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GH Recap April 11: Nina Catches Carly, Alexis Gets Good News

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GH Recaps

GH Recap April 11: Nina Catches Carly, Alexis Gets Good News

Plus, Brook Lynn and Chase set a new honeymoon destination while Drew has a proposition for Curtis. T.J. voices his concerns and Anna grills Valentin.

Chase’s Surprise for Brook Lynn

At the Quartermaine mansion, Brook Lynn frets to Lois about Lila’s dress and the alterations. Lois assures her that the dress will be beautiful and that Brook Lynn will look beautiful in it. A designer arrives and unveils the new dress, much to Brook Lynn’s delight. Later, Lois gushes about how incredible Brook Lynn looked in the dress.

Brook Lynn suggests Lois try on her ‘mother of the bride’ dress. When Lois reappears with the dress on, Brook Lynn is less than enthused. Lois pushes Brook Lynn for her honest opinion. Brook Lynn admits that the conservative-looking attire is not really Lois’ style. Lois thinks she should dress more respectably and less outrageously because as the bride’s mother. Brook Lynn wants Lois to be herself, but draws the line when Lois jokingly suggests a dress with a plunging neckline.

Chase arrives, to Brook Lynn’s surprise, and he and Lois share a knowing look. Brook Lynn demands to know what is going on. Chase shows off the present he brought: a dress designed for their honeymoon. Brook Lynn loves it but notes it has long sleeves.

Chase announces their honeymoon destination has changed. After some prodding from Brook Lynn, he reveals their new trip will be to Florence, Italy. Brook Lynn is over the moon because she always wanted to go but worries about the expenses. Chase assures her that he has it covered because he sold his truck.

Anna’s Questions for Valentin

Anna joins Valentin at the Metro Court. After they exchange pleasantries, she asks for his help on the Pikeman case. Valentin covers his discomfort with the topic as Anna updates him on Dante’s shooting and Pikeman’s possible involvement. She believes that since Valentin had recently worked with the group, he might have information about the “ultra-secretive ghost” that was now running Pikeman.

Valentin claims his association with the group ended after he brought the offer of working together with Pikeman to Sonny. Undeterred, Anna asks about Jack Brennan. Valentin hedges about knowing Brennan well and says he only has second-hand knowledge of Brennan’s rise through the WSB ranks. Anna is unconvinced because she remembers Valentin and Brennan being competitive friends when they were all in training together.

Valentin insists he was not part of the cool kids group like Anna and Brennan were. He continues that he never said more than 10 words to Brennan. Anna presses forward and inquires about Valentin’s time with Brennan when they both worked for Pikeman. Valentin still doesn’t give up any information, so Anna says she’ll just have to get intel from Brennan when she visits him at the prison again. Valentin warns her against the idea and leaves.

Marshall’s Advice for T.J.

Marshall meets with T.J. in the park and wonders why his grandson is spending time with him rather than Molly. T.J. confesses that their work schedules are making it hard to have quality time and that he’s hesitant to bring up his concerns about the surrogacy when Molly and him are together. Marshal gets T.J. to open up about his worries that Kristina will not be able to separate herself from the baby because she is Molly’s sister and will always be a part of the child’s life. T.J. blames himself for not voicing his fears more strongly to Molly because he wanted a quick fix to make her happy.

Marshall prods T.J. about holding something back. T.J. reveals he’s also worried about Kristina not taking care of herself. She’s not staying away from stressful situation and still hanging around her dangerous father, T.J. clarifies. Marshall agrees it’s a complicated situation and assures T.J. it’s human to want an easy solution. T.J. realizes it’s too late to go back now. Marshall encourages him to focus on the present and his relationship with Molly—before they become parents. He suggests T.J. make a dinner for Molly as a start.

Molly’s Welcome News for Alexis

At the Invader office, Alexis and Nina argue about gossip columnist DeWitt’s new publishing role at the paper. Alexis believes Nina gave DeWitt more power to piss her off. Nina defends the decision, saying DeWitt brings more readership. Alexis threatens to quit, and Nina shoots back, “There’s the door.”

Nina backs off and says Alexis and her should work together. She claims that while she respects Alex, DeWitt is staying and then leaves. Molly passes her and asks Alexis what is wrong. Alexis vents to her daughter about Nina and her frustrations with the paper. Molly mentions that she came to see Alexis because of an article in the paper about Heather’s potential new trial.

Molly wants to know who the anonymous source for the article was because Molly believed she would be blamed at work for leaking the information. Alexis reminds Molly that she cannot reveal a source, and eventually Molly relents, agreeing with Alexis. Before she leaves, Molly notices an envelope addressed to Alexis from the New York Supreme Court.

Alexis believes the letter is about her appeal for her law license, but she is afraid to open the envelope. Molly opens it instead, and Alexis quickly interjects that she knows it’s bad news. Molly smiles and says the court has granted Alexis a hearing. A surprised Alexis clarifies they are giving her a hearing. Molly adds, “They are giving you hope.” The two share a hug.

Nina’s Unwelcome Intrusion for Carly

Carly wakes up from her sleeping spot in the chair of John’s room. He grouses that she woke him up every couple of hours but thanks her for the help. When John goes to take a shower, Carly orders room service but is displeased to learn it was left outside the door. John comes back in a towel, and Carly examines his bruises. He remarks that the water was cold, which further enrages Carly.

Carly complains about the service going downhill at the hotel as she opens the door. Just then, Nina strolls by and spots a towel-clad John in the background. She smirks and asks Carly if she had a fun night. Nina then pokes Carly about what Sonny and Jason would think about Carly’s dalliance with an FBI agent.

Carly complains about the room service. Nina, still smiling, tells Carly to enjoy her stay and leaves. When an irritated Carly reenters the room, John cracks, “Friend of yours?” Carly rolls her eyes and reiterates how important quality service is to her.

When John brings up Bobbie’s, Carly admits that while she enjoys working there she misses the full customer service experience she got to do at the hotel. John sympathizes and wonders if Carly might not end up back at the Metro Court.

As she prepares to leave, John thanks Carly again and says it was nice to be her friend, if only for a minute. She chides him if he is allowed to have friends, but he doesn’t answer. She speculates that he might be afraid to divulge confidential information. Carly heads off, but not before jokingly hinting that he might have divulged something in his sleep. John smiles as he watches her go.

Nina’s Revelation for Drew and Michael

Drew is pleased when Curtis walks into his office without assistance. He congratulates Curtis on his remarkable recovery, and the two are soon joined by Michael. Drew announces the meeting can begin. After a brief talk about Jason, Curtis asks about the subject of the meeting. Drew says he wants Aurora to diversify into the wellness and fitness sector.

Michael and Drew need someone to spearhead the effort that has management skills and that has personal experience with fitness and health….someone like Curtis. They ask Curtis for ideas about expansion. Curtis suggests purchasing small gyms across the country and transforming them into all-inclusive training and fitness centers that focus on every aspect of wellness.

Nina bursts into the meeting, blurting out to Drew that he won’t believe what Carly did now. She realizes that they are in a meeting, but before she can leave, Michael asks what Nina was going to say about his mother. Nina gleefully informs the gathered group that Carly spent the night with “everyone’s favorite FBI agent” John Cates.

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