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DAYS Spoilers, June 6: Theresa and Brady Hook Up

Days of Our Lives

DAYS Spoilers

DAYS Spoilers, June 6: Theresa and Brady Hook Up

Theresa and Brady surprise themselves.

On the June 6 episode of Days of our Lives, spoilers tease a new start for Theresa and Brady, an end for Kristen and Alex, and absolute shock for Chad.

Throwing Caution To The Wind

Now that Theresa (Emily O’Brien) knows all about Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) and Kristen (Stacy Haiduk), she is rethinking her entire relationship with the fake Kiriakis heir. Yes, she wants all that money that doesn’t really belong to Alex but she also can’t handle the idea of him being with another woman.

To that end, when she and Brady (Eric Martsolf) start talking, her ex looks more and more appealing. Since Brady has been a lonely man of late, Theresa also looks appealing to him. Then, one thing leads to another and they fall into bed. What will happen after that?

She’s Just Not Into You

Meanwhile, Alex is willing to see where this thing with Kristen leads him and pays her another visit at the Kiriakis mansion wondering if she wants to go on a real date.

Imagine his surprise when Kristen tells him she’s not really into him that way and is just seeing him for the sex. That is what he told Marlena (Deidre Hall) but he didn’t want to believe it was true.

Chad’s Disbelief

Chad (Billy Flynn) is sure that Clyde (James Read) must be lying when he blurts out that his beloved Abigail is still alive. That can’t be. Dr. Rolf said there was nothing they could do after she was stabbed.

But Clyde has a different tale to tell and Chad wonders if Clyde is worth listening to after all. Did a miracle occur? Is that why Chad has not been able to move on?

Don’t forget to stream new episodes of Days of our Lives each weekday on Peacock starting at 6 AM EST.

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