General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap June 5: Gregrory’s Memorial at the park is beautiful but issues are brewing with Finn
Everyone says goodbye to Gregory in a touching ceremony. Natalia pushes for more control over Blaze’s life.

Soft music plays as Chase gets ready for the memorial. Finn and Violet watch as the CPAP machine Gregroy used is taken away. They all get dressed for the memorial. Finn brushes Violet’s hair. Chase and Brook Lynn take the scattering box with them. At Finn’s, Chase is holding the box because he didn’t want to leave Gergory in the car. They leave, arriving at the park as Tracy, Alexis, and Liz and her boys are there to greet them.

Natalia meets Blaze at the recording studio. Blaze isn’t thrilled to be there rerecording the song without Brook Lynn. Natalia doesn’t care because how could they know that Brook Lynn’s father-in-law was going to die? Blaze says Gregory’s full name and title as a subtle rebuke. Natalia moves on to criticizing Blaze’s low energy and tells her to borrow some from Kristina. She makes a crack about Kristina being late and hoping it isn’t a trend. Blaze admits Kristina isn’t coming because she told Molly something she shouldn’t have. Blaze is upset thinking that their relationship was built to last. Natalia comforts her daughter by telling her that she has her pride, and her talent, and that will get her through.

Chase offer Finn a prayer (Psalm 21) to read. Gregory had been using it as a bookmark.

Kristina arrives at the courthouse trying to catch a moment with Molly. She offers her coffee. She wants to take her sister for snacks, but Molly has a packed schedule and is actively avoiding the idea of them being alone together. She keeps telling Kristina that it will be a long wait and it’s fine if she leaves.
Finn talks about how the park was one of his father’s favorite places. Finn engages the little group with a story about Gregory coming to the park and having issues getting up the hill to the bench. His father said that the climb is more important than the journey. He understands that now. Chase opens it up to everyone to speak.

Liz speaks about being taken in under Gregory’s fatherly umbrella. He listened and never judged. She knew that he always understood her, and she will miss his understanding and support. She thanks Finn and Chase for sharing their father with her.
Alexis speaks about meeting people who endured hardship and finding them inspiring. She says to call ALS a hardship is minimizing and patronizing and a code for “thank god it’s not me.” She says watching him reject the limitations the doctors put on him was a lesson. She learned to re-examine the limitations she put on her own life. The crowd gets a shock when she mentions their passionate kiss. She said that he taught her that even when you are doomed to lose, you try.

Finn wishes he had learned forgiveness from his dad. He feels like will forever fall short of his father. He calls his brother a great example of a good son and man.
Tracy says Gregory doesn’t suffer fools and not to listen to the opinion of snobs. She was the snob. She says the weight of missed opportunities gets heavier with age. She calls him a missed opportunity. What he would have been to her she will never know. She says the moral of the story is if an opportunity doesn’t appear, make one.
Brook Lynn talks about Greory being magical. He gave her Chase.
Violet reads a poem that Gregory read to her. Chase calls his father a strong, gentle man and it will be a long time before he lives up to his example. His father thought being flawed was fine and that Violet was perfect. Chase got upset when his father called himself ordinary. He understands now that ordinary is what we are meant to be. He laments that if he could be ordinary like his dad, he would be extraordinary. Chase spreads the ashes around the base of a tree before handing the box off to Finn to do the same.

Blaze announces she is going to warm up. The studio engineer asks for Brook Lynn. He is surprised they are rerecording it. Natalia says she is the business manager and offers the engineer her notes.

Tracy gets Brook Lynn to do a shot in Greory’s honor. Tracy asks how Chase is doing. Brook Lynn says well as can be expected but she is more worried about his brother. Tracy thinks Finn seems the same as usual, sad but steady. When Brook Lynn wants to offer to take Violet to give Finn a break, Tracy disagrees thinking they are a comfort to one another.

Finn teases Alexis about a great love affair with her father.

Blaze sings without enthusiasm. The sound engineer consoles Natalia that the first take is always rough. When Blaze stops needing a break, the engineer suggests calling Brook Lynn. Natalia asks what Blaze needs to get her head in the game. Blaze is emotional and feels like a fraud, singing about love when she betrayed Kristina. She knows the audience will feel it.

Molly comes out of chambers to an excited Kristina. She offers a quick lunch, but Molly has a staff meeting. Kristina asks about how she and TJ are doing. Molly calls her and TJ as ships in the night. She wants to go to the staff meeting. Kristina asks why she isn’t asking about the baby. Molly gushes about the baby for a second before asking what’s new. Kristina tells her the only thing new with her is that she knows that Allie told her about Sonny. She wants to know why Molly is pretending not to know anything.

Molly thinks it’s obvious that Kristina didn’t want her to know. She admits that she dragged the information out of Blaze. Molly thinks that if the topic of her own baby is off topic, then she will keep quiet for the next few months. Kristina calls Molly perfect. Molly says she can’t have children, that’s why they’re in this situation. Molly is eternally grateful to Kristina for giving her a baby and she can’t wait until they can go back to arguing over normal stuff.

Natalia pries trying to get the argument with Kristina out of Blaze. She refuses to give her mother the information and forbids her from getting it out of Sonny. Natalia says that this incident just proves that ‘these kind’ of relationships aren’t real. Blaze knows what she means. She says she knows the difference between infatuation and stalkers. Natalia implies she might not and Blaze rounds on her for treating her like she is stupid. Natalia tells her that what people do in the privacy of their bedroom is one thing but not to confuse that with love. Blaze sends her out of the booth.
Alexis confesses to Finn that Gregory was funny and authentic, but she was too chicken to fall in love with a man she knew was dying. Brook Lynn asks Chase if he needs to leave. He feels obligated to stay until the end. Chase was not expecting the wedding to be the last time he saw his father, so he tells Brook Lynn that every time she walks away from him, he is going to tell her he loves her. Liz asks if Finn feels more settled today. Finn agrees but worries that he has got so good at pretending that he might be fooling himself.
Blaze goes back to singing in the booth. Natalia and the sound engineer look on. He says she is killing it. There’s a knock at the studio door. Kristina enters. Blaze sees her and the energy picks up in her voice. She makes eye contact with Kristina, singing directly to her. Kristina smiles. Natalia is disappointed.

Liz thanks Tracy for arranging everything. She thanks Chase for being himself. They hug. She didn’t see Finn, but she will see him later. Brook Lynn says her heart breaks for Violet. Chase goes off to find Finn. Violet sits reading. Chase catches Finn doing shots.