General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap April 29: Ava visits Nik in prison, Willow gets a job offer, and Cates threatens Jason.
Brennan believes Anna is getting too close. Nikolas believes Ava is playing with fire.
Dex runs into Kristina while jogging in the park.

At Pentonville, Nik is brought out to see a visitor, he is confused because his mother has already been to see him. Ava says hello.
Valentin is also at Pentonville to see Jack Brennen. Brennen leads him away.

Drew, Willow, and Michael are in Drew’s office. He had a meeting with a nonprofit that wants Aurura to run their PR. Drew asks Willow to be the spokesperson. Willow is surprised because she has no experience. Drew explains that The New Tomorrow looks for bone marrow transplants and they were looking for someone to personalize their message. Willow, a leukemia survivor, has the experience needed.

At the Metro Court, Carly and Cates talk about how Jason bought half the hotel and handed it over to Carly. Cates is surprised that there were no strings attached. Carly tells him that Jason isn’t like that. Cates is surprised because he thought Carly valued her independence. She agrees.

Anna is at the coffee warehouse with Jason. She explains that Jack, Valentin, and Anna went to the WSB at the same time. They all graduated close to the top. Brennen was number one. Anna believes that Brennen stole the money to form Pikeman. Anna says that Valentin was the go between for Sonny and Pikeman when they first came to town. Valentin wants Anna to believe that was the extent of his involvement. Jason wants to know if she pushed Valentin on his story. Anna doesn’t believe Valentin knows she is suspicious of him. Valentin thinks he convinced her that he and Brennen weren’t close. Anna knows she is right, and they were thick as thieves back in the 80s. Jason concludes that Valentin is hiding things. Anna isn’t so sure because she believes her judgement is compromised.

At the prison, Valentin compliments Brennen’s ability to move freely around the prison. Brennen asks for an update on Sonny’s quarter dose of meds. Valentin says Sonny has pushed everyone away except for Ava.

Ava heard Nik was being transferred so wanted to see him. When asked how he is, Nik remarks he is resigned to his fate. He thinks it helps that nothing is waiting for him on the outside. Ava says she is doing well. Nik questions that because Laura told him that she is living with Sonny. He is curious as to why. Ava says it was a safety precaution after the break in. He wants to know what it is like now, knowing that Ava doesn’t need protection. She questions why she would tell him anything. He says because he is safe. She says her relationship with Sonny has evolved into the best it has ever been.

Dex offers to call an ambulance or take Kristina to GH. She says she is fine, sits on a bench and explains that the baby is just kicking. Kristina questions Dex on whether Sonny sent him to kill Cyrus.
Nikolas calls the thing between Ava and Sonny toxic. She lists reasons why they work. Nikolas accuses her of being in love with him. She says she isn’t but asks if he is jealous. Nikolas says always. Ava thinks her feelings could change but they are getting along well, and she is relieved to not be constantly bracing for a custody battle. Nikolas says it makes sense, but he doesn’t believe that is the part she gets off on. She likes being in Sonny’s inner circle. She agrees.

Carly lets Cates know that multiple people offered to buy the hotel and return it, including Sonny, Michael and even Nina. He asks why not accept the offer from Michael. Carly wanted to protect Michael from FCC scrutiny. She accuses him of already knowing about the issues with the FCC. He equivocates before admitting he does know. He wants to know why she can accept charity from Jason. Carly says taking her hotel back was something she did for Jason.

Brennan is excited and pleased about how they put Sonny on a quarter of his meds. He wants to know how they are going to deal with Jason. Brennan also wants to know who messed up and where. Valentin says Jason’s pseudonym checked out. Someone went through a lot of trouble to get Jason on the inside. They toss around ideas like rivals. Why Jason? Valentin says money wouldn’t make him do it since he was a Quartermaine. Brennan suggests coercion. Valentin says who. Brennan suggests they have three letters. Now they need to figure out which three letters.
Michael is worried Willow doesn’t want to be in the public eye. Drew says Willow is the only person he thought of for the position. Willow asks for time to think about it. She was saved by Obrecht’s bone marrow and is grateful for the gift. She wants that to happen for everyone. Nina interrupts, catching Willow and Michael with him. She is happy to see them.

Dex doesn’t think Kristina and he should talk about it in the park. She realizes it’s true. She apologizes to him for her father asking him to kill someone, but she is surprised Sonny would do that. Dex admits he was surprised to be in that position. Kristina asks if he noticed differences in Sonny. Dex says Sonny became more volatile after the attack in Puerto Rico. His anger flipped to paranoia. Kristina confirms that it was after Puerto Rico. Josslyn appears running on the trail. She asks Kristina if there is something wrong.
Carly believes that Jason has been through some things and Jason has missed a lot. She let him fix her issues with the hotel for him. She wouldn’t accept it from anyone else. Cates tells Carly to enjoy her hotel. She teasingly tells him to enjoy his stay.

Anna recounts to Jason what happened when she shot Charlotte in her apartment. Jason says she did what her instincts told her to do. She thinks Jason wouldn’t have done it. Jason doesn’t know what he would have done in her position. Anna is haunted by shooting a child. Jason comforts her. Anna believes he should feel bad for Charlotte. Jason is glad Charlotte is okay. Anna reiterates that she is compromised. She can’t look at Valentin without seeing a father first and a person of interest second. She believes she is putting the whole investigation at risk.

Brennan suggests the FBI, CSA, MI-5, as suspects. He excepts the WSB, because they benefitted from Pikeman. He believes they would be idiots not to consider the CIA. Jason has the right skill set but not the background. Brennen thinks it’s good luck they Jason was in his hometown, and his cover was blown for them. Brennen thinks it’s lucky. Valentin says he can’t come to see him in person again. It’s too dangerous. When asked, Valentin informs Brennan that Sonny hates Jason and Sonny is erratic. Brennan suggests that they eliminate Jason and pin it on Sonny.

Nina apologizes. Willow and Michael leave. Nina closes the door and asks if Drew saw Willow smile. Wants to text. Drew suggests she give Willow space. She complains about Carly not doing standard maintenance in her offices. Drew mocks her since that is what she did to Carly earlier. Nina claims they are on the same team. Drew says in what world. She wants to know what his plan for payback it.

Kristina assures Joss that she is fine. She confesses to asking Dex for the truth. Joss wishes she wasn’t right and apologizes for telling her the way she did. Kristina walks away. Dex tries to leave, Joss stops him.
Brennan wants Valentin to be careful because of Anna. He believes Anna is closing in. They can take precautions against others but their defenses against Anna are limited. She just has to put the pieces together and she is smart enough to do it. Valentin believes his stonewalling worked on Anna and she is not going to be a problem.

Anna’s instincts say Valentin is involved. But she believes she can’t be objective. Jason says this is where he comes in. Anna wants him to get a read on Valentin. Jason says he will help but he trusts her judgement and he always will. Anna has a lead; Dex confirmed that Sonny took a shipment from Pikeman. Jason wants to talk to Dex for his own reasons.

Cates enters. He says the investigation into Pikeman is stalled and he wants Jason to explain why. Cates accuses Jason of not having his head in the game. He references the purchase of the hotel. He reminds Jason that he isn’t a free man. If he doesn’t do his job, Cates threatens to hit Carly with RICO charges.
Carly greets Michael and Willow cheerfully before going off to work. They sit at the bar and discuss Drew’s offer.

Nina wants to know why Drew doesn’t want revenge. He says they didn’t send him to prison. Nina says if he hadn’t gone, he would be married to Carly when Jason returned. He asks what she wants. Nina kisses him aggressively. He pulls away and she taunts him. Drew locks the door before kissing her.
Joss apologizes to Dex for what she said to Kristina. It wasn’t her place and she was scared. He wonders if she’s still afraid. She says knows he will be okay and asks about the PCPD. Dex is feeling positive about joining the police force.

Ava talks about how long she was on the outside, despised. Nikolas says not by Nina. Ava agrees and says the collapse of Nina and Sonny was inevitable because Sonny wasn’t the man she thought he was. Ava says she loves that Carly is finally getting a taste of her own medicine. Ava is happy that Carly is the ousted traitor instead of her. Nikolas agrees that Sonny makes her feel powerful. She says she is helping Sonny too. She tells Nikolas about Sonny being on ¼ dose of his medication. She is watching out for him while he is vulnerable and while she figures out who messed with his medication. Nikolas is shocked that she hasn’t told Sonny.
Dex has a lot to make up for. Joss counters that she is not a perfect angel and has does things she is not proud of. She says doing those things didn’t make her feel like herself. Dex says there’s a scale and nothing she has done compares. Josslyn says she isn’t trying to compare. She doesn’t want to judge anyone, even him.
Drew and Nina passionately strip one another, making out in the office.
Nikolas accuses Ava of liking ‘Quarter Medicated Sonny.’ He says she is playing house. Ava wants to know what the downside is if she’s looking out for him. Nikolas says if he thinks Ava is involved, Sonny could blame her. He accuses her of playing with fire. Ava accuses him of underestimating her. She says he sounds like he still cares and takes his hand for a moment. As she leaves, Nikolas hpes she knows what she is doing.
Cates wants Jason to renew his contacts with smugglers on the docks and find out how/when Pikeman is moving shipments. Jason agrees and leaves. Anna watches Cates. She tells him she can tell that Cates doesn’t like himself when he treats Jason poorly. Cates doesn’t care as long as the job gets done.

Brennan says the WSB has too much invested in Pikeman and the more time Valentin spends with Anna, the more likely she is to figure him out. He implies that Pikeman will have Anna taken care of. Valentin says he won’t let that happen.