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DAYS Recap, April 30: Chanel Is Sick, Paulina In The Hot Seat

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DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, April 30: Chanel Is Sick, Paulina In The Hot Seat

Doe Chanel have radiation poisoning — or something else?

On the April 30 episode of Days of our Lives, Paulina’s problems became more pronounced, Chanel didn’t feel well at all, Everett confused all, Maggie had some news, and Konstantin conned.

Paulina Answered To Chad

Paulina (Jackee Harry) sat on the phone with Abe (James Reynolds) relieved that Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) had given her the all-clear. There was no trace of radiation left in her body and she could resume her normal life. Since she was in her mayoral office, it was clear that’s what she was doing.

Chad (Billy Flynn) soon showed up to discuss a tip he got about Paulina abusing her power as mayor by ordering the use of a snow plow on Smith Island. She has also been accused of putting public health at risk by being around others knowing that she was radioactive. Paulina could barely believe this and knew the accusations had to be coming from EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel).

Chad said he hadn’t talked to EJ in a while, so Paulina wondered if the tip came via email or text message. Chad claimed he wanted to get ahead of the gossip and learn what really happened on Smith Island. Yes, she was trying to rescue her daughter, but she hurt other people while illegally commandeering a snow plow in the process. He wanted to get her side of the story on the record.

Paulina claimed that everything had been blown out of proportion, but Chad didn’t think so, especially since the rescue workers had to wear hazmat suits around her. Paulina called it an overreaction. Chad didn’t buy it and said that he checked out the facts. Her numbers might have been going down, but they weren’t down enough to be safe. Chad insisted he didn’t want to slander her, but facts were facts and they spoke for themselves.

When Chad told her that there was no guarantee she was even going to find Chanel, Paulina reminded him that if he was in the same situation as a parent, he would have done the same thing.

Chanel’s Bad Morning

In Horton Square, Stephanie (Abigail Klein) was surprised to see that Sweet Bits was still closed. Chanel (Raven Bowens) and Johnny (Carson Boatman) soon came by to apologize. Chanel overslept and offered Stephanie free baked goods for the inconvenience. Stephanie balked at the idea and wanted to pay for her pastries.

Chanel was clearly very tired but needed Johnny’s help setting up a display table outside. Johnny was lost in thought wondering about his own life and career and what he would even put on a rental application. Maybe he could go to work at DiMera Enterprises. Chanel encouraged him to make movies but he felt he couldn’t do that in Salem.

When Paulina walked by, the three began to chat until Chanel suddenly felt nauseous and needed to run to the bathroom to vomit. When she returned, Johnny was concerned that she had radiation poisoning and insisted on bringing her to the hospital.

Everett Is Two People

Everett (Blake Berris) sat at The Brady Pub with his laptop remembering a hypnosis session with Marlena (Deidre Hall). She was telling him that he was safe and nobody would hurt him, but he kept seeing the look on an evil version of Everett’s face and believed he was not safe at all. Soon, Marlena appeared at his table and brought him out of his flashback state.

She sat down and pointedly asked Everett if he’d changed his mind about not wanting more hypnosis. Marlena also wanted to know why he lied to Stephanie. Everett shocked Marlena by telling her that he didn’t want to make her out to be a quack in front of Stephanie. He called hypnosis a pseudoscience and said he signed the divorce papers, so that was that. He didn’t have any need for Marlena anymore.

Everett later made his way to the office only to be joined by Stephanie a little while later. They discussed Jada (Elia Cantu) and the divorce papers, but Stephanie found a very cold and distant Everett, which only served to confuse her more. In a flash, friendly Everett reappeared for a minute and thanked Stephanie for his support in putting the Jada mess behind them.

Chad soon walked in. Stephanie handed him a bag of toys for the kids as Everett observed their close relationship.

The Pawn Is Back

Konstantin (John Kapelos) stood in John’s (Drake Hogestyn) office with that tarot card and tuned John into The Pawn in an instant. John was ready to do Konstantin’s bidding and Kon couldn’t have been happier. John asked what he was needed for, so Konstantin told him. He had to find a way to get that pre-nup out of the safe so Konstantin could trash it.

Marlena (Deidre Hall) soon stopped by because she apparently became bored with talking to Everett, but she couldn’t understand why the door was locked. Kon quickly brought John out of his trance so he could greet his wife without Marlena noticing anything was off. She was surprised to see Kon there but they made some reasonable excuses for his visit.

Maggie’s Big News

Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) was happy to see a new bouquet of flowers sitting in the living room. They discussed the incident on Smith Island, the possible radiation poisoning, and Doug’s (Bill Hayes) health. Julie thought their days were precious now and she hated having to stay away from him even for a little bit.

Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) promised that she took good care of Doug while Julie was away, but also had some big news for Julie. She was going to marry Konstantin to keep him in the country. Maggie defended her choice, saying that his presence was a comfort to her and she was determined to keep him in the United States. She was going to make American citizenship happen for him.

Julie called the move generous, but wanted to make sure Maggie had a pre-nup. Maggie said of course she did and bragged that Konstantin signed it immediately with no issue. Julie then decided she supported Maggie’s decision completely.

A few minutes later, Konstantin walked in all smiley and innocent. Julie left them alone so Maggie could tell him how supportive Julie was about her decision to marry him.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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