General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap June 4: Anna and Jason know who Pikeman is. Sonny is blamed for the shootout
Anna is stunned to learn who the head of Pikeman is while Sonny and Diane deal with Cates.
Anna is stunned after hearing Valentin on the burner phone. Jason comments that it was not Sonny who picked up and ask who it was.

Drew visits Carly at home. He lets her know he is thinking of running for public office. She doesn’t take him seriously at first, but he tells her he is running for Congress. Carly wants to know why. Drew explains that McConkey is not seeking re-election and wants Drew to replace him. She asks how he knows the senator and he admits that Nina introduced them.

Chase has his father’s ashes in scattering box. He tells Brook Lynn that this is all he has left of his dad and after scattering his ashes he will truly be gone.
Liz shows up at Finn’s.

Sonny asks why the shooting is his problem. Diane patiently explains that it is Sonny’s problem because he has been very vocal about wanting to kill Jason. Lights flash and Cates arrives, announcing his presence as FBI. When Sonny and Diane approach him, he says he has a few questions for him about Jason Morgan.

Aiden made butterscotch brownies for Violet. Liz and Aiden thought they might help since tomorrow is going to be a hard day (Gregory’s Memorial.) Finn thanks Liz and blurts out that he hasn’t been drinking. Liz said that was not why she was there. She was there to check in with him. She wants to support him because she loves him.

Brook Lynn asks how Chase feels about scattering the ashes. Chase isn’t going against his father’s wishes, but a burial feels permanent and scattering ashes feels like throwing him away. Brook Lynn suggests placing him on the mantel. Chase wants to fulfill his father’s wishes. Brook Lynn wants him to do what is right for him, but agrees that Gregory wanted to be everywhere in the wind and that is a beautiful sentiment. She reminds him that his father lives on in him.
Carly liked McConkey’s policies but didn’t think Nina would be his friend. Drew explains that the senator was friends with Nina’s father. Drew tagged along with Nina when she had a meeting with McConkey. Drew tells Carly about the land project and his desire to run. Carly asks if he wants to be talked into it or out of it. Drew wants to do run, but he is worried about how the downsides will effect his family. Carly knows he is worried about the insider trading thing coming up again. Drew wants to know how she feels about her name being dragged through the mud again.

Anna dismisses Jason. Jason insists that he trusted her with everything and now she needs to trust him. She hedges, saying it was the head of Pikeman on the phone before she admits it was Valentin. When questioned, she snapped of course she was sure, she knows his voice. She reminds him that she thought Valentin was only an intermediary for Pikeman. She had no idea he was in this deep. The attack on Jason made sense to her in the new context. It was a classic WSB tactic; Taking advantage of the hostility between Sonny and Jason would make Sonny did it. Jason agrees that it was possible but what matters is Sonny is innocent. Anna says Sonny is far from innocent. She accuses him of wanting to still protect Sonny. He counters that she was going to protect Valentin. Jason understands why she would do it, but he needs to know why Valentin wants him dead.

Sonny confesses that he is surprised to see Cates on a scene after a crime since he was usually there before (referencing his harassment of sonny or maybe when Cates was attacked outside the warehouse.) Sonny wants to report a break in. Cates says Sonny’s guys made a real mess. Sonny denies his guys had anything to do with it. Cates taunts him that Jason is still alive, and he needs to hire better men. Diane tells him to search to his heart’s content but Sonny will no longer be answering any questions. Cates wants to place Sonny under arrest and question him at the PCPD.
Finn apologizes for not being able to get things right. Liz insists he doesn’t need to apologize again even though she thinks the way he spoke to her was very unsettling. He cannot undo it, but he can keep trying to et better and moving forward. He tells her is not going to drink again and he isn’t an alcoholic, he was an addict. He talks about the medication he was on but when he formulated a cure, he continued to use. He believes alcohol was never the problem.

When asked what he was charging Sonny with, Cates says attempted murder. Cates knows that the dead shooter used to work with one of the crime families friendly with Sonny. He asks Sonny to come with him. Diane says he has no cause except the thinnest of circumstantial evidence. Cates boasts that he is in the process of collecting additional information.

Anna says Valentin’s reasoning would be to first to eliminate Jason who knows too much about Pikeman, and second getting Sonny out of the way so Pikeman can work undisturbed. She calls it classic WSB. She references them (Jack Brennen, Valentin, & Anna) going to school together at the academy. Jack was a rising star, very charismatic, and intelligent. He and Valentin had that in common. Jason asks if they were allies. She says yes but Valentin had physical challenges at the time and Jack treated him as an equal. Valentin downplayed their relationship to throw them off. She believes that Valentin is running Pikeman. Jason thanks her for telling him because that is all he needs to know.

Drew worries about the paparazzi. Carly isn’t. They won’t come to her home and at Bobbey’s she has Jason. Drew reacts to that, and Carly apologizes. She wonders if Jason’s dirty laundry by association will hurt him. She believes it is a longshot that he would win. Drew wants to make a difference. She admires his idealism. Drew reminds her that he was in the military, is rebuilding the neighborhood, and working with a nonprofit. She believes his son Oliver (who died of cancer) would be proud of him. Drew believes he owes it to the people of Port Charles to try.
Chase says the grief comes in waves. Sometimes he forgets Gregory has died and laments that he wants him back until he remembers what it would be like for his dad. He realized that his father held on as long as he did to keep his promise and once it was fulfilled, he could go peacefully. Brook Lynn gives him permission to grieve and want him back and still let him go.

Carly’s opinion is if Drew wants to run for congress, he should. If McConkey wants Drew, he should trust his judgment. McConkey’s opponent is terrible. She says not to worry about her and wishes him good luck. She offers him her vote.

Diane tells Cates proof is something he is sorely lacking, and Sonny is innocent until proven guilty. She threatens to make an official complaint about how he is harassing Sonny. She questions if that is the route he wants to go down. Cates offers to wait until all the evidence is in. Sonny taunts Jagger in a song-song voice saying goodbye to him. Angry, Cates tells Sonny he is going to enjoy watching him go down because Jason is the last of the people whose lives he ruined. He reminds Cates (in a speech reminiscent of what Alan said to Sonny in the 90s) tells him that he turned Jason a ‘brain damaged boy’ into a killer and after years of using him, Sonny turned around and threatened to kill him. He is going to love seeing Sonny behind bars. Sonny says to Diane, “Can you believe that guy?” Diane asks if Sonny had anything to do with it. Sonny is surprised.

Jason thanks Anna for trusting him and wants to go directly to Cates. Anna stops him. Jason has to give the head of Pikeman to the FBI to get his life back. Anna says he can’t do that.

Chase talks about how people talk about illness like a battle. His father fought hard. He was an athletic man. He wonders if maybe he won his battle with ALS. Chase suggests he should follow joy as a way to pay tribute.
Liz gently reminds Finn of how addiction works. Finn tells her that he was in a dark place. He believes the champagne opened him up to the alcohol. He has no desire to drink. He hopes it is a one-time thing. Finn cut alcohol out of his life as a precaution. Liz asks, “even so he won’t drink again?”

Sonny turns up at Carly’s house. He tells her about the shooting. Brick told him about the shooter and how one is dead and one got away. He needed Carly to know it was not him.
Anna has no hard evidence. Jason does not give a damn about Pikeman he wants out from under Cates. Anna says Cates will screw this up and Valentin will get away. Jason doesn’t care. He wants freedom for him and Carly. Anna reminds him if they don’t get what they want, the FBI will never let them go. Frustrated, he agrees not to go to Cates without evidence. As he makes to leave again, she asks where he is going. He is going to get the evidence from Valentin.
Chase worries that he might inherit ALS. Brook Lynn says until it happens, they deal with it. Chase doesn’t want her to have to take care of him.

Finn insists he won’t risk drinking again. Liz agrees but she looks troubled. She comments on how empty the place seems without Gregory. She offers company but Finn needs some time alone. She understands and hugs him. They kiss gently before Liz pulls away. She says she will see him tomorrow after he thanks her for the brownies.

Anna asks how Jason is going to get the evidence. Jason thinks Valentin’s house has something in it and is worth a shot to break in and take a look. Anna is against it because Jason wasn’t trained by the WSB and he will get caught. Jason agrees not to go if she has another strategy. She offers to get it. She won’t have to break in, she will get herself invited in, because Valentin loves her. She will get the evidence but she will need time.

Carly believes Sonny didn’t try to kill Jason. Sonny asks her to tell Jason that he is angry, he wants him out of the warehouse, but he didn’t do it. Carly asks why he won’t tell Jason himself? Sonny insists that she knows why. Carly repeats the ‘he’s a traitor’ line and argues that Sonny doesn’t believe that, or he wouldn’t be there now talking to Carly.
Brook Lynn says there is a greater chance of getting it randomly than inheriting it. It could be her and asks if he would bail if she had it. Chase is positive he would stay. Brook Lynn says whatever happens they stick together.
Finn uses his father’s cane, sitting and crying over the loss alone in his apartment.
Carly thinks if Sonny truly didn’t care about Jason anymore, he wouldn’t give a damn if anyone thought he had arranged for the shooting or not. Sonny says Jason has no code, no honor because he is an FBI informant.

Jason is sorry that Anna wants to play a long game, but he needs to get out from under the FBI. Anna tells him that she has to do it, personally. She insists she can do it. Anna says she needs back up. Jason agrees to back her up