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GH Recap-April 26: Sasha Lands a Job, Gregory and Finn Clash

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-April 26: Sasha Lands a Job, Gregory and Finn Clash

Plus, Alexis and Tracy offer counsel. Laura shoots down Sonny, while Nina and Carly find a rare moment of agreement.

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Laura is asking how Ava really feels about living with Sonny when Sonny arrives, smiling. A happy Sonny tells the ladies he’s glad they’re both there because he wants to buy a piece of art to donate to the city. Laura asks him why he thinks the city would want his gift. Ava leaves the room but stands nearby to eavesdrop.

Sonny is confused by Laura’s standoffishness. Laura informs him she can’t forget what he did to Cyrus. Sonny can’t understand why Laura is siding with Cyrus when Sonny and she have years of history. He calls Laura “blood” and family because of their mutual connections in Spencer and Rocco.

Laura says she has turned a blind eye to Sonny’s criminal acts because of their history but can’t do it anymore. Sonny wants to know if Laura expects him to confess to every misdeed he has been accused of. She asks him how many of the accusations are true. Sonny has acknowledged what he did to Cyrus, but Laura reminds him he hasn’t shown much remorse.

Sonny is bewildered as to why Laura is standing up so strongly for Cyrus after what he has done to Laura and to so many others. He believes Cyrus should be rotting in jail for life. Laura challenges him on acting as the judge of anyone considering his past. She urges him to think about what he will tell his little girls when they find out what he does for a living. Sonny rages that everything he does is to protect his business and the people he cares about, which includes Laura.

Laura lets Sonny know that doing a “good deed for the day” cannot erase his mistakes. She tells him the city will not be accepting his donation and leaves. Ava comes back in the room, acting unaware of everything she had just heard. After Sonny tells her what Laura said, she implies Laura is ungrateful and that none of it is Sonny’s fault. An upset Sonny tells Ava that he thought he could count on Laura, but she has turned her back on him.

This Is Us

Tracy finds Leo eating a cheap snack in the Quartermaine kitchen and is perturbed the boy’s eating habits have been downgraded. Leo tells Tracy he’s tired of Yuri’s peanut butter sandwiches, which is what he has mainly been eating. When Olivia rushes in to take Leo to meet a friend, Tracy complains that she is spreading herself too thin. Leo is suffering because Olivia’s too busy to cook him meals.

Olivia is aghast when Tracy demands they hire a cook but comes around to seeing Tracy’s point. She’ll only agree if she can do the hiring.

At home, Finn suggests a limping Gregory lie down. Gregory insists he just needs to sit on the couch, and he promises to rest for the remainder of the day. He tries to get Finn to leave for work, but Finn sits with Gregory and broaches the subject of hiring a full-time home caregiver.

Gregory doesn’t react well and asserts he does not need a baby-sitter like Violet does. Finn takes the opening of Violet to insist Gregory think about his granddaughter and how she must have felt when she couldn’t help her grandfather. He asks Gregory what would happen if Violet witnessed another episode and can’t save him. She would blame herself.

Gregory doesn’t think such a circumstance will arise anytime soon. Finn presses him that it can and will happen again, and they have to be prepared. He insists they get a caregiver. When Gregory testily asks, “Or what,” Finn leaves.

Tracy comes by to see Gregory. He immediately launches into a tirade about Finn wanting to hire a caregiver and tells Tracy’s it’s not going to happen. He wants his autonomy as long as he can have it. Tracy doesn’t think the idea is so unreasonable and asks Gregory if his pride or his granddaughter’s well-being is more important. Gregory admits he never wants Violet to feel scared or for himself to feel helpless to comfort her.

Tracy proposes Gregory decide between two choices. If spending time with Finn and Violet is the top priority, he needs to honor Finn’s wishes. If Gregory’s independence is the main concern, however, he should move into an assisted living facility and have his family visit him there.

Gregory says there is no choice because he chooses his family. He calls Tracy good for getting him to see reason, but she dismisses it as common sense. She thinks if she were in Gregory’s shoes, she’d be handling things much worse because he is smarter and wiser. Gregory calls Tracy the smartest woman he knows.

Alexis is delighted when Molly comes by her office but is less enthused when she finds out Molly wants her help with Kristina. Daughter updates mother on the latest fight between Kristina and Josslyn and T.J.’s reaction. Alexis asks how Molly is handling it, and she confides about the difficulty of having to navigate the emotions of two very different people in Kristina and T.J.

Molly wonders if T.J. always hearing her side of disagreements with Kristina has turned him against her sister. She doesn’t think T.J. believes Kristina would deliberately cause harm but he worries, which in turn causes her to worry. She believes if the legal situation with Sonny changes, it could make tensions even worse. Alex exasperatedly asks what Sonny has done now, and Molly makes a motion indicating she can’t say.

Alexis acquiesces when Molly asks her to talk to Kristina again. Molly leaves after the two share a hug. Finn visits next, also seeking Alexis’ counsel. He tells her about the medical incident with Gregory and about the fight he just had with his father. When Alexis asks how Gregory is doing, he assures her Gregory is stable now but his condition is deteriorating. All the while, Gregory craves his independence.

Finn wonders if he should just give in since Gregory has so little time of vitality left. Alexis reminds Finn he needs to take care of himself too so that his sobriety doesn’t suffer. She offers to accompany him to a meeting, and he gladly accepts.


Sasha and Carly strike up a conversation at the Metro Court as Sasha waits for Nina. Sasha congratulates Carly on being back at the hotel. She believes both Carly and Nina are now where they belong. Carly asks how Sasha is doing post-Deception. While Sasha doesn’t regret leaving the company, she is looking for a job and a new place to live since her expenses are getting beyond her means. Carly offers her a job at the Metro Court.

Sasha is touched by the offer but implies she is still searching for what she wants. Carly tells her the offer stands and leaves to do hotel business. Olivia arrives and is pleased to see Sasha, as she had wanted to talk with her. She raves about Sasha’s shepherd’s pie and asks for the recipe. They talk their love of cooking, and Olivia laments how she’s too busy to cook proper meals for the family now.

Olivia brings up hiring a new cook, and Sasha is shocked when Olivia says she wants to hire her. She explains the details of the job, tells Sasha she’d get to live at the mansion, and insinuates seeing Cody daily would be an additional perk. Olivia is even more determined after Sasha reveals she had worked as a line cook for a summer job.

Olivia’s persuasion works, as Sasha grows more enticed by the prospect. She wanted something different from her Deception work, and becoming the Quartermaine chef would definitely meet that criterion. She accepts the job, calling it exactly what she needs.

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Carly is displeased to see Nina, who rants about electrical problems in her office. Carly sarcastically says “too bad” and attributes the problem to Nina’s interference when Carly had briefly run Crimson. She promises to hire the same contractors that Nina had used during that time, since Nina had been so pleased with their work.

Nina smirks, saying Carly should thank Ava for being back in charge of the hotel. She confesses that Ava had encouraged her to sell the hotel to Jason and had implied Sonny would be happy about it. Carly tells Nina that Ava played her and makes a crack about Ava using people and then discarding them. Nina bites back that not everyone has a Jason to save them from their bad decisions.

Nina says there is one more thing and informs Carly she signed the divorce papers. Even though she is not with Sonny anymore, she believes Ava is toxic for him. Carly acknowledges that while Nina and her don’t agree on much, on that point they do agree.

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