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DAYS Recap, May 3: EJ Confronts Sloan With Her Lies

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DAYS Recaps

DAYS Recap, May 3: EJ Confronts Sloan With Her Lies

Secrets and lies permeate throughout Salem.

On the May 3 episode of Days of our Lives, EJ heard some shocking truths, Sloan told some half-truths, and Eric didn’t want to face the truth.

EJ Hears (Some Of) The Truth

EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel) was disgusted when a drunk Leo (Greg Rikaart) showed up at his front door. He did his best to get rid of Leo, but Leo had something to say. EJ tried to get him to just spill but Leo wanted money first and he wanted it up front. Leo offered a teaser first because EJ didn’t want to hand out cash for nothing in return so Leo told him this all had to do with someone very close to him.

Leo was surprised when EJ immediately guessed this had something to do with Nicole (Arianne Zucker). Leo told him it did and EJ worried that something was going wrong at The Spectator. He then brought up his love for The Beetles and the song Hey Jude and the fact that Paul McCartney wrote it for John Lennon’s son Julian, but changed it to Jude because he likes the name better.

That made EJ’s ears perk up so he asked for more info. Leo then told EJ he was a father to three children and not two. Suddenly, it all started to make sense for EJ and he asked more questions. It took EJ a while but he finally told EJ that his son didn’t die, not knowing that Jude was not EJ’s son. EJ was stunned, of course, and didn’t want to believe Leo, but he eventually realized the smarmy little man was telling the truth.

EJ wanted to know why he kept this a secret all along and Leo just told him — he was blackmailing Sloan and living the high life. Now, Leo wanted payment for his information but EJ wasn’t about to give him a penny.

Sloan Tells Another Lie

Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) was disturbed when she found Eric (Greg Vaughan) and Nicole walking through Horton Square taking care of Jude as if they were his parents. (They are!) Sloan stepped in and as soon as Nicole saw her, she made a hasty retreat. Eric now had to listen to Sloan’s questions about what was going on.

They took their discussion back home where Sloan learned that Nicole and Eric were now working together at The Spectator. Sloan was horrified and accused Eric and Nicole of locking eyes with one another and wanting to be together. Eric countered that an angry Sloan walked out and he wasn’t even sure if she was coming back.

That just made Sloan even more outraged. How could Eric think she was going to abandon her son? Sloan admitted she was hurt by his words when she was only trying to help Leo. Eric apologized for not being more trusting or forgiving. He wanted to be a better husband so Sloan told him he could start by believing her. Eric said he believed her for the most part, but didn’t buy that she was paying for Leo’s stuff out of the goodness of her heart.

She finally admitted that Leo was blackmailing her but lied about why, telling Eric that he found out some things about her past. Eric was furious and headed straight to Leo’s hotel room to confront him.

Some Fallout For Eric And Sloan

When Eric got to Leo’s room, Leo was so drunk that he promptly passed out. Eric did his best to wake him up but all Leo could do was babble at this point. He also had to vomit so Eric handed him a trash can and didn’t get the answers he wanted. Leo just lamented his Dimitri heartbreak and Eric actually felt sympathetic.

After Eric left, Sloan got Jude to sleep and all was calm until EJ started banging on the door. He screamed at Sloan that he knew the truth about Jude and demanded that she hand over his son.

That’s when Sloan was forced to get real and tell EJ that Leo was only half-right with his confession.

Marlena Councils Holly And Nicole

A bored Holly (Ashley Puzemis) sat in her room doing homework but couldn’t help taking little breaks to text with Tate (Leo Howard). She missed him and he missed her even more. How sweet. Nicole soon dropped in to check on her daughter but Holly was having a ton of trouble focusing on math. She had an energy drink but it did no good.

When Holly noticed her hands shaking, Nicole was concerned due to all the caffeine she was consuming, but also because of Holly’s mental health issues. Holly was a complete mess and didn’t know what to do. But Nicole knew. She called Marlena (Deidre Hall) over to have a talk with Holly. Marlena gave her some deep breathing techniques to use and they worked.

When Holly was feeling better, Nicole spent some time alone with Marlena. She admitted that she just couldn’t stop blaming herself for Holly’s problems. She also told her that she didn’t tell EJ about the fact that she was working with Eric.

Kon Cons John

Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) was happy to welcome John (Drake Hogestyn) and Marlena because she had some news for them that they needed to hear. She was going to marry Konstantin (John Kapelos) but was surprised when John and Marlena didn’t show much enthusiasm for this idea.

She explained the marriage was in name only because Kon’s visa was expiring and she wanted to keep him in the country. She had a pre-nup drawn up and Kon signed it so this would be just fine. Besides, she felt like she owed him because of how he treated her after she lost Victor.

Soon, Kon walked into the living room and put on a happy face, praising Maggie for her generosity in marrying him. They wanted to get married right away but Kon admitted he had some things to take care of first. He just didn’t mention what those things were but he did ask to speak with John privately. Maggie and Marlena left the room to make that happen.

Kon whipped out that tarot card again so John would do whatever he asked. He demanded that John break into the safe and get his hands on that pre-nup so he could bilk Maggie out of all her money. As John tried to do what Kon wanted, Maggie arrived and wanted to get something out of the safe, so Kon had to distract her.

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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