Kong and that was that.
Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.