General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap April 24: Gregory has an episode that threatens the wedding, and Josslyn has nightmares Sonny is going to kill Dex
Gregory has an episode. Joss talks out her feud with Kristina with Jason. Sam worries about Danny and Jason bonding.

Josslyn comes to Jason’s room to see him. When he asks if everything is okay, Josslyn admits she did something she regrets. She believes he is the only one who will understand.

Sam meets Dante at the Hatchet Place late. She complains to Dante that Jason and Danny won’t listen to her.

Anna asks Dex if he regrets coming to the bacherlor party. Dex explains that the night made him realize that becoming a cop was going to be tougher than he thought based on their reaction to him. Anna wants to know if he is thinking of giving up.

Molly gets a late night visitor. It’s Kristina.
Tracy, Lois, and Brook Lynn are back at the Quartermaine mansion. They joke about how Olivia organized the presents as loot. Brook Lynn thanks Lois for the great night. Tracy agrees but says some of her friends can’t hold their liquor. When Brook Lynn compares them to Tracy, she waves goodnight. Brook Lynn wants to call Chase and tell him all about her wonderful night but doesn’t want to disturb his night.

Finn and Chase get to Finn’s place. They walk in to a distraught Violet asking them to help grandpa. Gregory is on the sofa laid out with an oxygen mask on.
Sam complains about how Danny went to Jason after being told no and Jason spent time with him when she told him not to. Dante wants her to take a breath. Sam says Jason broke her heart by falling off the face of the earth twice. She believes that it would devestate Danny if he disappeared again. Dante agrees it’s a difficult situation but that she doesn’t want Danny to think he’s doing anything wrong by wanting to see his dad. Sam asks if that’s what she is doing.

Kristina tells Molly about going to the party and having a great time until Josslyn showed up. She recounts how Joss told lies about her father saying that he put a hit out on Cyrus. Molly agrees that Joss was being inappropriate. She adds that Sonny doesn’t have a reputation for no reason. Kristina insists that she isn’t naive but doesn’t believe that her father would order Dex to kill Cyrus in his hospital bed.

Joss tells Jason how she couldn’t help herself when she told Kristina that her beloved father tried to kill Cyrus. She knows that Jason doesn’t know Dex but she and Dex are complicated. Joss wants to know if Carly told Jason how Dex risked his life for Sonny and Sonny turned on him. Sonny screwed Dex up so bad that he aceepted the job for the hit. Jason says that was Dex’s decision. Joss says it’s not his decision but Sonny’s orders. Her frustration with Kristina is that she can’t see Sonny for who he is. Jason believes that maybe Josslyn can’t see Sonny clearly right now.

Chase calls the paramedics for Gregory. Finn asks and Violet says they were playing a game and he asked her to get his oxygen machine. They comfort her while getting information. She says he’s been like that for three songs and she was too busy helping granpa to call for help.

Lois is going over the seating chart again because family members are fueding. Brook Lynn asks Lois how her wedding went. She says the circumstances were different because Quartermaine’s aren’t exactly truthful (a reference how Ned was already married to Katherine Bell at the time.) She excepts Brook Lynn from the liars and praises Harrison Chase as the perfect guy. She would have chosen him for Brook Lynn herself because he is smart, protects ander serves, and he has a good beard. Brook Lynn has noticed the beard. She hugs Lois, tells her she loves her, and is glad she is there. Lois is too.

Chase returns to the living room. Finn asks about Violet. Chase says she’s scared but exhausted. Finn says the ventilator is doing its job and that Dad needs to rest. Chase pulls him aside and asks if he is going to be admitted to the hospital. He is worried about Dad being at the wedding if he is paralized. Finn is more focused on now.

Joss asks Jason if she is a terrible person. He says no. She isn’t so sure. Her mom said she was and Jason says Carly’s right about a lot of things but not that. Joss explains that she went off about Sonny to her mother. Carly said all the hatred Joss had for Sonny was poisoning her. She thinks after tonight that Carly had a point. She is remorseful and knows she can be cruel sometimes.
Dex knows the academy would be difficult if he gets in. He says there are cops that won’t want him to joing their ranks because he worked for a mob boss. He is In no rush to put himself in a position to be constantly suspected and undermined. Anna says trust is important on the force. She agrees that it is going to be a problem. He wants to know if she thinks he should give up. She says no. It isn’t easy but it is worth it.

Tracy returns. She was going through the photos from the shower. She can’t sleep. Olivia told her that Ned was already in bed before she got home. The women laugh about how men don’t know how to party. Lois gets a text from Chase saying he has been trying to reach Brook Lynn and is on his way over. Brook Lynn is worried something is wrong.

The paramedics have arrived for Gregory. Gregory says he is getting feeling back. Finn wants Gergory to go to GH to get checked out. He refuses.

Kristina keeps thinking about what Joss said and it makes her more upset. She knows that Sonny shouldn’t have attacked Cyrus but it was a really bad night for her father. She blames Cyrus for provoking Sonny. She believes that Cyrus knows it because he isn’t pressing charges. Molly says, ‘that’s one theory,’ unable to tell Kristina about the pending charges. Kristina doesn’t believe that Sonny would order Dex to kill Cyrus in the hospital and wants Molly to agree. Molly doesn’t answer.

Drew tells Jordan about the history of ax throwing. To prove it, he opens his phone and Jordan sees Scout as the screen saver. She confesses she secretly wants a girl. Drew says she is too young and vibrant to be a grandmother. Jordan is flattered.
Sam knows Danny was having problems before Jason but she was hoping things would get better. Danny can refuse to play by her rules because he can go to Jason. Dante asks if she thinks Jason would encourage that. Sam says Jason is too dangerous to be around and she won’t allow that danger back into their lives and home.
Joss has wanted to say something to Kristina for months and it came out. She realizes that she was not angry with Kristina. She was angry with Sonny and Sonny doesn’t care. Jason remarks that Dex doesn’t work for Sonny anymore. Josslyn tells Jason how Dex is becoming a cop and Sonny will see him as a threat. She was so worried she warned Anna to not let him in. Jason agrees that Sonny would see him as a threat. Josslyn still loves Dex and she will greive for the rest of her life if Sonny has him killed.

Anna commiserates with Dex. When she took the commisioner’s job, they slowed work, and didn’t trsut her. She says she had to earn their trust. She has every confidence that he will succeed. He appreciates her faither. She admits that originally she wanted him there because of Sonny but now she just sees a good man who will make a great officer. It means a lot to Dex. Anna teases him that it won’t help him with Bennet at the police academy.

Finn brings Violet in to see Gregory. Gregory is proud of Violet for helping. She says she loves him. Finn sends her back to bed. When they are alone, Gregory says he can’t put Violet through that again. Finn reassures him. Gregory asks where did Chase go.

Kristina insists that her dad has done a lot of good and she is tired of people mocking him. Molly says it’s just Josslyn and all it is is talk. Kristina thinks Josslyn went to far this time. Kristina believes that Sonny protects his territory, and himself but doesn’t go after people without provocation.
Chase recounts what happened with Gregory to Brook Lynn, Lois, and Tracy. Chase is scared and decides that Gregory cannot officiate the wedding in his condition. Lois tries to offer alternatives but Tracy tells them off for wanting to do anything without getting Gregory’s prognosis.
Jordan is happy she came out. Drew agrees that he was worried about being around all the happiness but now he is excited to remember the good things about love before it goes down. Jordan calls him cynical. She knows it’s hard for him right now but he will get through it.
Dante understands where Danny is coming from because he grew up without a father. Sam is glad he and Sonny made up for lost time but she thinks the situations aren’t the same. Dante says Danny is going to form his own opinion.
Joss asks Jason is he is going to reassure her that Sonny won’t kill Dex. Jason can’t. He doesn’t know Sonny anymore. She thanks him not telling her that she should be grateful for Sonny. He says she gets to feel how she feels. She asks if it hurts him for how fast Sonny turned on him. He says no. She can’t understand why he would believe Jason shot Dante or turn on him. Jason says Sonny has changed. He’s not the same as before.

Chase wants to make contingencies plans just in case. Gregory calls Tracy and tells her that he doesn’t want to talk to Chase but to tell him that he will not stand for them canceling the wedding.
Kristina is still making excuses for Sonny and Molly says that Sonny has her She appreciates the sentiment. She thanks her sister and they hug.
Finn listens to Gregory say even if it kills him, he will be at that wedding. At the Quartermain’s’ Tracy repeats Gregory’s message. She says that he can make his own decisions, and they will stop treating him like a child because it is disrespectful.
Gregory no one will be happier than him to watch them get married.
Tracy says that Gregory has been looking forward to this wedding since the day his son was born. He wants them to honor his wishes. Tracy adds that if you love him, you will listen to him.
Finn puts his hand on his father’s shoulder to show support as Gregory thanks Tracy.
Anna wants to know if Dex is giving up. He says not a chance. Anna She believes he will prove to himself what kind of person he is.
Drew offers to walk Jordon out. Her rideshare is here and she says she was a cop who can protect herself. He assures her he knows and that’s why he wants her protection out there. They leave together.
Sam thinks Jason’s openness and honesty makes him dangerously approachable. She doesn’t want to not be the cool parent. Dante says that’s a normal parent/child relationship. Sam says Jason doesn’t know what Danny needs and he is pulling away from her. Dante reassures her that they are going through a rough patch and Danny loves her. She chooses to believe him.

Jason offers to get Josslyn to the dorms. Josslyn agrees but can’t sleep because she has nightmares about Sonny standing over Dex’s dead body holding a gun and smiling. She blames herself for not letting Dex go when he left town. Jason promises to keep Dex safe so she can get some sleep. She thanks him.