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GH – Recap April 3, 2024 – Gregory struggles with agency, Nina is desperate to get Sonny back.

General Hospital

GH Recaps

GH – Recap April 3, 2024 – Gregory struggles with agency, Nina is desperate to get Sonny back.

Gregory struggles with his need for

Dante struggles to walk into his hospital room using his IV pole as a walker. Chase and Brook Lynn are excited about his progress. Brook Lynn teases Chase by telling Dante how excited Chase was when Dante woke up. Dante affirms he knew Chase would be there for him because they are partners and friends. Dante refers to his coma as a nap to rest up before dancing at their wedding. Chase says he needs more than dancing from Dante.

Tracy Quartermaine runs into Gregory waiting in the hospital and is pleased to see him. Gregory is there for a follow-up and jokes he is in the hospital often enough to open a restaurant. Tracy had her blood drawn in preparation for her annual. Liz arrives to take Gregory to his appointment.

Kristina arrives at Nina’s office to ‘clear the air.’ Explains that she is not okay with what Nina did to Carly and Drew but understands that Nina made a decision that spiraled out of control. She acknowledges that one bad decision doesn’t negate the good and tells Nina that Sonny was happy with her. She believes that Sonny misses Nina.

Cody is mucking a stall when Sasha enters in red overalls. She received her final check from Deception and now no longer cares about her appearance. Cody compliments her. Sasha says she is looking for her new purpose and if she is someplace comfortable and happy inspiration might come to her. Cody put her to work.

Liz checks Gregory’s vitals and asks how he’s feeling. Gregory in a moment of honesty notes that his appointment is supposed to be routine and wonders how he rated the head nurse. Liz insists she helps patients and doctors all the time. While he accepts that she believes he is important, he was hoping to keep some aspects of his life private as his disease progresses. He wants his disease separated from his private life. Liz thanks him for being honest with her.

Brook Lynn and Chaste tell Dante they were considering downsizing their wedding to family and close friends only. He asks Dante to be his groomsman. Dante accepts. Brook Lynn worries that Dante won’t be up for the physicality of it. Dante isn’t worried and reminds her that the wedding is in a month, which sets her off about all the things she has to do. Dante doesn’t care about wedding prep if he gets the third dance with Brook Lynn. Chase reminds him that his dad needs to be in the line up and Danta asks how he’s doing. Chase thinks that if Gregory had his way, he would never have told them he was sick. Brook Lynn understands that Gregory’s privacy is one of the few remaining ways he retains agency. Chase is not convinced. Brook Lynn understands Gregory’s need for independence.

Sam enters and climbs into the bed. Dante informs her that he is a groomsman and needs to be rehabbed. Chase and Brook Lynn leave. Sam checks her phone because she has the principal keeping an eye on Danny. Dante suggests that she is being too hard on him. Sam says Danny makes bad decisions. She doesn’t trust Danny or Jason.

Nina asks if Sonny misses her. Kristina believes he does and that’s why he is keeping Ava and Avery there for company. She hopes Nina and Sonny work things out. Nina is grateful for the support. They wish each other the best. Kristina tells Nina she is pregnant with Molly and TJ’s baby. Nina is thrilled and called Kristina amazing and generous. Kristina wants to tell everyone but can’t and says ‘she’ is having a baby before correcting to ‘they.’ Nina blames the slip up on the hormones. Nina’s 10 o’clock appointment arrives. Kristina opens the door to leave and runs right into Maxie and Blaze.

Kristina stays in the background as Maxie introduces Blaze to Nina as the new face of Deception. Nina congratulates Blaze. She remembers her from Sonny’s compound in Puerto Rico, during her wedding. Blaze offers belated congratulations. She asks if Blaze remembers Kristina. Blaze says she does but is not overly welcoming. Kristina is uncomfortable. Maxie says Nina is one of the first people to know. Kristina interrupts the conversation to tell them she is going over to see Dante at the hospital. She makes eye contact with Blaze and says, “Wow,” And “Congrats,” before leaving. Blaze turns away and the smile slips off her face.

Sasha is mucking out stalls and talking about her childhood with horses. Cody suggests the stables could be her future if she wanted. Sasha asks what he wants to do with his post deception future. He shrugs and insists he is already doing it.

Liz relates the story of how Gregory told her she was overstepping in the kindest way possible by doing the pre-appointment check. Finn catches on that it means they are all overstepping in their efforts to support him. Liz suggests that their support is making Gregory feel like he can’t make his own choices. Finn doesn’t believe he is doing enough to help. He reached out to a neurologist buddy of his for ALS advice and the doctor was working in the Ukraine. Finn felt useless next to him. Liz can relate. That’s how she feels at home currently with Jake. She says when Jason came by it was a train wreck.

Dr. Kramer is worried about Gregory’s shortness of breath. Gregory says it is manageable if he doesn’t push it and wants to know if he can still preside over his son’s wedding. The doctor offers an educated guess that a month is a safe bet. Gregory asks what if his son comes by and the doctor reaffirms that he will not do anything without a patient’s express permission.

Blaze tells Nina it was a pleasure to meet her and offers her a hearty handshake, leaving Maxie and Nina alone. Maxie praises Blaze’s authenticity. Nina wants to know what happened to Sasha.

Sam is feeling betrayed because Jason showed up out of nowhere and tells their son to keep a secret from her with no explanation for the last two years. She muses on the idea that Jason is different or if she is seeing him clearly for the first time. Kristina interrupts, walking in and asking if it’s a good time for visitors. She hugs Dante and instructs him to be more careful next time. Dante says he’s all about caution and comments on her pregnancy showing. Stella comes in to ask if Dante would like to go home today.

Tracy asks Gregory how his appointment went. The Doctor believes with rest and medication that Gregory should be in good shape for chase’s wedding. Tracy comments that he must be so relieved. He agrees. Tracy guess that Alexis will be relieved as well because she isn’t close to Chase or Brook Lynn and without Gregory, she wouldn’t make the guest list. Gregory smiles.

Nina is behind Sasha 100% if it was her decision to leave. Maxie says the timing for the switch is perfect and that Blaze will do well with the youth demographic. She wants to pair her with Deception’s new face cream. Nina agrees and is 100% on board. She asks Maxie’s opinion on being a surrogate and suggests it’s a nice thing. Asks Maxie if it would be too much to send a casual note congratulating Sonny on his impending great-niece of nephew. Maxie muses if she can handle it if Sonny casually tosses then note and reminds her that her marriage is over. Nina protests. She thinks it’s only natural to offer good wishes. Maxie corrects her, it’s natural to send those wishes to the parents and Kristina. Nina wonders if aloud if it would be desperate to include Sonny. Maxie scoffs.

Tracy asks Gregory to join her for a coffee while she waits for her appointment with Dr. Randolf. Gregory would like to but declines. He has a bunch of tests of his own to complete. He complains that ALS has gone from a diagnosis to a fulltime job. Tracy gives him a pep talk and confesses that he is not bad to look at. Gregory calls her a vixen.

Liz and Finn discuss Jake’s anger and seeing Jason again after two years. He has been vague about where he’s been, and Liz finds it maddening. Finn commiserates and says his relationship with Liz is so much deeper than previous ones and it was hard to accept so little from the past. They agree that they both got it right this time.

Chase asks if they’re allowed in, and Finn allows it. They ask for Finn’s help to save their wedding.

Kristina asks Dante to spend time with Dad because he blames himself. Dante agrees. She asks for his opinion on Ava and Avery. They both agree it’s weird. Dante says he’ll keep an eye on it. Sam returns as Kristina is leaving. Sam says there is general rejoicing at his return home, but she insisted on no visitors. Sam asks about Kristina and if she is alright. Dante says she is worried about Ava.

Maxie tells Nina she is desperate. Nina disagrees and insists that she just misses Sonny. Maxie cuts to the chase and says that Nina wants Sonny back and will do anything to get him. Nina has hope because she hasn’t signed the divorce papers, and she has a secret weapon.

Cody and Sasha sit and drink coffee by the barn. Cody likes his job and his life. He has an HMO through Monica. They chat about James and Leo and how much he likes them. Sasha reminds him that he can come clean with Mac and have a family. Sasha sighs. Cody thinks he sounds like too much of a loner.

Tracy asks to join Stella at Bobbey’s. She teases Stella about her magazine and pushing Tracy to get her appointment set. Stella asks if the new Face of Deception is a woman of color. Tracy confirms it. She and Stella bond when Tracy talks about Lila and her friendliness. She admits she doesn’t have many close friends.

Chase and Brook Lynn were going to downsize but now that everyone is getting better, they want the big wedding back on track.

Nina thinks Ava will advocate for her with Sonny. Maxie disagrees. Nina thinks Ava will act in her best interests. Maxie argues that Nina doesn’t know what her best interests are. Maxie admits that she never liked Nina with Sonny and wants ‘her Nina’ back.

Sasha doesn’t believe Cody is a loner, maybe aloof. She likes their friendship. Cody teases her how manhandling her might be fun.

Tracy asks for advice about how to treat Gregory from Stella under the guise of asking her about her job with ill patients. Stella says to treat them as people and makes an offer to play poker. They clink their coffee cups.

Sam is against Jason seeing Danny. Dante disagrees. Sam insists on keeping him away.

Gregory tells Finn to check with him, not Dr. Kramer from now on. Finn knows he needs to step back. Liz comforts him.

Brook Lynn is going on about the details for the wedding and Chase asks if they’re still going to Palm Beach. She is excited about going there as a married couple. It will be perfect. Chase thinks he can do better than perfect.

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