General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap-April 5, 2024: Anna Questions Brennan, Dante Comes Home
Plus, Kristina and Josslyn clash while Sonny and Natalia bond. Drew receives an unwelcome visitor, and Lois helps Brook Lynn avert a wedding day disaster.
Crisis at the Qs

At the Quartermaine mansion, a frantic Brook Lynn rushes into the room and tells Lois that she needs her help with a wedding dress emergency. Brook Lynn explains that the seamstress cannot make alterations to her dress because the material is too old. Lois makes a phone call and works it out. She offers to drop a relieved Brook Lynn off at her business meeting, as Lois has a meeting at the Metro Court too.
Meetings at the Metro Court

Sonny is having a drink at the Metro Court bar when Natalia asks if she can join him. She is impatiently waiting on someone to arrive for a business appointment. As she takes a seat, she remarks that Sonny looks lighter than the last time she saw him. He expresses his relief about Dante coming home from the hospital, and Natalia congratulates him.
Sonny asks how things are going with Blaze, and Natalia admits she’s still having trouble accepting Blaze’s sexuality. Sonny says it may take time and relates how Kristina was initially afraid to confide in him. Natalia thinks it’s different with Blaze because she believes Blaze’s experience with Linc may have led to her current feelings. Upon Natalia’s questioning, Sonny says he initially wondered if Kristina’s bad relationships made her change. He eventually realized that life changes everyone, and his daughter would always be his daughter. They toast to daughters.

Brook Lynn and Lois arrive. Brooklynn apologizes for being late for her and Natalia’s meeting. Natalia is cold to her. As the two leave to get a table, Lois quips that Natalia seems nice. Noticing her sarcasm, Sonny chides Lois for making an immediate judgment. Lois says she’s been in the music business long enough to know stage mothers. She pegs Natalia as someone overly involved in her daughter’s life who is hindering her child’s ability to live freely.
Sonny confides in Lois how much having Dante back means to him.
During their meeting, Natalia begins criticizing Brook Lynn’s management of Blaze’s music career. She wonders if Brook Lynn is too distracted and is keeping her daughter from pursuing bigger opportunities. Brook Lynn counters that the performance venues are Blaze’s choice, and she supports and wants what’s best for her. When Natalia tries to bring up keeping Blaze’s personal life secret, Brook Lynn warns Natalia that Sonny would not like Natalia interfering in his daughter’s relationship.
Showdown at Bobbie’s

At Bobbie’s, Carly greets Molly, who admits she wasn’t sure how Carly would feel about her prosecuting Jason. Carly assures her that since Jason is free, it doesn’t matter now. Kristina enters and, before sitting down to lunch with Molly, asks Carly if Nina working at Crimson again bothered her. Carly insists she is fine with Drew’s decision.
When Kristina returns to their table, Molly scolds her for being insensitive to Carly’s feelings. Kristina cracks that she doubts Carly is crying over her breakup with Drew. Talk turns to Kristina’s appointment with the doctor, which Molly apologizes for missing. Kristina assures her everything is fine. Josslyn arrives and says hi to Molly but ignores Kristina. Molly asks what the tension is about, and Kristina says she doesn’t know what Josslyn’s problem is.

Josslyn walks up to the bar and begins ranting to Carly about Dex becoming a police officer. She believes it will make Dex a target of Sonny. Josslyn starts loudly berating Sonny, and Kristina and Molly overhear. Kristina storms up to the bar and accuses Josslyn of being ungrateful for everything Sonny has done for her. She reminds Josslyn that Sonny considered her to be another daughter, and Josslyn shoots back that she was a child and didn’t have any choice in the matter.
Josslyn continues blasting Sonny’s criminal past and tells Molly, who is trying to play peacemaker, to show Kristina the file on Sonny’s beating of Cyrus as well as his other crimes. Kristina says she cannot deal with Josslyn and leaves.

Molly lays into Josslyn for upsetting Kristina when she is pregnant and for not respecting that Kristina loves her father and will defend him. After Molly leaves, Josslyn refuses to apologize. Carly says that while she respects Josslyn’s feelings, she is worried about how her Sonny hate and her breakup with Dex is making her act out.
Homecoming at Sam and Dante’s Place

Sam helps Dante to the couch, and Dante jokes that he was looking for an excuse for Sam to sit next to him. Sam admits how afraid she had been of losing Dante, and both are glad to be home.
Rocco and Scout come through the door, and Rocco is elated to see his father. Sam asks about Danny’s whereabouts. Danny comes in a short time later, toting doughnuts he had bought for Dante’s homecoming. Sam gets Rocco and Scout to leave the room and then directly asks Danny if he went to see his father. Danny insists he did not, and Sam gives him his phone back….with the caveat that the tracker stays on. Danny is offended that Sam doesn’t trust him and that she is trying to protect him from his own father.

After Danny goes upstairs, Dante tells Sam that while her parenting choices are her call, he believes she has made a mistake. They both agree that the more Sam tries to keep Danny away from Jason, the more Danny will want to see his father. Sam doesn’t know what else to do, and Dante suggests she talk with Jason. He is grateful to Jason for saving his life, but will support Sam’s decisions. When the kids come back downstairs, Sam attempts to ease the tension by having a family meal—dessert and doughnuts first.
A Tense Encounter at Aurora

Drew is working at the Aurora offices when Jordan stops by to see him. She wants to take him up on his offer to work together for the betterment of Port Charles. They talk over plans to remake Port Charles’ image from a mob haven to a thriving city with many positive qualities, such as its arts scene. Jordan believes this mission will help her stop missing working in law enforcement.
Their meeting is interrupted by a visit from Agent Cates. Drew asks who he is, and Cates responds that he needs to talk to Drew about his brother. Cates asks if Drew has been in contact with Jason, but Drew insists they are not close. Cates is skeptical, as Drew and Jason share so many people in common. He implies that Drew will go back to prison if he is helping Jason in any way.

Drew gets angry at the threat and tells Cates to go ahead and investigate him but to do it completely on the books and on the record. Drew issues his own threat to go public with the harassment and to put a bad spotlight on the FBI. Cates leaves, but not before letting Drew know to contact him if Jason gets in touch.
When they are alone again, Jordan asks Drew if he hates the agent or his own brother more. Drew shrugs it off, claiming Jason invites his own problems.
Interrogation at the Prison

Brennan grins when he sees that Anna is his visitor. He knew she’d be back. They banter about Anna’s new job, which Brennan believes is a serious downgrade from WSB secret agent. Anna calls him a smooth talker, and he attributes his charm to his Australian roots. Anna brings up Pikeman.
Brennan says he is flattered after Anna accuses him of running the WSB and Pikeman at the same time. She insists that Pikeman gave the WSB access to weapons used in foreign interference. She wonders what has kept him tied to Port Charles, even when he got caught. They go back and forth about the charges against Brennan and Anna’s role in those charges being filed. He claims that if he was such a mastermind she would be dead. She snaps it wasn’t for a lack of trying that she isn’t dead.

Brennan claims he’s being set up and asks Anna to help him go free. Anna wants something in return for her help: the name of Pikeman’s current leader. Brennan feigns ignorance. Anna persists, saying she knows someone higher up was and is calling the shots. She demands a name again. Brennan says the meeting is over and calls the guard.