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DAYS Recap, May 22: The Horton House is Back…And Exactly The Same

Days of Our Lives

DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, May 22: The Horton House is Back…And Exactly The Same

The Horton House hasn’t changed — at all.

On the May 22 episode of Days of our Lives, Doug and Julie were happy to go home, the prom became a hot topic, Maggie put her plan into action, and Chanel had a decision for Johnny.

Good News For Julie And Fam

Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) was thrilled when the builders called to tell her that the Horton House renovations were done and they could move back in. She and Chad (Billy Flynn) celebrated, then got Doug (Bill Hayes) and headed over to their old home. Chad lamented how he still felt the fire was all his fault, but Julie tried to comfort him.

She encouraged Chad to finally move on, even though he tried with Stephanie. She thought he deserved the best but he was still focused on Abby’s murder and what he found in that notebook that Nicole (Arianne Zucker) discovered.

Maggie’s Big Plan

Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) was not pleased when Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) told him she was giving Konstantin (John Capelos) office space at Titan. However, he was happy when she told him that Julie, Doug, Chad, and the kids were moving back into the house. That meant that the Kiriakis mansion would be calm enough for him now. Maggie was surprised to learn that Alex would be moving in — and that he bought a racehorse.

Later, Theresa (Emily O’Brien) was surprised when Alex asked her to move into the mansion with him.

Prom Dates…But What About Alex?

Theresa and Brady (Eric Martsolf) met up at The Brady Pub where she informed him that she and Alex were back together. Brady wanted to know what would happen with Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) and Alex, but Theresa didn’t much care. She reminded Brady that was all a ploy to make them jealous anyway. She also admitted that it worked on her end.

Talk then turned to the prom. It turned out that Theresa and Brady had both agreed to be chaperones, so they decided to also be one another’s dates.

In Horton Square, Aaron lamented that he had a whole plan to ask Holly (Ashley Puzemis) to prom with donuts but then Nicole refused to let her go. Tate asked Aaron to be a third wheel with him and Sophia, but later confessed that it was all about Holly since they were secretly still together.

Chanel Knows What She Wants

Johnny (Carson Boatman) made sure that Chanel (Raven Bowens) had sweets for breakfast as she assured him she was fine and wanted to treat this like a normal pregnancy. Chanel’s friend (and Aaron’s sister) Felicity (Kennedy Garcia) soon came by to offer Chanel some challah bread. All the teens arrived as talk turned to the prom once again.

Johnny then got a phone call about a job that wanted him to relocate to Los Angeles, but he didn’t tell Chanel about it. Instead, he was supportive and compassionate when she told him she wanted to go ahead with the pregnancy and keep their baby.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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