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DAYS Recap, May 16: Sarah and Xander Are Engaged

Days of Our Lives

DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, May 16: Sarah and Xander Are Engaged

It was a very happy day for Xarah.

On the May 16 episode of Days of our Lives, Xander gets down on one knee, John and Marlena worry for Maggie, Steve gets big news, and Alex plays things two ways.

A Romantic Proposal

Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) returned home from work to find a box of cupcakes waiting for her, as well as a few other surprises. Xander (Paul Telfer) sent her on a scavenger hunt full of games and gifts until she finally found a box with a ring in it. Just as Sarah was ready to open the box, Xander walked into the room holding Victoria. The baby’s bib read, “Will you marry Daddy?”

Sarah was overcome with emotion as Xander got down on one knee and proposed. Sarah said she couldn’t accept the ring because it was too extravagant, but Xander wanted to spread some of that wealth that Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) was now throwing around. Eventually, Sarah relented and agreed to marry Xander — again.

Maggie Has an Idea

John (Drake Hogestyn) and Marlena (Deidre Hall) worried that Maggie giving money to almost everyone she knows might anger Konstantin (John Capelos) so they call her over. Maggie said she planned to do this months ago, but she also had an idea.

With Alex so focused on spending all his new money, he was not paying too much attention to what was going on at Titan. She felt this was a perfect opportunity to electronically move some money around and make it look like Konstantin was embezzling from the company. John and Marlena hoped her plan would work.

Alex Spends and Kinda Cheats

Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) and Theresa (Emily O’Brien) were walking through Horton Square where they ran into Konstantin. He suggested that Alex buy Theresa an engagement ring and they could have a double wedding. Alex countered and told Konstantin a racehorse would be arriving soon, so could he please let the stable hand know? He also wondered if they should change Kon’s living arrangements.

When Kon was gone, Alex presented Theresa with a diamond tennis bracelet and took her home to have sex. When she left the room later, he then called Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) and made a date for some more sex.

Steve is Intrigued

Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) made small talk over a meal at The Brady Pub until Jada (Elia Cantu) walked in. She sat with them as they discussed Clyde Weston (James Read). Jada insisted they had a lead on his whereabouts and how they would lure him out of hiding with Gil’s black book.

Steve’s ears later perked up when he heard that Li Shin’s (Remington Hoffman) blood was found on that book, along with Gil’s fingerprint.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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