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GH – Recap April 23: Heartfelt toasts at the bachelor and bacherlorette parties while Kristina confronts Josslyn over Sonny.

General Hospital

GH Recaps

GH – Recap April 23: Heartfelt toasts at the bachelor and bacherlorette parties while Kristina confronts Josslyn over Sonny.

The bachelor and bachelorette parties bring everyone together for games. Kristina confronts Josslyn. Dex runs into trouble with the other cops on the PCPD.

Stella and Trina arrive at the Surf Lodge for a girls’ night. Trina is surprised how cool the location is. Josslyn joins them. She is coming from helping with the bachelorette party and says she knows a place where they can drink and dance all night. Stella didn’t think it would be the Savoy because Curtis told her it was closed, and he had to be somewhere important.

The bachelor party is at the Hatchet Place. Curtis and Drew are throwing axes and teasing each other about charisma. Ned tells Curtis to be careful and references Drew taking all the pieces for himself before Michael calls a Quartermaine Ceasefire for the wedding.

Brook Lynn thanks all the girls for coming to the bachelorette party. She gives a heartfelt speech about having family and friends close for the wedding. They all toast.

Back at the Hatchet Place, Dante interrupts the festivities to remind people to know which hand has their drink and which has the axe and to not mix those up. He reminds everyone that they are there for Chase, who is the best partner and worst wingman a guy could have. He asks Chase if Brook Lynn knows she is out of Chase’s league. He says how could she not and the men, Anna, and Jordan toast to him. Ned, as father-of-the-bride tells everyone that if he isn’t a good partner that Ned knows where he lives and where to get a hatchet.

Lois wants the women to try the signature cocktail the Brook Lynn Chaser. Kristina and Blaze order the mocktail version. Tracy asks Lois where the music is. Lois forgot but offers to sing. Sasha says hold the singing and Spinelli enters. Lois wants to know if he is the stripper.

They realize that Curtis must be at the Hatchet Place where Chase’s bachelor party is. Trina thinks it’s a great idea and Curtis deserves to cut loose. Stella agrees and suggests Trina might also enjoy cutting loose. Josslyn wants them to go to the bachelorette and says they were incited by the mother-of-the-bride. Trina makes excuses, she is unsure she wants to go where people are happy. While Joss tries to convince her, Stella gives away their table. She thinks Trina needs to spend time with people she isn’t related to.

Brook Lynn hugs Willow at the party. Willow asks about the décor and Brook Lynn says her mom knows how to party. They talk about how great it is that Brook Lynn is marrying Chase and Willow references being married to Chase previously. Brook Lynn is grateful that she and Chase have worked through their issues and her mistakes. Willow says she will make more mistakes and now Brook Lynn knows that she and Chase have staying power. They hug again.

Maxie thanks Sasha again for saving Deception’s bacon. Sasha laughs about how much they learned about Lucy during the segment and joke about watching the footage later and laughing. Maxie thinks it’s too soon for that and has moved Sasha to the top of her speed dial. Sasha doesn’t mind but is also really happy not to be the face anymore. She asks how Blaze is doing. Maxie agrees that she’s lovely but the ink on her contract is barely dry. She asks Sasha if she is spending all her free time with Cody and if they will be planning another bachelorette soon. Sasha turns it back on her and asks if she will be taking the next step with Spinelli.

Spinelli walks up to Lois, Olivia, and Tracy with his laptop bag. He makes a quip about being allowed in the inner sanctum of womanhood before being dragged off by Maxie to set up. She insists on seeing his playlist. He says it was a hit at a bat mitzvah and she doubles down on needing to see the playlist.

Sasha approaches Willow and Brook Lynn gushing about how perfect Maxie and Spinelli are for each other but they never get together. Willow says that Sasha would know something about that.

Michael is tossing an axe and gets a bullseye. Curtis and Jordan talk about his recovery. He says the view is better from up here and she teases him about looking at a lot of belt buckles. Curtis is thankful for his family’s help. He asks her about TJ and Molly having a baby. She is happy her baby is having a baby.

Dante is at the table with Anna and Chase. He wants to get off desk duty. Anna tells him not to rush it. He needs to do the PT and keep up with his doctors. Chase sympathizes, when he was suspended, he would have done anything to get back on the job. Anna says the PCPD is very lucky to have both of them on the force. Anna says not everyone is cut out to be a cop and that Sante is invaluable. They toast.

Dex enters the bachelor party. Chase greets him. Dex is worried the people there might want to put an axe in the back of his head. Chase agrees but tells Dex he was so good at the Gauntlet and if he keeps that up soon he won’t need Chase to run interference.

Finn asks Anna if all the recruits have to run the gauntlet. Anna says yes and Finn is surprised there are more than five cops on the force. Anna explains that Dex might have issues because of his last job working for Sonny. She asks about Finn’s dad, but he isn’t coming. Finn can’t stay late either because of the sitter.

Lois takes a microphone from Spinelli. She gives a speech about how wonderful Brook Lynn is and how Chase is a lucky man. When Brook Lynn protests that she is lucky too, Lois brushes it off and says it is Brook Lynn’s night and Chase is having his own night. She also tells the crowd that if they want to see baby pictures of Brook Lynn, she has them. Olivia wrestles the microphone away and announces, “Let the games begin.”

Curtis and Jordon continue to talk about his recovery. He wants to walk, run, swim, and give his energy to certain people. She comments about not giving it to certain people. He agrees. He believes that he was engaged in behavior and risks that were not ever going to pay out like he wanted. He has an opportunity for a reset, and he isn’t going to waste it.

Drew takes Jordan away from the conversation to throw axes. Jordan tosses an axe poorly and he encourages her. She thanks him for the save by which she means getting her away from Curtis. Drew knows what it’s like to run into your ex in public. Drew and Jordan commiserate with asking the ex how they are and smiling your way through the conversation.

Maxi is drawing and the girls are guessing what it is. It switches to Willow drawing and more guessing. Next Brook Lynn is reading notes from guests and the women are guessing who wrote it. Then they play a game passing a bouquet and if you catch it you are out. Tracy wins the game.

Tracy believe Spinelli let her win on purpose. He denies it. She says if there is another event and she is there and he is DJ, she better not win. Sasha and Blaze talk abut being the Face of Deception. Sasha reiterates that she is happy not having to worry about her looks. Blaze agrees that public perception is hard. Sasha says it’s easier when you have someone. Blaze agrees which makes Kristina smile.

Spinelli takes photos in a montage of the women with boas and hats.

Dante gives Chase a present from the group that is more meaningful than the usual bachelor party gifts. The gift is a World Series winning baseball from a Red Sox game. It pains Dante because he is a Yankees fan. He teases Dante about his teams wins 27 to the Red Sox’s 9 wins. Chase doesn’t care because he loves it. Finn gives him cufflinks that Violet picked out. Chase thanks them for not getting bachelor appropriate gifts. They toast to Chase and Brook Lynn.

Dex approaches three cops and they turn their backs on him. Dante notices it happening.

Josslyn enters the bachelorette with Trina. On her way to get them drinks, she runs into Kristina and they are barely polite. Kristina says it was awkward and could have gone better. Blaze says she could have dropped her drink on Joss. Kristina thought about it. Lois greets Trina along with Brook Lynn. Lois wants them to try the drinks and Olivia drags Brook Lynn away for gifts. She gets a spa day at the Metro Court from Joss and Trina. Lois gifts her a flower broach that was Brook Lynn’s favorite as a child.

Calvin let’s Dex know that the force will never forget he worked for Sonny. Dante attempts to curry favor for Dex by reminding the other cops that Dex helped keep him alive.

Chase thanks Finn for the gift. Michael teases Finn about getting married again and making some woman ‘moderately’ happy. Chase agrees that his brother deserves to be happy.

Ned begins his toast holding an ax. Anna takes it as he says that he knows no one is good enough for his daughter but Chase has come closest and he welcomes him to the family. Curtis makes a toast. Dante makes a toast and calls him family.

At the bacherlor party, Brook Lynn wants to dance with Tracy but settles for Trina when Tracy declines. Lois and Olivia get everyone dancing. Josslyn tries to get Tracy to dance. Tracy gets out on the floor with the dancers. Kristina wants to know what Joss’ problem with her is. Joss responds that she lives in a fairytale when it come to Sonny. And asks her if she really doesn’t know what Sonny did to Dex.

Anna thanks Dante for trying to help Dex. Dante questions whether or not Dex knows what he is getting into. Anna worries about how Dante might feel if Dex helps bring down Dante’s father.

Finn makes a special announcement that a guest is coming and it is the other woman in Chase’s life. Blaze runs in and hugs him. Blaze gives a toast about how great Chase is as a partner and a singer.

Trina and Willow take a selfie to send to Stella. Olivia and Lois congradulate themselves on a great party and point to Brook Lynn dancing with Tracy.

Kristina says that Dex doesn’t work for her dad anymore. Joss asks her if she knows why De doesn’t work for Sonny and date Joss anymore. Kristina says he couldn’t stand her virtue signalling anymore. Joss tells her that Sonny sent Dex to kill Cyrus in the hospital because beating him almost to death in a church wasn’t enough for Sonny.

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