General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap April 15: Lucy host Heart & Home and Ava sends Sonny’s drugs to get tested.
Lucy hosts a a Deception segment on Home & Heart. Carly and Jason discuss Dex and Sonny.

Carly is in Jason’s office at the coffee warehouse. She insists that she did not sleep with Cates but that doesn’t matter because Nina will tell Sonny she did. Jason responds, “copy that,” and Carly teases him because she has never heard him say that before. Jason thinks Sonny will believe her because he loves her. Carly doesn’t think Sonny loves her anymore.

Ava enters Nina’s office at Crimson. Maddison greets her. Nina is out. While Ava waits in her office, she pulls a baggie with one of Sonny’s pills. She flashes back to her finding the pills in Sonny’s bathroom and the warning, ‘may cause drowsiness.’ She calls Applied Analytical about medication, pretending to be Sonny’s wife. She asks the lab if she sent a pill could they test and tell her what prescription and what strength it was. They can. She is going to messenger the pill to them.

The Heart & Home segment is a unmitigated disaster. Lucy gets on camera and cannot stop talking about her time as host of the Nurse’s Ball. Haven attempts to get her back on track to the Deception face cream. She fails. Lucy continues to talk about herself.

Off stage, Brook Lynn and Maxie freak out about how much of a train wreck it is. Maxie tells Brook Lynn that she has called in the cavalry. On stage, Lucy talks about how she founded Deception in the 90s.
Gregory shows up at the Quartermaine’s and runs into Lois. He is there to discuss the wedding with Brooke Lynn. Lois offers her help instead.
Anna is sitting at her desk at the PCPD with a list of potential suspects, including Brennan, Pikeman, and Valentin. She draws a large ‘?’ next to Valentin’s name. A bruised Cates enters. She wants to know what happened to him.
The Home & Heart segment continues with Lucy droning on about the 90s. Haven again tries to reel her in with a story about the hole in the ozone layer to drag the segment back to the face cream. Lucy snatches the cream, ignores Haven’s attempted segue, and is back to bragging about creating Deception. Brook Lynn is grateful for Haven’s attempts to salvage the segment. Scotty shows up. He is the cavalry. On stage, Haven is attempting to get Lucky to put the face cream on. Scotty interrupts. Lucy welcomes him. He asks about the cream. She talks about Scott at the Nurse’s Ball. Scotty uncomfortable on camera. Maxie concedes defeat. Brook Lynn rushes off to get help.

Tracy appears in Cody’s barn/apartment. She wants to take her horse for a ride. Cody says there was an issue with the saddle. Tracy is upset about the saddle and threatens to fire him.

Lois asks what’s worrying Gregory. She thinks it might be his entree choice for the wedding. He can’t get a word in edgewise as she moves on to asking him the length of his wedding speech for timing.

Jason cannot believe that after everything they have been through that Sonny and Carly don’t love each other anymore. Carly protests that Nixon Falls changed everything. Sonny felt betrayed by Carly and Jason’s marriage, and blames everyone except Nina for what happened to all of their lives. When Jason went missing, Carly was devastated but she insists that Sonny went on as if he didn’t care.

Cody asks if Tracy is done threatening him. Sasha has repaired/conditioned the saddle. Tracy is thrilled. Demands that Cody put the saddle on the horse. Cody thanks Sasha’s hind end.

Cates says ‘by all appearances’ he was the victim of a mugging. Neither he nor Anna believe was mugged. Anna believes it was an orchestrated attack, possibly by Sonny since it happened near the waterfront about a block from Corinthos Coffee. She demands to know why he was snooping around there.

Carly retells the story of Sonny pressuring her to show up at the Haunted Star when their marriage was strained. He gave her an ultimatum. When she was an hour late, she walked in on Sonny with Nina in bed. That led to a huge fight between them, and Carly asked for a divorce. She says she no longer cares about Sonny’s thoughts or feelings.
Sasha asks Cody if Tracy knows she can’t fire Cody? Amused, Cody says he knows. Before he goes, Cody tells Sasha to use her time while he was saddling the horse to fill out all the job applications she has been ignoring. Sasha decides to clean the tack room instead.
Brook Lynn calls Lois. Gregory is flustered. He has no final draft of his speech yet. Lois wants a copy so she can time in the food output from the kitchen. Lois presses how crucial it is on a stressed out Gregory. Lois answers her phone for Brook Lynn and rushes off for an emergency.

Lois appears in the the barn to ask Sasha’s help to save Lucy.
Lucy is droning on about the Nurse’s Ball. Scotty asks how the cream can make matinee model. Haven remembers Scotty kissing Lucy in her underwear. She drags the conversation back to the face cream.

Nina apologizes for keeping Ava waiting. She is harried. Madison interrupts to give her more tasks. Ava comments that Madison is diligent. Nina explains that Madison is overcompensating for all the unexpected visitors like Drew. Ave reminds her that Drew was in prison and almost beaten to death. Nina brushes that off. Nina asked Ava there for a progress report on Ava’s attempts to reconcile her with Sonny.
Sonny offered Carly a huge settlement in the divorce, but she only wanted the house. She believed that her half of the hotel and the house was all she needed. Carly recounts how she lost the hotel. Explaining to Jason, that she didn’t realize at the time that buying Aurora stock was insider trading. Jason recalls that Drew went to prison for it. Carly believes that Diane would have gotten her a deal to save herself if she had flipped on Sonny, which she wouldn’t do. Jason is surprised she had hard evidence. Carly got the evidence Sonny violated the National Securities Act from Michael. Jason is shocked.
Cates wonders how he is coming off as the bad guy when he was the victim. Anna tells him he may have had it coming by violating Sonny’s perimeter. He is aggravated by that and Anna counters his ire by telling him she is just trying to rule out possibilities. They snipe at each other. She offers him water and asks him what he was doing at Sonny’s warehouse. He was tailing Diane. Cates is curious if Anna thinks Diane is clean. Anna says she is a paragon of ethics or good enough to appear as one. Anna is curious why Diane was there. Cates suggests an alliance with Sonny and Jason is brewing.
Carly says that Michael decided Sonny needed to go to prison. He hired Dex to work for Sonny as a spy. He recorded a weapons’ shipment between Sonny and Pikeman. Jason is upset. Carly reassures him that Miachel had a change of heart and destroyed it to keep family together. Carly and Michael kept Dex on to keep an eye on Sonny. Jason believes Sonny would be furious to know they were spying on him. Carly agrees and said he was when he found out.

Tracy is pleased to see Gregory in the main house. Tracy tells him Brook Lynn works in afternoons. She offers to take a message. He wanted to tell Brook Lynn that he no longer has a plus one. She invites him to sit back down and reminds Gregory that Alexis left Ned at the altar, so maybe it was for the best. Gregory doesn’t understand why she would be mad about it. Tracy said it was how Alexis did it, not that she didn’t marry Ned. She concedes that Alexis had her reasons then and now. Gregory tells about the Manhattan meeting to get her disbarment overturned. Tracy ays “good for her.” He is going stag.
Ava teases Nina about demanding a typed report, double spacesd, and Have Maddison flag it in her inbox. Nina wants to know how things stand with Sonny and if he misses her. Ava says he gets broody when Nina is mentioned and drinks. She isn’t concerned if Sonny has a drink once in a while, but Nina is. Sonny becomes volatile when drinking. Ava is not about to lecture Sonny. Ava drops the bomb that Sonny asked her to not mention Nina in front of him. Ava sees this as proof that Nina is on his mind and under his skin. She considers this progress. Nina is sad and unconvinced.

Lois and Sasha arrive. Lucy still talking about herself. Brook Lynn says they are trending in a bad way. Sasha pulls her hair tie out and jumps in. Lucy mentions her book Travel Guide to PC, and Lust for Death. Sasha enters frame. She’s wearing stable hand clothing and takes over the segment. Haven calls her gorgeous and dismisses Lucy. Scott pulls her away.

Anna informs Cates that Sonny wants nothing to do with Jason. Sonny wanted to file charges for the attack on the docks. Cates says he has no way to know who the attackers wrre because they split when Carly chased them off.

Ava doesn’t understand Nina’s skepticism. Nina is not sure Sonny is open to the idea of saving their relationship. Ava counters with Sonny hasn’t been pressuring Nina to sign. Ava warns it is going to take time and she can’t rush. She wants to strike when Sonny wants Nina back. Nina asks if it would make a difference if she sold her half of the hotel to Jason Morgan. She tells Ava the novelty has worn off and wants to know if it would win her some points with Sonny.
Carly had to reveal herself to save Dex from being murdered by Sonny. He disowned Carly and Michael on the spot. To Sonny, Jason, Carly, and Michael are traitors. None of the sacrifices they made to protect him mattered. Jason reassures her that those sacrifices count with him if not with Sonny. He is grateful to her and Michael. Carly hugs Jason.
Tracy will pass along Gregory’s lack of a plus one. She reassures him that he can have a place next to her.

Lucy and Scotty are backstage. Lucy is surprised to see Sasha here. Maxie thanks Lucy for holding down the fort until Sasha arrived. Lucy realizes she is being handled. Lois and Brook Lynn are happy backstage. Haven thanks Sasha for saving the show. Sasha says her friends needed her. Haven apologizes for being unkind. She wants Sasha to come back. Brook Lynn and Lois are excited about the socials. Maxie thinks they will sell out by the end of day.
Lucy is trending.

Nina admits the hotel is a lot of work and she doesn’t enjoy it. It will annoy and humiliate Drew. She thinks it will earn her half a point. Ava encourages her to do it knowing that Sonny hates Jason.
Cates didn’t know why Carly was there to rescue him. Anna thinks Carly was probably going to see Jason. Cates needs to back off because Jason is being bait like a good boy. Anna reminds him that Pikeman is coming and his being jumped will be less.

Jason wonders what’s wrong with Sonny. Carly says maybe he has always been this way. She won’t let him walk all over her because of her daughter Donna. Jason thinks that’s good. She asks if he will forgive. Jason doesn’t like how Sonny is treating Carly, so for now he will even if he is unhappy about it. Carly misses the old Sonny. Carly thinks it would have been better if she stayed in love with Jason. He likes them the way they are. She agrees.