General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap-April 25: Jason Confronts Sonny, Suspicions About Ava Grow
Plus, Drew encounters his past and present at the Metro Court while Brook Lynn advises Blaze. TJ vents to Molly, and Trina bonds with Ace.
We are Never, Ever Getting Back Together

Sonny berates an employee over the phone and threatens their job. Ava comes into his office and hopes it isn’t a bad time. He smiles and says it’s never a bad time to see her. She thinks he might change his mind when she shows him who had been lurking around the property. Jason enters as Sonny looks on angrily. Ava leaves, and Sonny tells Jason he already knows about the Metro Court sale and doesn’t care.
Jason says he needs to talk with Sonny about a family matter. Sonny firmly states his family is no longer Jason’s concern. Jason claims he’s there on behalf of someone Sonny claims to care about. Jason tells him about Josslyn’s belief that Sonny will kill Dex. Sonny tries to blow it off and claims Michael and Carly have poisoned Josslyn against him. Jason then updates Sonny on the fight with Josslyn and Kristina and how Josslyn told Kristina about the hit on Cyrus.

Sonny is enraged and wants Josslyn to stay out of his business. Jason tries to talk Sonny out of harming Dex because he believes that if Dex was going to flip, he would have by now. Sonny insists Dex knows too much, and he can’t take the chance. Jason warns him that everyone will know it was him if Dex dies. He asks Sonny to consider how Kristina would react and what toll it might take on her pregnancy.
Sonny in turns warns Jason to stay out of his family business. He fumes that Jason has no right to judge him since Jason abandoned his own children. Jason is visibly shaken by Sonny’s words, but he cautions Sonny to leave Dex alone. “Or what?” Sonny yells. Jason calmly says he will have to stop Sonny. “Or die trying,” Sonny promises before slamming the door on Jason.
Every Breath You Take

T.J. walks out of his bedroom to find Molly awakening on the couch. He wonders why she slept there. She updates him on Kristina’s late visit and claims she didn’t want to wake him after Kristina left. T.J. disapproves of Kristina being out late and worries even more after Molly tells him about the fight between Kristina and Josslyn. He doesn’t like Kristina stressing out, and he doesn’t like that she went to the party either.

Molly defends her sister and tells T.J. they can’t expect Kristina to sit at home for nine months. She clarifies that the fight wasn’t Kristina’s fault because Josslyn had gotten drunk and said things about Sonny.
T.J. rants about Kristina’s naivete regarding Sonny and says he dreads having Sonny be a part of their lives. Molly retorts that Sonny is already a part of their lives as well as most of Port Charles. T.J. doesn’t let up, so Molly reminds him that Kristina is more than just their incubator and needs to live her life.
Molly assures T.J. that Kristina would not do anything to endanger herself or their child, and T.J. clarifies at least not intentionally. He believes Sonny’s presence poses an emotional and physical danger. Molly worries how Kristina will take it if she has to prosecute Sonny, and both T.J. and she hope that will not happen. Molly leaves for work.
My Heart Will Go On

A harried Laura balances a call about mayoral business with caring for Ace. She is happy when Trina arrives. As they watch Ace playing on a computer, Laura explains to Trina that she is trying to finish the budget. She expresses relief she can work from home since the nanny has time off. Trina offers her assistance.
Trina talks about how much of Spencer she sees in Ace and regrets not being as supportive of Spencer’s role as big brother as she felt she should have been. Laura assures her that Spencer understood and any tensions between Spencer and Trina arose from Esme.
Trina again offers to take care of Ace and wants to spend time with him more regularly. Laura worries about impacting Trina’s job at the gallery, but Trina insists she can rearrange her hours. Laura thanks Trina and gladly agrees to let her take Ace to the park.

Laura visits with Ava at the gallery. When Laura brings up Trina wanting to spend time with Ace, Ava worries that Trina is clinging to “the last link to the boy she loves” instead of moving forward. Laura believes they need to give Trina time to find her way. Ava is surprised by Laura’s news that Nikolas is being transferred out-of-state.
Their talk turns to Sonny, and Laura asks how it’s going at his place. Ava dismisses the gossip of “small-minded people” and defends her living situation by claiming Avery loves being close to her dad. She slips and calls Sonny’s place “home,” which catches Laura’s attention. Laura is grateful that Ava is safe but wonders if Ava doesn’t want more.
Let It Be

In the park, Trina notices T.J. and greets him. T.J. introduces himself to Ace, who seems more interested in his toys. T.J. remarks on how fast Ace is growing and brings up his own impending parenthood. When Trina questions him, T.J. starts going off on Kristina causing problems again. Trina encourages him to focus on here and now.

Nina tries to dismiss Drew when he stops by the Crimson offices, but his mention of Willow piques her interest. He informs Nina he subtly put in a good word for her with Willow. Nina wants more details, but Drew changes the subject.
He notices Nina’s wedding ring is gone before she can cover her hand. He prods her about Sonny not welcoming her with open arms. Nina confirms she signed over the hotel and signed the divorce papers too. Drew is sincerely happy for her and thinks it’s for the best. Nina cracks that “if misery loves company, then we are perfect for each other.”
Drew moves closer and says he believes a part of each of them speaks to the other. Nina asserts that will never happen again and claims every part of her now wants Drew to leave. He obliges, but not before observing that not all of their time together had been so miserable.

Carly meets with her staff at the Metro Court and lets them know how happy she is to be back. After the meeting ends, Kristina approaches and congratulates her. She does wonder what happened with Nina, as Nina seemed to enjoy running the hotel. Carly says she won’t discuss Nina or the hotel’s finances with Kristina. When Kristina says it’s none of her business, Carly testily agrees.
Kristina assume Carly had Sonny’s help with getting the hotel back. Carly clarifies that Sonny wasn’t involved and wasn’t happy about the turn of events. She notes Sonny’s temper seems to have worsened and attributes the change to Ava’s influence.
Kristina believes Sonny is reacting to his breakup with Nina and to people going after him. She mentions Josslyn’s claim about Sonny ordering a hit on Cyrus. Carly tells Kristina not to ask questions she doesn’t want answers to and warns her to stay out of it.

Kristina runs into Blaze, who is there for a meeting with Brook Lynn. Blaze wants to spend time with Kristina since they didn’t get to connect after the bachelorette party. Kristina says she wants to wait until she can give Blaze the full details. The two kiss, and Kristina leaves.
Brook Lynn arrives, and Blaze and she sit down for their meeting. They talk about a venue for debuting Blaze’s new single. Blaze wants Brook Lynn to focus on her wedding because the single can wait. Blaze assures Brook Lynn she doesn’t need to prove herself as a manager because Blaze has faith in her. Brook Lynn asks if Blaze is more worried about her mother.

Brook Lynn has reservations about Natalia trying to control Blaze’s personal life as her business manager. Blaze believes her mother is worried about the effect coming out will have on her career. Brook Lynn doesn’t think the response will be negative as it’s 2024, and she thinks being honest might actually earn Blaze new fans. Brook Lynn also suggests openness would strengthen Blaze and Kristina’s relationship.
Blaze is still unsure but knows she wants to protect what Kristina and her have for the time being. She thinks she may need more time before going public. Brook Lynn urges her to take all the time she needs and says she just wanted to give a different perspective. Blaze believes Kristina and her are happy as they are now.

Across the Metro Court, Drew approaches Carly and asks if the rumors are true. A beaming Carly confirms she is back at the Metro Court. Drew wishes he could have helped but remarks she got a better offer from Jason. He is truly happy for Carly, and Carly adds she is happy for her too.
She thanks Drew for understanding and is regretful they couldn’t get things right with their relationship. Drew says they got a re-set. Carly is hopeful things can return to normal.
Suspicious Minds

Kristina goes to see Nina. Their talk about the hotel sale quickly turns to Ava, and Kristina is surprised at Nina’s hostility toward Ava as she had thought the two were friends. Nina pegs Ava as someone who will let nothing get in the way of what she wants. Kristina assumes Nina is saying Ava wants Sonny. Nina tells her about Ava’s role in encouraging the SEC tip, which shocks Kristina.
Kristina doesn’t think her dad will fall for Ava’s machinations but reminds herself of how often Ava is around Sonny without Avery. She also updates Nina on Ava giving Sonny drinks even though alcohol adversely mixes with his medication. Nina is worried but claims Sonny isn’t her problem anymore since she signed the divorce papers.
When Nina says Ava can have Sonny, Kristen strongly responds, “Not if I have anything to say about it.” Nina warns Kristina about Ava’s wrath. Kristina is undeterred and knows her dad is vulnerable. Ava may think they have all forgotten about Morgan and Connie, but she hasn’t. She vows to protect Sonny from Ava.