General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap – April 10, 2024 – Nina and Drew make an uneasy alliance, Jason is not giving up the business
Nina and Drew deal with the aftermath of sleeping together while Laura and Kevin contemplate parenthood.

As Nina gets up off the floor and is rebuttoning her clothes, she accuses Drew of planning their encounter. Drew reminds her that she started it. Nina thinks he has been thinking about it and he says he has been fantasizing about her losing all of her money. Looks, and getting sent to prison like she sent him.

Carly puts an ice pack on Cates’ head and talks about the mugging. He complains that the mugging didn’t kill him, but the ice might. Carly is appalled that the ice machine on their floor is broken. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal. She asks the FBI knows that he would spill his guts because of a couple of ice cubes. She offers him vodka as she insists that when she owned the hotel the ice machines would have been maintained. He is grateful for her help. She confides in him that she went to nursing school but never finished and the training was good. Carly wants to call for medical assistance. He refuses.
Laura is getting the hang of Ace’s bedroom routine. Kevin is distracted reading his tablet.

Kristina and Blaze are watching a movie. Blaze is worried that Kristina is not okay with her being the Face of Deception and talks about how her mother inserted the privacy clause in every contract and Natalia makes it a deal breaker. Kristina differentiates between Blaze and Ali. Ali is her girlfriend and out to their families and friends. She is fine with it. Blaze seems uncomfortable with it.
Curtis painstakingly walks into his bedroom. Portia sees him walking and is thrilled. He settles on the edge of the bed. He praises Portia for her support and is grateful to her for pushing him to recover. He stands shakily and kisses her.
Ava can’t sleep.

Jason and Sonny face off over the warehouse. Sonny asks if he is taking it back. Jason asserts that he never gave it up. Angry, Sonny tells Jason that he abandoned the warehouse for two years and lost the right to take it back. He doesn’t want to see Jason anywhere near his business.
Portia is proud of Curtis for not giving up. Curtis thought about it and was worried about how Trina would feel if he had given up. Curtis says he is a father, a husband and a son, it’s not about him anymore. Portia adds lover to the list. She doesn’t want to waste his efforts. They kiss.
Cates thanks Carly for the ice saying it killed off his nerves. He wants Carly to go home and Carly is concerned he has a concussion. He needs supervision. When he refuses the hospital, she settles in to be the one who wakes him up and save him from himself.
Nina asks if Drew regrets sleeping together as much as she does. They redress. Drew doesn’t regret it. Suggests it is better than poison. She doesn’t see the difference. Nina pushes him to add her to the board of Aurora and that their fling can be considered a down payment for appointment to the board. Drew reminds her that her value to Aurora begins and ends with Crimson. Nina wants to use his relationships with Willow and Michael to get her back in their good graces. He teases her that 45 minutes on the office floor is not enough to sway him. He wants more to help her.

Nina recaps her disastrous attempt to help with the Anniversary dinner and was humiliated. Drew calls her out on making their dinner about her. Nina implies that she was weak when she came to Drew and he should sympathize with her. Drew says he will never do that. She says he took advantage. He reminds her that taking advantage is her ‘stock and trade.’ He calls her out because why would she celebrate their marriage when she hates Michael? Suggests dinner was to get Sonny’s attention with her generosity. Nina attempts to slap him when he asks if Sonny knows she is pining for him. He catches her hand. Laughing, he took that as a yes.

Cates asks Carly what time it is. She says almost midnight. He tries to send her home, again. Carly drapes a blanket over to him as she tells him she will drop him off at GH on her way home. He argues with her, but Carly isn’t stupid. Cate insists he got mugged. She realizes that the hospital would ask him uncomfortable questions. Carly accuses him of tracking Jason.
Jason understands why Sonny wouldn’t want him to be in his organization. Sonny can’t trust him and says so. Jason argues that if he was going to give information to the feds, he would have done it two years ago. He is protecting Sonny. Snapping at Jason, he insists he doesn’t need protection. Sonny threatens that if Jason doesn’t remove himself, Sonny will remove him.

Laura worries about how small Ace’s family is and that he may never know his siblings. Kevin reminds her that Heather is her grandmother. Laura lets him know that the transfer to the prison in California was canceled because of her medical condition. Heather is staying at Pentonville for the foreseeable future. Kevin believes that Heather has chemically induced sycosis and it could change things.
Nina demands that Drew keep their affair quiet. Drew doesn’t want to brag about hate sex with Nina on his office floor. He taunts Nina that Sonny isn’t thinking about her at all. He suggests Sonny is preoccupied with Jason and Ava.

Ava hunts for sleeping pills in Sonny’s bedroom and finds his bipolar medication. One of the side effects is drowsiness.
Jason assures Sonny that he is not a threat. He can keep his organization. All Jason wants is his half of the coffee business. Sonny wants the truth about the Feds. Jason said he told him what he could which Sonny thinks is nothing. He pressures Jason that if he wants to run the business with Sonny, he has to trust him and he wants an explanation.
Jason was picked up on Cassadine Island, taken to Quantico and offered a deal; become an informant. He says the feds didn’t want him to inform on Sonny because he never would. The Feds asked him to inform on someone else and he can’t tell anyone because it’s part of the deal he made. Sonny asks if part of the deal was to take a shot at him. Jason lets him know that if he had taken the shot, he would not have missed.
Ava takes Sonny’s medication after warning herself that self-medicating with someone else’s meds is a bad idea. She takes one. Remembers how much she drinks and downs another.

Kristina and Blaze discuss Natalia’s career and parenting styles and how she is super strict. Natalia crossed the line a few times when she was young, so she doesn’t want Blaze to make the same mistakes. Kristina thinks it worked and compliments Blaze on her life and career. She gives credit to her mother but wants trust to live her own life like Kristina’s parents do. Kristina is triggered by that and Blaze asks what she said wrong.
Portia brings Curtis a folder he was looking for. She says with PT he will be running up and down the stairs in no time. Portia gets distracted. He asks what she’s worried about the bills. She says those are all his bills. Brook Lynn asked for a private event for Blaze. He teases that he will make them sweat before he says yes. Asks her what’s wrong.
Portia is worried because she overheard Kevin and Alexis discussing using a pre-existing condition to overturn a conviction. Portia is afraid they are going to use Heather’s metal poisoning to reopen her case and set Heather free.
Cates says to Carly that she’s getting warmer. Carly plays along and guesses he is tracking Diane Miller. He offers her a cigar. She counters by accepting an expensive glass of wine. She thinks getting beat up isn’t generally a mood booster and makes him fun. He thanks her and says they she doesn’t know him well enough because he is fun.
Curtis argues against the idea that Heather will be freed. She committed multiple homicides. Curtis says we are stronger than ever, and he will do whatever it takes to make her feel secure, safe, and loved. She asks him to prove that he will do whatever it takes.

Kevin did a deep dive into toxicology and abnormal behavior. Kevin thinks it is not without medical and legal precedent for Heather’s case to be overturned. Laura thinks the reaction to Heather going free would be outrage for the town and especially for her victims. They would need to prove that Heather was victimized and if true it would be wrong not to give her a second chance. Kevin would like to see her redeemed, not released, but rehabilitated for Ace. He also wants to do it as penance after he lied and said Ryan was dead, resulting in Ryan’s escape. If not for Ryan, Heather would not have gotten free. Spencer and Esme would still be alive. Laura reminds him that Ace wouldn’t be here.
Kristina is is worried about her dad and knows he has a dark side. She believes Nina was good for him. And since Ava moved in—Blaze believed that was temporary and so did Kristina.

Nina pushes back against Drew’s assertion that Ava is there to be close to Sonny. She explains to him that Ava is there for security reasons. He is skeptical. Nina continues to dress while demanding Drew help her plead her case to Michael and Willow. Drew thinks Michael is a lot cause after she lied about Sonny’s death and the suit for Wiley. He suggests Willow has the softer heart. After his prison stint and almost being beaten to death, Drew wants Nina to make it worth his while.

Jason insists that Port Charles is his home. The coffee business is half his. Jason tells Sonny that he can do whatever illegal activities he wants away from the warehouse. Sonny threatens to kill him. Jason scoffs. He reminds Sonny that the cops would go right to him. Sonny is frustrated and says he needs protection from Jason. He calls him a traitor. Seeing that Sonny is working himself up, Jason yells stop. He draws close to Sonny and asks him softly if he is taking his meds.

Nina asks about the cost of Drew’s allyship. He suggests she gets creative. He asks her to sew the buttons back on the shirt she ruined. She tosses it back at him and storms out. Drew smiles.
Carly returns to the room with a bucket of ice. She rambles about how the hotel used to be great and he insists it’s a good hotel. Asks him under what other circumstances is he fun. Lying flat on the couch, he hugs the blanket and admits he has said way too much already. She reminds him that she has experience keeping quiet. When she turns around, he is asleep. She settles in to keep watch.

Portia enters in pink lingerie. Curtis reminds her that they never had a honeymoon. He wants to fix that as soon as possible. They kiss, passionately.

Kevin and Laura agree that raising a baby was not on their bucket list. Kevin insists that they are not ready to retire. Laura says Ace has given more life. Kevin calls Ace another unexpected miracle in their lives. They call themselves lucky and settle on the couch together.
Kristina thinks it’s weird that Ava is there despite security reasons. Blaze asks if Ava has done anything. Kristina thinks Ava is slithering into a position of power and making herself indispensable to him, and he likes it.
Ava scoffs at the medication saying it causes drowsiness. She still can’t sleep. She wonders if they don’t help him sleep, what do they do?

Sonny insists he takes meds every day and he is not having a breakdown. He believes Jason is not who he thought he was. Jason reiterates that he is not Sonny’s enemy, and he doesn’t want trouble. He will stay out of his way. Sonny tells him that he better stay out of his way or he will end him.