General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap-April 19, 2024: Jason Surprises Carly, Sonny Lashes Out
Plus, Anna rejects Josslyn’s plea and makes a demand of Molly. Brook Lynn and Lois bond.
The Bensonhurst Brigade

At the Quartermaine mansion, Olivia and Brook Lynn chat about the upcoming bachelorette party. Olivia assures Brook Lynn that with Lois planning the event, it should be one to remember. Lois arrives and excitedly announces that she has a surprise for Brook Lynn. She tells her overjoyed daughter that she has convinced Sonny to come to the wedding. Brook Lynn beams that the wedding wouldn’t have been the same without “Uncle Sonny,” and all the women are elated that the “Bensonhurst Brigade” will be together again.
When the subject of Sonny’s potential plus-one comes up, Lois fills Brook Lynn in on Ava’s interruption during Lois’ talk with Sonny. Lois warns that Sonny better watch out because Ava’s quickly putting down roots at his home. Brook Lynn is aghast at the thought of Sonny bringing Ava’s as his date for the wedding, but Lois believes Sonny knows better than to invite her because he knows Lois wouldn’t like it.

After Olivia leaves, Brook Lynn and Lois’ talk turns to honeymoon preparations. Brook Lynn is over the moon about Florence—even the packing—but notes she almost ruined Chase’s gift until Tracy stopped her. Lois is shocked that Tracy was actually helpful. After Brook Lynn explains how Tracy made her understand she would be devaluing Chase’s sacrifice by buying him a new truck, Lois begrudgingly agrees that Tracy was right.
Brook Lynn opens up about the discussion Chase and her had about finances. She calls it a relief that they confronted the problem instead of avoiding it because of Brook Lynn’s fears of offending or hurting Chase. Lois thinks the open lines of communication are a good sign for the marriage. She recalls how money issues were one of the things that came between Ned and her.
Brook Lynn is grateful that Lois raised her in a more working-class environment and calls the Bensonhurst Brigade a gift. Mother and daughter go over the seating chart and agree that the arrangements should avoid conflict. They then ponder if they should invite Jason.
The Cop Shop

Josslyn comes to Anna’s office and begs Anna not to let Dex become a cop. She asserts that Sonny will have Dex killed. Anna believes being a police recruit would protect Dex, but Josslyn fires back that Sonny ordered an attack on an FBI agent. Anna is taken aback by the news yet insists the decision is ultimately Dex’s choice.
Josslyn imagines for Anna a future scenario where they are attending Dex’s funeral. She tearfully tells Anna she will be in the front row to remind Anna that she could have saved Dex, then storms out. Anna makes a call.

Molly arrives at Anna’s office next, curious as to why Anna summoned her. Anna hands Molly a file consisting of the statements Cyrus and Dex made against Sonny in regard to Cyrus’ beating and the possible attempt on his life at the hospital. Molly agrees there is a case but wants to know what changed, as she had thought Anna and Sonny were friends.
Anna admits that Sonny and her have shared a mutual understanding and closeness at times. As the police commissioner, though, she can’t give any passes and must follow the evidence. Molly asks why Anna is showing her the files. Anna confesses that she wants Molly to prosecute the case against Sonny because it would be too personal for Robert. Molly contends it would be personal for her too because of Kristina and because Molly herself is Sonny’s niece.
Despite Molly’s protests that her involvement in the case would present a conflict of interest and that she would ask to recuse herself, Anna prods her to prosecute nonetheless. She gives a speech about how Sonny has historically been seen as the lesser of two evils and how sometimes people in charge have been lenient with him because of it and because of his good deeds. Anna continues that Sonny’s recent acts are disturbing and he must be stopped.
Moly is still unconvinced about being the prosecutor, so Anna reminds her that the legal system is complicated and messy. She affirms that they must put aside their personal biases and do their jobs: “mine to investigate, and yours to prosecute.”
The Good Cop and the Bad Cop

Diane greets the receptionist at the Crimson offices and confirms her appointment with Nina. When she is led into the office, Nina says she is ready to give Diane what she wants. Drew enters, claiming he needs to speak with Nina. An annoyed Nina says she is in the middle of something. She looks over the papers, says she made some changes, and hands them to Diane, who leaves.

Nina gleefully tells Drew about signing the Metro Court over to Jason and rubs it in that Jason likely did it for Carly. Drew tries to blow off the news and says he won’t get roped into another revenge scheme. Nina assures him she’s only after one prize: Sonny. Nina thinks Sonny will appreciate her selling the hotel to his best friend, but Drew is skeptical. Nina sarcastically says she didn’t know he cared and asks why he came by. He talks about an article he wanted to look over but says it can wait.
After he leaves, Nina calls someone at the Metro Court and informs them she wants to tell Olivia something important in person.

Carly visits Jason in his apartment post-workout. She is surprised by the tattoo on his arm and asks about it. Jason remembers how alone he felt after he was forced to leave everyone he loved behind. He had found himself thinking about Monica, his sons, and their mothers and wondered how they were all doing. When he got the tattoo, he allowed himself to think about Carly too.
Jason calls Carly tough, adaptive, and resilient: qualities that are key to survival. Carly recalls how tough it had been navigating the hard times without Jason. She had always reminded herself, though, that he would never let her quit. Even though he wasn’t physically with her, she felt his presence with her. As the two get emotional, Carly prepares to leave. She says she needs to fix an issue in the kitchen and asks for Jason’s help. He gladly accepts.

Later, Jason comes downstairs to find Carly in an argument with the oven repairman. Jason takes a less abrasive approach and soon haves the repairman agreeing to expedite repairs. Carly jokes that Jason is the good cop to her bad cop. After the repairman leaves, Diane arrives with Jason’s papers granting him half-ownership of the Metro Court. Carly is shocked as Diane explains that with their signatures, Carly can re-assume control of the hotel.
Jason thanks a departing Diane and faces Carly, who insists she cannot accept his offer. She believes that since she committed the crime and got herself into the mess, she should be the one to get herself out. When Jason challenges Carly to consider if the outcome might have been different had he been around, Carly relents. Jason signs the papers and Carly hugs him, seemingly accepting his gift. “The deal is done; enjoy it,” he says with a smile.

When Jason returns upstairs, he finds Danny—who has been looking around Jason’s apartment–trying on his leather jacket.
The Disgruntled Don

Sonny rages to Ava about Dex becoming a cop. He should have had Dex taken out when he had the chance and never let Carly stop him. Sonny then goes in on Carly and Michael and how Michael betrayed him and then planted a spy in his organization under the excuse of protecting him. Ava admits she has a soft spot for Dex but calls him crazy for his plans. Sonny swears off Michael and Carly and wonders what he should do about them.
Ava tries to calm Sonny down and urges him that while his anger is understandable, he should tread lightly…especially with family. She says Michael and Carly were trying to protect Sonny in their own way. Sonny believes the only family he can rely on now are Dante and Kristina, and he includes Ava in his family too.
When Jason is brought up, Sonny gets worked up again and claims he couldn’t trust Jason after Nixon Falls. Jason’s part in the attempted hits on him only widened the distrust, and now he’ll defend himself at all costs against Jason.

Ava warns Sonny again about isolating himself, but he believes the people he used to love turned on him first. He knows Carly and Jason will always put each other first and lie for each other, and he implies Carly may have known all along Jason was alive. He condemns their actions as unforgiveable.
Sonny agrees with Ava’s suggestion to get out of the penthouse and go for a walk to cool off and show his enemies that they aren’t getting to him. They end up in the Metro Court lobby, where they witness Carly happily informing an overjoyed Olivia that she is returning to the Metro Court. Nina also sees the interaction and smiles.

After Carly updates Olivia on Jason’s role in her return, an angered Sonny demands a word with Carly. “You, Jason, Nina,” he seethes. “Three liars. Three traitors. You all deserve each other.” In the background, Nina’s smile crumbles.