General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap-June 7: Elizabeth Gets a Shock, Josslyn Receives an Invite
Plus, Chase and Brook Lynn formulate a plan. Drew brings Nina and Willow together again.
Still I Rise

At the Metro Court, Drew spots Willow and Wiley playing in the pool. He jokes with Wiley about Navy Seal training, and the enthusiastic boy exclaims he wishes the pool had seals in it.
As Willow and Drew chat about Wiley’s swimming plans, Nina enters the pool area. She’s arguing with someone on the phone about a fitness equipment advertisement that Drew had wanted to run in Crimson for a discount price. Nina angrily says she’ll take care of it and hangs up. When she sees Drew with Willow, though, her expression softens.

Nina literally runs into Gio, who profusely apologizes. Just then, Wiley sees Nina and excitedly jumps out of the pool to hug her. Nina, with a towel in hand, gladly accepts the hug. Willow approaches, and Nina tries to assure Willow that she had not known they would be at the pool. She had come to find Drew.
Willow says it’s fine as Wiley asks if Nina can swim with him at the Quartermaine pool. Willow hedges, and Drew comes out of the pool to ask Nina what she wants. Nina implies it can wait. The talk turns to finding something to put on Wiley to protect his skin when he swims. Drew suggests a remedy, and Willow assumes he’d known about it from his Navy days.

Drew looks at Nina and says he’d read about it in a Crimson feature. He suggests Willow talk to Nina about it. While Drew takes Wiley back into the pool, Willow and Nina sit and make small talk about the product. Both seem more at ease as the interaction continues.
When Willow goes to pick up Wiley so she can prepare for a date with Michael, Nina says goodbye to her grandson. She hopes he has a great summer, and he hopes he’ll see her again soon. Willow and Nina share a smile and agree it was nice to see each other.

From the pool, Drew observes the warm moment.
The Road Not Taken

Dex arrives at the pool and is greeted by Gio. Dex is pleasantly surprised to see him and guesses he’s scored a summer job. Gio confirms, and the two talk their NBA fandom. Josslyn catches Dex’s eye, and he smiles at her.
Dex goes over and says hello to Josslyn and Trina. Josslyn jokes that she’s touched he showed up for her first day of work. Trina notes that Dex is healing nicely and says she heard about what happened at the wedding. Dex attributes his recovery to Josslyn and remarks he’d like to leave the wedding events in the past.

Sensing Dex wants alone time with Josslyn, Trina excuses herself. Dex updates Josslyn on his talk with Sonny and Sonny’s claim that he’ll stop his vendetta. Josslyn asks if he believes Sonny. Dex firmly states that he wants to leave Sonny in the rearview and focus on what’s right in front of him, as he holds Josslyn’s gaze.
Across the pool area, Trina bumps into Gio. He again apologizes and calls himself a “human bumper car.” When Gio says he wants to check in with Josslyn, Trina stops him and explains Josslyn and Dex used to date and are in a complicated place. She wants to give them time to talk. Gio understands, as he comes from “a long line of nosy Italians.”

Gio wonders what broke up Josslyn and Dex. Trina attributes it mainly to Josslyn’s “awful” ex-stepfather, Sonny Corinthos. Gio gets a look at the mention of Sonny’s name and confides that his family thinks the world of “Uncle Sonny.” Gio clarifies Sonny’s not his blood uncle but more like his “benefactor.” Trina acknowledges that everybody has a strong opinion on Sonny, “good and bad.”
Before he leaves, Gio admits he’s puzzled why Trina reacted so “weirdly” when they first met. He ponders if they might have met before. Gio gets called away for work but again raises the question when he returns to Trina’s table. She confides that when she looks at Gio from certain angles, he reminds her of someone with whom she used to be close. Gio wonders about the “used to” language.

Trina grows emotional and confesses her “someone” died. Gio says he’s sorry and calls himself an idiot. Trina gets overcome and hurries from the table.
Josslyn is concerned when she witnesses the moment. She catches up with Trina and wants to know if Gio did anything to her. Trina asserts that Gio did nothing wrong. Memories of Spencer come rushing at her at unexpected times.
When Trina says she wants to go, Josslyn offers to go with her to a movie. Trina turns her down and affirms she needs time by herself. Josslyn understands but reminds Trina she is there for anything Trina needs. They hug, and Trina leaves.

Afterwards, Dex approaches. Josslyn and he talk about Trina’s grief. He believes all the losses lately should be a reminder that every moment is precious, and that life is short. He has a proposition for Josslyn: “Have dinner with me.”
No Man is an Island

Chase and Brook Lynn have returned to their apartment. Chase continues to blame himself for not seeing the signs with Finn. Brook Lynn reasons he couldn’t have known. Chase wants to rage at Finn for using their father’s death as an excuse to return to the bottle but realizes that’s not the best approach. He needs to rein in his anger and remind himself that Finn’s suffering and under the grip of a disease. Most of all, he loves his brother and wants to help him.
Chase does agree with Brook Lynn that their first priority needs to be protecting Violet. Neither is sure how to go about it, as they feel both Finn and Violet would react badly to being separated from each other involuntarily. Brook Lynn suggests they take Violet to Italy with them while Finn goes to rehab. An alarmed Chase clarifies that would be kidnapping, as would simply taking Violet somewhere in town and hiding her away without Finn’s knowledge.

Chase chides Brook Lynn about coming up with an idea that doesn’t include committing a felony. She muses for a bit and then comes up with throwing a big bash for the kids on the Q estate. Violet would want to take part, and Finn would probably be willing to let her go. Chase isn’t sure how the Qs, and especially Tracy, would react.
Brook Lynn promises she’ll get them on board. Plus, Tracy is Finn’s friend and would want to help. Chase warms to the idea and declares he’ll talk to Finn about it the next day.
Because I Could Not Stop for Death

At the bar, Finn shares drinks with a blonde woman. She claims she hesitated to approach because she thought Finn would be a dark and brooding type, but she was wrong. He’s actually fun. Finn clarifies that he’s a doctor and lies that he is in town to visit family. He further states he’s on a sabbatical from Doctors Without Borders. The woman assumes he’s been to dangerous places and excitedly asks Finn if anyone’s ever shot at him.

Finn smiles and says no. He talks a little about his time in the program. When the woman asks his name, Finn implies he wants to leave names out of their encounter. The two continue to flirt and then kiss. Finn says he needs some air and gets up to leave. He pays the bartender to give him a bottle of alcohol from behind the bar and then departs with the woman.
Back at his place, Finn invites the woman inside. Finn flashes back to packing Gregory’s clothes. His companion takes note of the boxes and asks if they’re part of his Doctors Without Borders gear. Finn claims they are. The woman saunters up and puts her arms around him. She tells him she has a way to get his mind off everything. They begin kissing.

Jake also comes into the dive bar with two friends. The other boys want to use fake IDs to buy beer, but Jake bristles because he doesn’t have a fake ID. He fears he’ll get busted. His worries intensify when he spots Finn at the bar. He quickly turns around so Finn won’t notice him.
While one of the boys goes to get the beers, Jake’s other friend assures him that Finn isn’t noticing anything else in the room other than the woman beside him. Jake doesn’t believe Finn would do that to his mother. But as he observes the close interaction, he becomes more rattled. The other boy returns with the beers, but Jake is too distracted to drink.

Jake’s shocked when Finn and the woman lean in for a kiss. He gets up to confront Finn, but his friends stop him. They say they’re sorry and that Jake’s mom doesn’t deserve such a “loser.” Jake watches as Finn and the woman leave the bar together. He can’t take anymore and rushes out.

Later, Jake finds Elizabeth at the nurses’ station in the hospital. She’s curious why Jake is there since she thought he’d had plans with friends. Jake confirms he did but claims he saw something while his friends and him were driving by a “sketchy” dive bar. Jake admits he saw Finn leaving the place and that someone was with him.
Elizabeth is taken aback but assumes Finn had found a “drinking buddy.” Jake hesitantly corrects her and says Finn was with another woman. He states the two had clearly been drinking together. A disturbed Elizabeth proclaims she’ll take care of it and leaves. Jake calls someone and says his mom needs help.

After a short time, Elizabeth arrives outside Finn’s apartment. She fishes out a key, takes a deep breath, and opens the door. The bottle of alcohol sits open on the table. Finn is on the sofa, kissing the woman who’s draped over his lap. He turns and locks eyes with a stunned Elizabeth.