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DAYS Recap, April 8: Ava and Harris Hope for the Future, Steve and John Have Serious Questions

Days of Our Lives

DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, April 8: Ava and Harris Hope for the Future, Steve and John Have Serious Questions

Can Ava really relax and live the way she wants to at last?

On the April 8 episode of Days of our Lives, Ava looked forward to the rest of her life, John needed advice from Harris, Maggie told Julie about Konstantin’s past, and Theresa got a warning.

Ava’s Good Morning Goes Bad

Ava (Tamara Braun) and Harris (Steve Burton) woke up happy to be together and were willing to have breakfast in bed, but Harris wondered how Ava felt about quitting her job. She said she finally felt free and like her life belonged to her again. They actually ate breakfast at a table, where Harris was impressed with her vegan bacon.

Good news soon came when Harris learned that the audit of The Bistro couldn’t prove that she was involved with any illegal drug activities. She was glad that Stefan (Brandon Barash) took the fall for what happened rather than be tried for attempting to kill a cop. Ava wanted to believe it was finally over, but didn’t feel very confident since so many people suspected she was involved.

Harris did his best to convince her it was over because people wanted to keep her protected, but Ava felt uneasy. Was she really free to live her life and plan her future? Harris sure thought so and tried to help Ava find a new career path. She admitted cooking was her passion so he wondered if she should go to culinary school. He believed in her and would be right by her side.

Steve (Stephen Nichols) and John (Drake Hogestyn) soon showed up at the door, so breakfast was quickly over. The men wanted to know if Clyde (James Read) told her anything that they could use to find him. She claimed she knew nothing, Harris backed her up, and there was nothing Steve or John could do except dig some more. Being a cop, Harris asked them not to take matters into their own hands. Of course, that was exactly what they planned to do.

After Steve left, John stayed behind to discuss Harris’s time recovering from a brainwashing in Bayview. Harris said he tried not to think about it but he was grateful that Marlena (Deidre Hall) helped him. John admitted something similar happened to him and worried that he was a ticking timebomb. He wondered if Harris felt the same way.

Harris tried to assure him that he felt confident now. It took him a long time to come to terms with the things he did, but a stint in Bayview helped. He advised John to tell himself every day, over and over again, that what he did was not his fault but instead the fault of the person who brainwashed him.

Steve And John Are Suspicious

Earlier, Steve and John met up at The Brady Pub, but Steve still couldn’t seem to find a location for Clyde. He should have known that Ava would double-cross them, but John understood that she just wanted to save Tripp (Lucas Adams) and Wendy (Victoria Grace). John also worried that Ava may know more than she has been letting on.

Steve wasn’t sure what was really going on. He knew she wanted Clyde to pay and wanted to stay clean, but he knew he couldn’t always trust her. Just when people think Ava is fine, he does something reckless and destructive, so why would things be different now?

When Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) found them talking, she demanded the men tell her what was going on. They wouldn’t tell her much and claimed they had to leave right away. Kayla was suspicious that they were keeping secrets from her.

As for Steve, he stopped by the hospital to see Kayla and made sure to bring flowers. She was not happy when he finally told her what really happened with Ava.

All About Konstantin

Konstantin (John Kapelos) found Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) staring at the portrait of Victor above the mantle. She told him that she was thinking of what a complicated past Victor had, but Konstantin advised her to only think of the present. All these months later, Maggie was still trying to process how someone like Victor and someone like Konstantin could have ever been friends.

Maggie explained how she loved Victor. He was her second half and her second chance at love after Mickey Horton died. A two-faced Konstantin wanted them both to remember the good side of Victor and not his darker side.

Julie soon arrived in the living room to interrupt their conversation. Konstantin made his exit to take his morning walk, so Julie just wanted to know if she walked in during a close moment. Maggie told Julie all about how Konstantin lost his daughter and admitted she had to dig deep into his feelings regarding who Victor was. Julie reminded Maggie that Doug had a colorful past, as well.

Theresa’s Still In Trouble

Alex was pleased to find a sexy Theresa sitting on her desk going over paperwork. He was also impressed with her performance at their latest status meeting. Brady was the next to stop by but he wanted to discuss Tate and Holly.

Theresa was shocked that Tate was already at the DiMera mansion that morning and Brady found him there when he went to talk to Nicole and EJ. Theresa couldn’t understand why Tate would even want to see a girl who got him in so much trouble and cost him months of his life. Theresa thought she was a handful of a teenager, but she was nothing like Holly and Tate.

Alex interrupted the conversation to make sure that Brady knew Theresa had moved back in with him. Alex was enthusiastic about it and Brady gave his blessing. Alex wasn’t so sure Brady was being sincere and was concerned by all his interest in her. He knew it had to go deeper than co-parenting but Brady denied the accusation.

Later, Theresa ran into Konstantin in Horton Square where he warned her to keep her mouth shut about the trick they were playing on Alex. Theresa assured Konstantin that she was still in the process of creating a slow burn with Alex.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekdays on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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