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GH Recap-May 10: Ava Investigates, Sonny Gets a Plus One

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-May 10: Ava Investigates, Sonny Gets a Plus One

Plus, Sam updates Dante, while Jason and Anna update each other. Josslyn and Dex meet-cute in the park.

A Cop and a Scientist Walk Into a Park…

Dex stops by Anna’s office and thanks her for recommending the job. Chase is being a big help to him and even invited him to the wedding. Anna is happy that Dex has an ally but wonders about his relationship with Dante. Dex hedges and says he doesn’t really know Dante. He thinks other cops might assume they have a connection because of Sonny.

Anna presses Dex if he believes Dante could be compromised due to his relationship with Sonny. Dex doesn’t think Dante would protect Sonny consciously. Anna clarifies he could be doing it subconsciously. While father and son are relaxed with each other and Sonny relies on Dante, Dex affirms Dante is a great cop and would never turn the other cheek on Sonny’s behalf. Anna thanks him for the input, and Dex leaves.

Later, Dex is doing push-ups in the park when Josslyn runs by. She’s preparing for a stadium run “without the stadium.” She challenges Dex to a running contest. He jokes only if he gets a head start, after which they take off.

Dex barely beats Josslyn as they return to their starting place, winded. Dex thinks it’s a good thing she’s not in the policy academy with him, as she’d be going for first in every training session. Josslyn believes Dex is already dominating the training, and he doesn’t deny it. He says with a pointed look to Joss that when you stick with something, it always gets better.

Dex asks Josslyn about school. She’s busy finishing up before summer break and will work as a lifeguard at the Metro Court during the summer. She admits school will be more challenging now since she’s changing her major. When Dex asks her to what, she says she’ll be studying environmental science. It’ll give her a chance to make use of her science courses.

Josslyn’s surprised because some of the classes are more difficult than her pre-med classes. Dex thinks she’ll tackle it head-on like she does everything else and “save the world.” Josslyn smiles and thanks him. They both have to go, so Dex says it was great seeing her. She runs off. Dex, with a look of adoration, watches her go.

What Happens When the Hitman Crosses the Boss?

Sam meets with Dante in the park. She tells him Jason is an informant for the FBI, which surprises Dante. She informs him Jason is currently working with Cates. Dante thinks Sonny will definitely see that as a betrayal. He then remembers that Sonny had told him about Jason being an informant, which must have slipped his mind because of the meds he’s on after the shooting.

Dante relays his own distrust of Cates. Based on what Dante knows, he doesn’t think the shootings were mob hits because they hadn’t caused any widespread chaos or collapse within the mob organizations. Sam says while she won’t lose sleep over dead mob bosses, she does care about Sonny and Jason. She wants to help Jason, as she knows he was coerced. And Dante can’t lose his father again.

Dante says he understands why Sam wants to assist Jason, especially because of Danny. Sam realizes now that Danny and Jason have a bond and that Danny needs his father. Sam also feels guilty because she had lost faith in Jason and his innocence after Dante was shot. She wants to make amends.

Dante is with her 100 percent on Danny seeing Jason, but he warns the case is complicated. He cautions her to stay out of it because there’s nothing she can do, and it’s a delicate situation. Sam won’t accept that idea.

Did You Hear the One About Pikeman?

Cates strides into Jason’s warehouse office with purpose and demands to know why Carly went to see Brennan. Jason, while taken aback by the news, doesn’t visibly react. He insists he wouldn’t risk Carly’s safety because protecting her was the whole reason he had taken the job. He believes Carly was probably eavesdropping on them and found out about Brennan that way.

Cates wants Jason to find out about the connection between Brennan and Carly, because either she’s useful to him, or he’s useful to her. Either way, it’s not good for them. He urges Jason to figure it out and leaves.

Jason calls Anna. When she arrives at the warehouse, Jason asks for all her intel on Brennan. He specifically wants to know about Carly’s role in Brennan’s arrest. He also tells Anna about Cates’ visit, and Anna sighs that the agent isn’t big on sharing.

Anna updates Jason about the belief that Brennan was going to kidnap Carly prior to his arrest because he had zip-ties on him. A frustrated Jason realizes Carly thinks she is helping him. Anna wonders why Carly would believe that, and Jason tells her his theory about Carly overhearing Jason and Cates’ discussion. Anna is angry because Carly just made their job harder.

Jason asserts that Cates thinks Pikeman will target Jason. Anna believes if Brennan knows about the FBI connection, Brennan will come after them, and the FBI won’t know what hit them. Brennan’s charming, smooth, smart, and always assessing and pre-planning his target. They both agree that they need to find out what Carly told Brennan, but Jason insists he cannot be the one to do it.

Anna is confused, since Jason is Carly’s best friend. Jason says that’s the problem. She knows him so well. If he questions her, she’ll figure out something’s up. He says they’ll have to find another way, so Anna offers to get the information from Carly.

Knock, Knock….Who’s There?…Ava….Ava Who?

At the Metro Court, Natalia thanks Sonny for the coffee invite. He says he enjoys her company, and they grin at each other. Natalia wonders who Sonny is waiting for, as she can’t believe anyone would stand him up. He sighs and tells her that he had a fight with the woman she had met earlier, Ava. Natalia can relate as she’s had her own struggles with her children’s fathers. She encourages Sonny to go home and work it out with Ava.

Sonny thinks it was just a stupid argument, and Ava and he will be fine. He brings up how Ava got upset with him for not inviting her to the wedding. Natalia can relate to that too. Sonny invites Natalia to be his plus one at Brook Lynn’s wedding. He says they can be chaperones of sorts for their daughters, and Natalia definitely likes that suggestion. She happily accepts and departs to go dress shopping.

How Many Disses Does It Take to Make a Blonde’s Head Explode?

In Sonny’s bathroom, Ava tampers with the outside of his pill bottle.

Later, she meets with a pharmacist and claims she needs refills of her husband’s medication, as they are going out of the country. The pharmacist takes note of a tear on the label. Ava quickly draws his attention away by saying the medication is new for her husband and she wants information on it.

The pharmacist assures Ava the medication is FDA-approved for bipolar disorder. Ava muses that since mistakes can happen, what would be the effect if the patient didn’t get a proper dosage? The pharmacist hasn’t seen dosage mishaps associated with side effects like violence or aggression, but he thinks Ava should speak with Sonny’s doctor if she’s concerned. Better yet, she should talk to Sonny himself.

Ava thanks the pharmacist and leaves.

Later, Ava is waiting for Sonny at home. He takes a moment outside the door before entering, as he’s acting agitated. When he comes in, Ava apologizes for getting so upset about the wedding. She understands why she shouldn’t go, and Sonny snaps he was only trying to make her see that.

Ava stresses to Sonny how much she values their current relationship and them being able to spend time with Avery together. She thinks it would be for the best if she moves out. Sonny assumes her decision resulted from their fight, but Ava clarifies that she doesn’t want to mess up the friendship and trust they’ve created. And she doesn’t want Avery to see them fighting.

Ava also claims she doesn’t want to overstay her welcome. Sonny says he didn’t ever ask Ava to go. That’s her decision. He likes being able to spend more time with Avery, and he likes the way things are now. But if she wants to leave since the threat to her has passed, then he’ll help her find a place.

Ava admits she likes his company because she feels she’s becoming a recluse. Sonny encourages her to get out more and socialize and not to hold herself back on his account. Ava says she’ll do anything she can to help Sonny and offers to take him to and pick him up from the wedding.

Sonny tells her that won’t be necessary and mentions inviting Blaze’s mother as his plus one. He thinks it’ll be nice since Blaze and Kristina are going to the wedding together as well. When Sonny goes upstairs, Ava fumes.

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