General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap April 17: Laura realizes that friendship has blinded her to Sonny, and Cyrus holds Sonny’s fate in his hands.
Laura and Anna join forces to go after Sonny. Brook Lynn and Chase discuss money.

Laura goes to visit Anna in her office. She believes that she and Anna have been standing in the way of justice for too long.

Alexis and Finn are cleaning up chairs at a GH AA meeting. He asks if she has been going to other meetings. Alexis admits she was slacking but if she continues, she may risk everything.

Liz and her kids show up to Finn’s house to cook dinner. Charlotte is going to show them around. When they’re alone, Liz asks Gregory if he is okay with a turkey burger. Gregory asks if she’s worried that he’ll fumble it. Liz clarifies that she wanted to know if he was in the mood for it and even if he fumbles it, it will still taste good. He asks about Jake.

Chase and Brook Lynn are at home. Chase is in an apron, having made them Chicken Florentine. Brook Lynn thinks food smells delicious. The Italian theme reminds Brook Lynn that he sold his truck to pay for their honeymoon. She hates that he no longer has his truck.
Chase uncorks the wine. He doesn’t need or care about the truck. He teases her about an image of her holding a ‘just married’ sign in the truck. She segues to Lucy’s appearance on Home & Heart by joking about Lucy dangling from the bumper. Chase reminds her that Sasha was great. She worries about how it will affect Deception’s finances. Chase says he is on track for a raise next year at the PCPD. He suggests investing the money in a getaway in the woods. She reminds him that they could buy five trucks. Chase asks if they need to have the ‘money talk’ again. Brook Lynn agrees after she eats some of his green chicken.

Alexis apologizes for missing the upcoming wedding because she has a hearing with the appellate court about her disbarment. Finn is excited for Alexis to get her second chance. Alexis is worried she deserved the disbarment. Finn thinks she is punishing herself.

Laura believes she is guilty of not seeing clearly when it comes to her friendship with Sonny. Anna acknowledges their history. Sonny and Luke were friends. Sonny owned the club first, the Paradise Lounge, and then it became Luke’s Blues Club. Anna calls the name ironic in retrospect. They commiserate over how Sonny has done a lot of good for a lot of people they love including Robin. Laura and Anna both believed they had a bond with Sonny. Anna says he listened to her during the double agent problem and considered him a friend. Laura catches the past tense. Anna had a witness who told her he was ordered by Sonny to do a hit. Laura is surprised even though she knew what he did for a living. Anna says he is charming and has decent impulses but it carries no moral weight. Laura is ashamed it took her so long to see him for who he is. Anna thought he and Sonny both had the same understanding of darkness and is now recognizing what that means. Laura tells Anna if she was holding back because of Laura, don’t.

Laura witnessed Sonny’s hidden dark side when Cyrus was lying in a hospital bed. Sonny is a violent time bomb that could go off at any time. She acknowledges Cyrus is the same except Cyrus isn’t as skilled at not getting caught. Anna says because Cyrus isn’t a generous philanthropist who has woven himself into the fabric of the town. Laura struggles with how Sonny did so much damage to her brother with his bare hands. Anna adds, “in a church.” Anna explained that since Cyrus wouldn’t testify, and there were no other witness, that Sonny would lie. Laura says Sonny is very good at lying. Anna assures Laura that she will pursue the case if the opportunity comes up.

Chase talks about Pino Grigio because it’s Italian. Brook Lynn wants to talk about money. Chase assumes it’s the prenup and is ready to sign. She has no prenup. Chase offers to walk away from the marriage if it falls apart to not take anything but what he brough in. Brook Lynn doesn’t believe the marriage will fail but is worried about what happens when it doesn’t fall apart.

Alexis is being cautious. Her past haunts her and she is aware of her nature of self-sabotage. Finn says they have discussed this before, and some wonderful things have come out of her past. She agrees that her girls came out of her past and are wonderful. Finn says she did a lot of things right to end up with those girls. Alexis believes that she has moved the needle of justice forward and she wants to feel good like that again. Finn encourages her to believe in winning. Alexis is worried she will want to drink if she wins to celebrate and if she loses to console herself. Her fear is that if she slips up again, she will lose her girls. She engages Finn as her accountability partner. Finn says he is watching his dad die in front of his eyes and asks her to be there for him. Alexis will always be there for Finn. They hug.

At Finn’s, the kids are making dinner. Jake is on his phone instead of helping. Gergory guesses that things have become tense since Jason’s return. Liz wants advice on how to handle Jake’s rejection of Jason. Gregory says anger is the way to punish ourselves when we don’t want to hurt the one we love. He talks about the loss of Finn’s mother’s death and how Jackie came along, and he wanted to love her so badly. He didn’t believe he was being unfaithful. Finn didn’t see it that way, which created anger. Gregory said the anger was so intense, but it exhausted itself and now they have a loving relationship. He suggests that Jake needs to let his anger burn out.

Alexis reassures Finn that she will be there for whatever Finn and his father need. She also saw Gregory recently, and noticed he didn’t look very good. Finn reflects that like Alexis, he is struggling to hang onto his sobriety. He is reflecting on his past and regrets how he treated his father. Alexis says he has changed and made amends. He believes Gregory is shutting him out of his healthcare and lying about how well he is doing. He believes his father is hanging on for Chase’s wedding because he is the good son. Finn feels guilty about all the time he lost being angry for years. Alexis throws his line back in his face good-naturedly, “no one can punish us like we can.” Finn recounts how he couldn’t handle Gregory’s relationship with Jackie, He wonders what kind of son could sleep with his father’s girlfriend on the night before their wedding.
Brook Lynn says Lois kept them away from the Quartermaine money. She had a good job as a music manager. She had parents and loved ones, but she lived an middle class life. Chase said he had the same. Brook Lynn wants to raise their family simply. She thinks her granny brought up all the prenup stuff to remind her of what the craziness the Quartermaine money can bring. Chase says he is grateful to Tracy.
Chase wants them to invest the interest from Brook Lynn’s trust fund into education for their future kids. Or for emergencies. He wants to use it as a safety net. The only thing he cares about the children inheriting is the good stuff they bring into their lives. Granny said no one wants to live off their spouse’s money which all of Tracy’s spouses did. Chase wants to serve and protect…their family.

Laura meets Cyrus at Bobbey’s. Cyrus is happy to get a chance to spend time with her. Laura says he is looking well. He tries to downplay his stay in GH as a spa treatment. Laura calls him out and says what happened to him in that church was no joke. Laura tells him that he deserves justice.
Anna invites instructor from the police academy into her office to ask about Dex’s progress. Dex has passed the written and he believes Dex is military ready. Anna is pleased but he wants her to consider passing on Dex.

Finn comes home to the entire family ready for dinner. He greets Liz and says he stayed for a meeting and spoke with Alexis. When he asks after his father, Liz calls him the sweetest and would be halfway in love with him if it weren’t for Finn. He says he won’t be late for dinner again.

Cyrus tells Laura that she is not the reason he didn’t get justice. Nina offered to buy him a radio slot in exchange for not pressing charges. She says now I know how you got on the radio. He is done with it because some of his listeners thought he sounded phony when he quoted the bible. Cyrus was offended until he realized they were right. Laura laughs. He humbly agrees that he may need to work on himself before he shepherds a flock. Laura asks if he wants to press charges now that he was done accepting Nina’s payoff.

Curled up on the couch, Brook Lynn can’t believe how nervous she was to speak to Chase about money. He believes they will be having the money conversation every couple of years. She asks if he thinks they’ll change their minds. He says maybe. Chase wonders if she was afraid to talk to him because of his fragile male ego. She says no and he asks what good is money. She says their children will have beautiful teeth. They laugh.

The inspector wants to pass on Dex. He believes that Dex wants to be a cop as a form of penance and that’s not a good reason. Anna thanks him for his insight.
Cyrus is unsure if reinstating charges would serve Sonny justice. Laura says she saw him lying in the hospital bed and how hurt he was. She even mentions that Sonny couldn’t use his hand for a week because of the intensity of the beating he gave Cyrus. Cyrus thinks he is responsible for the circumstances that led to his beating. He followed Sonny into the church and taunted him about Nina. Laura confirms that Cyrus goaded Sonny into a rage. Every hit Sonny made on Cyrus gave Cyrus more leverage over Sonny and he reveled in that but now it disgusts him. Laura doesn’t believe he deserved to be beaten. He doesn’t think it would do any good if Sonny went away but will press charges if Laura wants him to. She says it has to be his choice. Cyrus thinks it’s ironic that the one time he doesn’t want anything is the time he holds Sonny’s fate in his hands.