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DAYS Recap, May 1: Nicole And Eric’s Big Spectator Surprise

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DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, May 1: Nicole And Eric’s Big Spectator Surprise

Life is about to get interesting for Eric and Nicle.

On the May 1 episode of Days of our Lives, Eric and Sloan had another fight, Nicole reported for her first day at work, Leo got sad news, and Chanel got a shock.

Sloan’s Sad Act

Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) acted like her normal annoyed self as Eric (Greg Vaughan) tried getting Jude to sleep. Eric was even startled by her attitude when he shouldn’t have been. With righteous indignation, Sloan finally showed Eric all her financial records. She was going to be transparent (to a point). She even promised to not give Leo (Greg Rikaart) another dime ever.

But Eric wanted to know why she was giving Leo cash and knew it couldn’t have been out of the goodness of her heart. Sloan insisted that was it and she didn’t see any problems with helping out a friend. Eric accused her of trying to feel better about herself. Sloan then put on an act and said that Nicole once told her she felt she was never good enough for Eric and now Sloan felt the same way. She left the apartment saying that she needed space.

When Eric was once again alone with the baby, Chad (Billy Flynn) called and asked him to stop by the paper to talk about becoming a photographer. Eric headed right over and took the baby with him.

Leo’s Heartbreak

Leo delivered a basket to Chad that came from Paulina (Jackee Harry) as a small token of her appreciation. He then told Chad that he wanted to take the new reporter position but Chad had to tell him he had already given the job to Nicole (Arianne Zucker). Leo tried to live with the idea, but asked for a raise anyway.

He knew his gravy train with Sloan was ending soon. He also wanted to provide a comfortable life for Dimitri (Peter Porte). Chad suggested that Dimitri might want to actually get a job. Leo balked at the idea before stealing Chad’s snacks and lamenting the things that he now had to list on eBay.

Leo headed back to his room to see how he could make more money when Sloan showed up to have a little chat. She begged him to keep quiet about Jude because the baby meant everything to Eric. Leo reminded her that he didn’t owe her a thing. Sloan pointed out that Nicole and EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel) would be horrible parents for Jude. After all, look at what happened to Holly (Ashley Puzemis) and the drug overdose. Leo thought she had a point.

Leo was still sure that this whole thing was going to blow up in Sloan’s face so she may as well tell the truth now, but Sloan was not about to blow her cover. She had to make sure Eric never learned the truth about Jude if it was the last thing she ever did. Sloan even suggested that Dimitri and Leo should just leave town when Dimitri was free.

There were so many things they could do in New York or Los Angeles. Leo liked the idea but he needed to come in with some money first. He might have to sell some information to EJ. That was not what Sloan had in mind.

However, Leo got some bad news soon after. Dimitri had found someone else while in prison and wasn’t making his way back to Salem after all.

Spectator Drama

EJ made sure that Nicole had a proper breakfast on her first day of work at The Spectator. EJ finally came on board and was happy to see Nicole excited about something after all the tragedy she had been through. After some business calls, EJ wished Nicole luck and sent her on her way. EJ later had some banter with his secretary who claimed she worked for Stefano in the 80s. Hmmm…

Nicole also made it to work on her first day and Chad filled her in on the Paulina story. Chad wanted to know where she got the information on Paulina commandeering the snow plow. That caused Nicole to flash back to when EJ suggested the story to her. Back in his office, EJ lamented his complaints about the mayor to his secretary but she wasn’t sympathetic.

Back at the newspaper, Nicole claimed she heard the news in passing thanks to living in the same house as Johnny (Carson Boatman) and Chanel (Raven Bowens). Chad bought her story and asked her to tell him if he heard any more information. Nicole just wanted the story to be fair and honest as to not hurt Abe, who was like a father figure to her.

Finally, Eric showed up for the interview with Jude. He was surprised to see Nicole there and she was surprised to see the baby she knew deep inside was hers. Chad even offered Eric the job right on the spot.

Chanel’s Big News

Paulina and Johnny waited with Chanel in a hospital exam room. When Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) arrived, Chanel described her symptoms. Nausea, fatigue…Paulina immediately assumed it was radiation poisoning but Kayla wanted to run a few tests. Kayla asked the others to leave the room so she could examine Chanel. In the waiting room, Johnny tried to comfort a worried Paulina.

Chad called while Paulina waited to get a quote for the story he was working on but Paulina told him it wasn’t a good time. She hung up on Chad and told Johnny she thought she deserved bad press if she really did hurt Chanel. Paulina then asked Johnny to yell at her and tell her that Chanel’s problems were all her fault.

When Kayla tried to talk to Paulina and ask her to be patient as they awaited test results, Paulina was still a hot mess wondering how she could be patient when her daughter was sick because of her. Meanwhile, Johnny visited his wife and found her using Dr. Google to find out everything radiation poisoning did to the body. She was scared but didn’t want to show her fear to Paulina.

Finally, Kayla had the test results. Chanel didn’t have radiation poisoning. Instead, she was pregnant. However, due to the radiation exposure, this was considered a high-risk pregnancy.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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