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GH Recap-April 4: Heather’s Condition Stirs Controversy, Sasha Reveals a Hidden Talent & Dex Surprises Josslyn

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-April 4: Heather’s Condition Stirs Controversy, Sasha Reveals a Hidden Talent & Dex Surprises Josslyn

Plus, Alexis and Laura strike a deal and Tracy gets perspective. Curtis and Trina hit the town, while Kristina and Blaze talk Deception.

At Bobbie’s, Josslyn introduces Felicia to Hunter, the new manager. They are surprised when both Trina and Curtis walk through the door. Curtis is touched when everyone begins clapping.

Josslyn and Felicia congratulate Curtis on his recovery. Felicia departs, and Josslyn joins the father and daughter at their table. Josslyn tells Trina she is keeping her roommate slot open, but Trina isn’t sure when or if she will be ready to go back to school. Josslyn is distracted when Dex enters and tries to act nonchalant. Curtis reminds her that every customer deserves good service, so Josslyn goes to Dex’s table.

Alone, Curtis and Trina discuss his progress and Trina beams that she is proud of him. He is grateful for his ability to walk but also grateful for the time he spent experiencing life through the lens of a disabled person who dealt with daily obstacles. The experience gave him greater insight and a bigger appreciation for life.

The talk turns to Trina navigating her grief. She explains how she doesn’t have much of an appetite and how being at places like Bobbie’s that she and Spencer visited makes her miss him more. She quickly chastises herself for making every moment about Spencer. She wonders if the feelings she is having will ever go away. Curtis reminds his daughter that broken hearts, like broken bones, take time to mend. He believes she will love again.

Josslyn approaches Dex and asks him what he wants. He remarks that he want a lot of things he can’t have but will settle for a ham and cheese sandwich. Josslyn notices papers on the table and realizes it’s a job application. She is surprised upon reading it that it’s for the police department. Dex explains that they approached him. Josslyn thinks it’s a reckless, stupid idea because it will make him more of a target for Sonny.

Dex shoots back that not everyone can go to med school. Josslyn admits she is unsure about becoming a doctor now, as there are other ways to help people. She also mentions ungrateful patients, which prompts Dex to bring up Cyrus. Josslyn gets angry and leaves. When she returns, she brings him a burnt sandwich. He takes a big bite and smiles.

Tracy meets with Terry for her annual wellness checkup and is pleased to find that her results are good. Terry wishes her a happy birthday, and Tracy says she’ll be spending it with a sofa and remote. Terry says that sounds nice to her. Tracy confides that she’s been feeling lethargic and down and wonders if it’s a sign of a deeper issue.

When Terry suggests depression, Tracy takes offense. She reminds Terry she lost her husband recently, and Terry remembers that Tracy has lost many family members. Terry advises her to find activities with people of similar interests. Tracy says she’ll take is under advisement.

At the stables, Sasha receives a phone call from Olivia about Dante’s release from the hospital. Sasha is thrilled and agrees to help Olivia prepare a meal to celebrate the homecoming. When Cody comes in, Sasha excitedly tells him the good news about Dante. He’s overjoyed, and they share a hug. Cody is appreciative of all of Sasha’s help. She departs for the kitchen to look for meal ingredients because the chicken Olivia had been planning to make was spoiled.

Cody takes off his shirt to work just as Tracy enters the stables. She is flustered and quickly looks away, demanding he put his clothes back on. He complies with a grin, and Tracy asks him to help her find the right horse because she wants to start riding again. Sasha comes back, and Tracy apologizes to her for how things worked out at Deception. Sasha is grateful for her time there but had realized she wanted something more. After Tracy leaves, Cody cracks that she is all bark and no bite.

Olivia is the next visitor to the stables. She brings in a shepherd’s pie and asks who made it. Cody isn’t sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but Olivia raves about the dish. Sasha confirms she made the pie and says Brando loved it. Olivia loves it too. Cody asks Sasha what other hidden talents she has waiting. The two banter and smile at each other.

Tracy finds her birthday cake in the Quartermaine kitchen, rolls her eyes, and smirks good-naturedly.

Blaze is waiting for Kristina as she is leaving the hospital. Blaze asks how Dante is doing, and she’s happy for Kristina that he’s being released. As the two take a seat, Blaze apologizes for how Kristina found out about the Face of Deception. Kristina wonders why Blaze didn’t tell her about such a big deal, but Blaze said she wasn’t sure it would work out this time. She expresses doubts about herself and her ability to do the job, and Kristina encourages her.

Blaze reluctantly tells Kristina about her mom’s idea to keep her private life under wraps and asks Kristina if she will have a problem with that. Kristina assures her that as long as they can be themselves around friends and family, that’s good enough for her. She’s touched when Blaze says that she would pull out of the contract if it bothered Kristina. Blaze affirmed she would do anything for her because Kristina makes her happy.

Laura and Alexis meet with Terry in her office. They tell Terry that they need the signature of one chief of staff to move forward with Laura’s plan of putting city workers on the hospital’s health plan. Laura believes the city’s employees deserve the best quality of care. Terry signs the contract and looks over a press release Alexis has prepared. Terry thinks the hospital’s legal department should evaluate it before it’s published.

Portia is upset when she goes to check on Heather and finds her out of restraints. She demands a guard and a nurse to tighten the restraints. Later, Kevin visits Heather and questions her about the time of day. Heather jokes that she’s unaware of time in the hospital because the constant lights and activity make it feel like a casino. Kevin seems surprised at her wit, and Heather laments that she is not dumb like everyone believes.

When Kevin asks for more details about her feelings, Heather explains that before she had often felt like her blood was on fire. The only way to put the fire out was to do something crazy. She talks about at least being able to walk the prison yard since her hip is better.

Kevin wonders what she would do if she had no restraints. Heather says she would buy flowers for her daughter’s grave. Once she remembered that Esme was not in the grave, she would give the flowers to the young woman whose husband she killed. Heather also wistfully wishes for a small house where her grandson could play. She resigns that it is pointless to dream about such things.

Kevin runs into Portia after he leaves Heather’s room. He sees a big change in Heather since the surgery and asks Portia if she has noticed a difference. Portia angrily tells him to ask the question of someone who didn’t nearly lose their daughter because of Heather and storms off.

Kevin greets Alexis and Laura, who share the good news about the successful contract signing. After congratulating them, Kevin mentions his visit with Heather. Laura says she should also check in on her fellow Webber and leaves.

Kevin asks for Alexis’ legal opinion about mitigating circumstances for a person who has committed horrible crimes. Alexis quickly deduces he is talking about Heather. She confirms that the cobalt poisoning diagnosis could potentially lead to a post-conviction release.

During Laura’s visit, Heather asks Laura about Ace. She wonders what Ace will call Laura, and Laura says it’s too early to think about that. Heather grows emotional as she calls her life a disaster, and Laura comforts her.

As Laura departs the room, Portia—who had been watching Alexis and Kevin’s interaction—approaches. Laura asks for her thoughts about Heather, and Portia launches into a tirade about the support for a supposedly misunderstood murderer who she believes is fooling everyone. Portia is incredulous that they are considering helping a serial killer who targeted her daughter go free. She lambasts them for not asking sooner for the input of the hospital personnel who deal with Heather every day.

Portia vows that if Heather’s case goes to court, she will fight it with every breath in her body.

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