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GH Recap-April 12, 2024: Lucy Bombs, Diane Makes Nina an Offer

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-April 12, 2024: Lucy Bombs, Diane Makes Nina an Offer

Plus, Gregory and Tracy advise Alexis and Brook Lynn, respectively. Sasha and Drew consider next steps.

Lucy’s Gamble

On the set of Home & Heart, Lucy and Maxie are preparing for a segment on a Deception facial cream. Haven approaches and remarks about Sasha no longer being the spokesperson. She wonders where Blaze–the new Face of Deception–is, but Maxie informs her that Lucy will be doing the segment. Haven is skeptical and says she’ll need to talk it over with her team.

Maxie asks Lucy why she is trying to take the gig on herself. Lucy counters by asking Maxie why she doesn’t have faith in her. Maxie complains about Sasha quitting and blames Lucy. Maxie claims that the audience trusts and likes Sasha and that they have a connection with her. Lucy reminds Maxie that Sasha quit and was not fired, and Lucy has confidence that she (as the founder of Deception and a former host for the Nurses’ Ball) can sell the products.

Maxie and Lucy continue to bicker about Lucy leaving Maxie out of major decisions when Maxie has just as much of a stake in the company as Lucy. Maxie’s friendship with Brook Lynn is also brought into the argument. They eventually agree that they both want what’s best for Deception. When Haven comes back wanting to cancel the appearance, Maxie advocates for Lucy and Deception, and Haven reluctantly agrees to go forward.

After the cameras begin rolling, Lucy initially appears at ease but soon starts babbling about her prior jobs. As she rambles about being in police custody and missing the last Nurses’ Ball, Maxie looks on in horror.

Sasha’s Second Thoughts

At the stables, Sasha tends to a horse. Cody comes in and inquires about her job search. She tells him she’s applied everywhere, but no luck yet. Sasha wants a job that won’t focus on her looks and appearance. They talk receptionist jobs, but Cody notes Sasha would be over-qualified. He reminds her that as much as he enjoys her company, she won’t be happy hanging around the stables long-term.

Sasha sighs and remarks that her money is running low. She wonders if she made a mistake leaving Deception. Ultimately, she thinks she did the right thing and now needs to find her passion. Cody tells her to let him know when she decides what she wants. They joke about Haven seeing Sasha in her stable clothes and share a laugh.

Tracy’s Words of Wisdom

At the Quartermaine estate, Brook Lynn is ending a call about an electric truck when Tracy arrives. Tracy is curious as to why Brook Lynn is talking trucks instead of limos for her upcoming wedding. Brook Lynn explains about Chase selling his truck to pay for the couple’s honeymoon. She wants to give him an electric truck as a wedding present and assures Tracy they can afford it. “You can afford it,” Tracy corrects.

Tracy reminds Brook Lynn that Chase is a traditional guy who wants to feel as if he is bringing value into the marriage. He wanted to sacrifice something important for Brook Lynn as a romantic gesture, Tracy believes, and if Brook Lynn bought him a truck he would feel that the sacrifice was meaningless. Tracy gently encourages Brook Lynn to remember that Chase comes from a different background and has a different view of money than Brook Lynn does.

Tracy then talks about how money ruined some of her relationships. Brook Lynn and she discuss the complicated and often ill-fated romances of the Quartermaine family. Brook Lynn worries Chase and her are destined for the same fate. Tracy says that even though she kissed—and married—many frogs, she eventually found her prince in Luke. She calls their marriage a true partnership of equals in the end.

Brook Lynn thinks Tracy was lucky, and Tracy believes Brook Lynn is lucky to have found a partner like Chase. The two share a warm hug, and Tracy heads off for a horse-riding session.

Gregory’s Encouragement

Alexis meets Gregory at the Metro Court. Alexis says she misses Gregory at the Invader, but Gregory knows it was the right time to move on. She also apologizes for backing out of going with Gregory to the wedding. He is surprised but happy for her when she explains the reason: a hearing to reinstate her law license.

Alexis expresses her doubts to Gregory, including her worries that she might relapse with alcohol if the hearing doesn’t go well. Gregory relates how people are always suggesting different treatments and approaches for him after they discover he has a terminal illness. Despite what everyone else thinks, Gregory tries to stick with self-belief. He asks Alexis if she believes she can be a good lawyer again.

Alexis believes she can but tries to remind herself that appeals like hers are typically rejected. Gregory affirms he has enough faith for both of them. He smiles at Alexis, saying he hopes he can see her back in action one day. She smiles back. “So do I,” she says.

Drew’s Vow

Nina continues to spill the details about what she believes happened with Carly and Agent Cates at the Aurora offices. Both Michael and Curtis are hesitant to believe it. Drew tries to blow off Nina’s words by claiming Carly and Cates are adults with a right to privacy. Nina chides Drew, asking if it’s painful to know how quickly Carly got over him. Curtis scolds Nina about her outburst but tells her goodbye before she leaves.

After everyone else has left, Curtis is sorry for Drew and calls Nina’s actions out-of-line. Curtis is surprised by Drew and Carly’s breakup, as Drew hadn’t mentioned it to him. Drew reminds Curtis that he’s had a lot of his own problems and issues, and Drew didn’t want to burden him with more.

Drew tells Curtis that he knew the relationship with Carly was over the moment Jason returned because Carly would always put Jason first. Curtis is shocked that Drew is the one who ended things, but Drew counters that he wants a solid and lasting relationship like Curtis and Portia have.

Their talk turns to Nina. While Curtis can’t believe what Nina just did, he thinks she’s still hurting over Sonny and wants Drew to take it easy with her. Drew assures Curtis that Nina and he have come to a mutual understanding.

Carly and Jason’s Disagreement

After leaving the meeting, Michael encounters Carly at the Metro Court bar. Carly is frustrated but not surprised when Michael tells her about Nina’s intrusion. She quickly clarifies what actually happened with Agent Cates to Michael. Carly wants to know how Drew and Michael handled Nina’s news, and Michael assures her they’re both okay.

Michael does wonder how Carly feels about helping the man who is going after Jason. Carly shrugs it off, claiming Agent Cates will never find anything on Jason.

Diane attends a meeting with Jason at the coffee warehouse. Jason immediately gets to the point and asks Diane how much money it will take him to buy Nina’s half of the Metro Court. Diane correctly assumes Jason wants to give the hotel back to Carly but warns him that Nina will have a high asking price. She also fills Jason in on the previous efforts of Oliva, Nina, Sonny, and Michael to help Carly get the hotel back.

Diane thinks Carly will say no again because she wants to secure the hotel on her own. Jason tells Diane to let him worry about Carly’s reaction. Diane expresses confidence in her negotiating abilities and asks Jason about signing some papers. Carly walks in with said papers, and Diane leaves to see Nina.

Carly tells Jason she wanted to see him and adds that she’s done something he won’t like. She updates him on Agent Cates’ beating and how she intervened. Jason indeed doesn’t like that she took a risk by getting out of the car to confront muggers. Carly says she’s not sure it was a mugging and suggests Sonny ordered the beating.

Jason doesn’t think Sonny would take a chance by going after an FBI agent, but Carly reminds him Sonny has been more careless and reckless lately. She also talks about the contentious past relationship between Sonny and the agent. Jason believes Carly should stay out of it. Carly counters that it will be impossible because Nina saw her in a compromising position with Cates and will likely tell Sonny and the entire town.

Nina’s Deal

Nina enters the Crimson offices and instructs her assistant not to accept Drew Cain’s calls. She sits down at her desk and calls someone at the Metro Court. Nina rolls her eyes that Olivia is still complaining about the paint alterations and demands the person on the phone do something about the lacking room service.

When Diane blows past the receptionist, Nina quickly ends the call. Diane pronounces that a client of hers wants to buy Nina’s half of the hotel for three percent above the asking price. Nina asks about the client’s identity, and Diane confirms it’s Jason Morgan. Smirking, Nina swiftly assesses that Jason wants to buy the hotel for Carly.

Nina’s assistant comes in with a document for Nina to sign. Diane notes that Nina must be busy juggling so many responsibilities, so why waste her time worrying about towels and other mundane hotel business? The two banter back and forth on the price. Nina wants 15 percent above the asking price, and Diane counters with four percent.

Nina gives Diane a nine percent take-it-or-leave-it deal but claims she still hasn’t decided to sell. Diane demurs that the offer could be revoked at any time. Nina thinks if Jason really wants to bargain, he can wait.

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