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GH Recap-May 3: Carly Confronts Sonny, Nina Helps Drew Succeed

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-May 3: Carly Confronts Sonny, Nina Helps Drew Succeed

Plus, Alexis expresses her concerns to Kristina, while Dante does the same to Sam. Josslyn confides in Trina.

“You’re Still in Love”

Josslyn and Trina finish up a high-intensity run in the park and stop to take a break. Trina wants to better navigate her grief and get her life back on track, like Josslyn. When Josslyn remarks she isn’t so sure about her own future now, Trina is surprised.

Josslyn reveals how the recent situation with Adam has made her reconsider going into medicine. Trina contends that Adam’s problems went beyond his major. Josslyn clarifies that she’d been thinking about the long hours of challenging schooling ahead of her, from med school to potential fellowships. She believes there could be a less demanding and stressful way to do something science-related and help people.

Trina acknowledges the challenges Portia faced becoming a doctor, but Portia had always considered the work rewarding. Josslyn hints there were other factors that went into her initial decision to study medicine. Just then, Dex and his academy classmates run by, and Josslyn and he share a look. Trina correctly guesses that Dex had been a driving force in Josslyn going pre-med.

Josslyn admits taking care of Dex after he had been injured had made her not want to feel so helpless in emergency situations. At the time, she believed she might one day need to aid Dex in the same way again. Josslyn doesn’t want to take a spot in med school from someone who has a real passion for it.

As Dex puts on his police uniform for the first time, Trina presses Josslyn to admit that she is still in love with him.

“Don’t Screw This Up”

Nina and Drew arrive outside the congressman’s office and spar about how the meeting will go. When they go inside to meet with him, the congressman warmly greets Nina and marvels at how much she has grown up since he’d last seen her as a little girl. He notices Drew in the background and coldly asks about the “suit” Nina brought along.

Nina introduces Drew as a colleague, but the congressman is unimpressed and stresses his meeting is only with Nina. He tells Drew that if he wants a meeting, get in contact with his secretary. Drew puts on the charm and says that since he’s already there, why not hear him out on a matter of importance to the congressman’s constituents.

Nina tries to show Drew the door, but the congressman reluctantly agrees to listen to his pitch. Drew lays out his vision to redevelop the Port Charles waterfront into an area beneficial for local citizens. He name-drops Jordan as a partner in the project, whom the congressman has met before and thinks fondly of. The congressman is open to the idea but reveals that he can’t move forward with it because he has end-stage lung cancer and will retire at the end of his term.

Drew and Nina express their condolences, but Drew encourages the congressman to think of this project as a legacy he can leave behind. An exasperated Nina apologizes for Drew’s insensitivity and once again attempts to get him to leave. The congressman is intrigued, though, but does express skepticism that Drew will secure federal funds only to populate the waterfront with pricy hotels and real estate.

Drew asserts Jordan would never be involved with such a scheme. The congressman still has reservations and asks Nina for her opinion. After a brief hesitation, Nina steps forward and sings Drew’s praises as an ex-Navy SEAL and a man passionate about everything he does, including bettering his community. Drew seems touched by Nina’s words.

The congressman says that although he won’t be around to see it, he will fight for the project in Congress. He wants something to be named after him and for his wife to be able to cut the ribbon at the opening. Drew gladly agrees, and Nina and he smile at each other.

“Falling in Love with This Baby”

Alexis shows off potential wardrobes for the hearing in her living room and asks for Sam and Kristina’s opinion. Sam notes the two options look the same, and Kristina says to go with what makes Alexis comfortable. Kristina suddenly winces and says her baby is a kicker, while Sam and Alexis exchange looks.

Kristina guesses the baby likes spicy foods since she’s been eating so much of it lately. She is grateful to be able to talk about the pregnancy with Sam and Alexis because she feels she has to hold back with Molly for fear of hurting her sister’s feelings. Kristina knows that Alexis and Sam can relate and calls feeling a life grow inside of her the most amazing thing ever. Sam and Alexis share another worried look.

Sam hugs her mother and sister and leaves to get Danny, noting she’s still worried about him. After Sam departs, Alexis asks Kristina how she’s doing. Kristina’s never been better, but she’s worried about Molly and T.J. She vents about T.J. interrogating her and trying to control her every move. Alex says to have patience and grace, but Kristina doesn’t believe T.J. thinks he’s doing anything wrong. She also thinks it’s causing tension with Molly.

Kristina stresses she’s the one carrying the baby and they can’t micromanage her. She implies Molly and T.J. are viewing the baby as another goal to achieve in their lives. They’re not taking the time to enjoy it and fall in love with the baby like she is. Alexis assures Kristina Molly and T.J. do love the baby and suggests any overreach is their way of trying to connect with the pregnancy and with Kristina.

Alexis can’t hold back the question on her mind anymore and asks Kristina for an honest answer: “Are you starting to think of this baby as more yours than your sister’s?”

“I Might Have Crossed the Line”

Sonny arrives at Dante’s place with a gift of boxing gloves. He says it’s the least he can give his son since he can’t trust anyone else in the family. Sonny adds Diane to the list people he may not be able to trust, along with Nina, Jason, Carly, Michael, and Dex. Sonny updates Dante on the Metro Court sale and rages about Carly taking the offer from Jason when she had turned him down previously.

Dante attempts to calm Sonny and reassures his father that he’ll have his back. Dante senses something else is bothering Sonny, and Sonny admits he’s worried about Dex joining the police force. Dante tries to get off the topic, but Sonny continues to rage about Dex and how he’s untrustworthy. He warns Dante not to depend on Dex before leaving in a clearly agitated state. Dante seems worried.

When she returns home, Sam finds Dante outside. She observes the gift and Dante’s down mood and asks what’s wrong. After telling her about Sonny’s visit, Dante laments he may have crossed a line between work and being a son. Sam blames Sonny and says he should’ve known better than to bring up police business.

Dante says Anna warned him about blurring the lines, and he remembers how she’d wondered if he was worried about Dex being a cop because of what Dex might say to implicate Sonny. Dante concedes Anna was right and he’s beginning to think less like a cop and more like a son. Sam defends Dante and calls his inclination to protect his father natural. She doesn’t believe he’d ever compromise himself, though, as he’d even arrested Sonny recently.

Dante still feels the strain of balancing his personal and professional obligations. He thinks he has gone easy on Sonny in the past because of his relationships with his family. “If I won’t enforce the law, I have no business being a cop,” Dante concludes as he touches his badge.

“Go to Hell”

Ava is less than pleased when Carly drops by Sonny’s and invites herself in. Wanting Ava to leave, Carly snaps that she doesn’t need monitoring. Ava in turn lets Carly know that Sonny doesn’t trust her, so her days of exercising dominion over Sonny’s home and ordering Ava around are done. Carly bites back that she will speak to her ex-husband and the father of her children whenever she pleases.

The two continue to bicker and trade insults. Carly calls Ava “defensive,” while Ava classifies Carly as “desperate.” Ava reminds Carly she “screwed up” with Sonny for good just as Sonny enters. He wants to know about Donna, and Carly says she came to talk with him about their daughter “alone.” Ava initially refuses to leave but relents after Sonny gives her a look.

Carly informs Sonny Donna will not be coming for a sleep-over. She doesn’t think it’s good for Donna to be around Sonny at all right now. Carly fears Sonny will poison Donna against her. Sonny can’t believe she thinks he would do that, but Carly fires back that she doesn’t know Sonny anymore and isn’t sure what he’s capable of anymore. An enraged Sonny accuses Carly of turning everyone he loves against him and blames Jason.

Carly begins to say, “It’s like everyone is out to get –” She cuts herself off, gasps, and runs upstairs. Sonny follows and demands to know what the hell Carly is doing. Carly yanks open a drawer in the bathroom and pulls out a pill bottle. She begins to open it and tells Sonny she’s making sure he’s taking his meds.

Carly implores Sonny to remember the last time he was off his meds. Sonny insists he is fine. Carly reminds Sonny people go off their meds routinely for all kinds of reasons. She begs him to let her help. Sonny is hurt that Carly thinks he would risk everything by not taking his meds. “You think that little of me?” he asks.

Carly suggests Sonny may need his dosage adjusted. Sonny only grows angrier and orders her to leave. Carly puts the bottle down and leaves. She stands in the hallway, shaken, and sighs heavily, “Oh my God.”

Ava comes back in the room. Sonny turns to her and insists nothing is wrong with him. Ava concurs and tells him he has every right to be furious with Carly. “She can go to hell,” Sonny says. Ava goes over to the pill bottle and appears conflicted.

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