General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap May 13: Drew arranges a meeting between Nina and Willow. Anna confronts Carly about Brennan
Anna confronts Carly about her conversation with Brennan. Drew sets up a meeting between Nina and Willow. Trina is angry about Heather’s potential retrial.
Anna arrives at the Metro Court. She asks why Carly went to visit Jack Brennan at Pentonville.

At the Quartermaine’s Michael and Sasha discuss recipes and how well Sasha is doing in her new job as their cook. He is a little surprised she took the job and when she questions why, he says because of “you and me.”
Tracy enters the stables after a ride and compliments Cody on the saddle he carries in behind her. She makes a face at her watch because thinks she has been stood up. The door opens and Gregory enters.

Stella and Trina are at the gallery stuffing envelopes. They discuss art and family. Trina lets Stella know that she knows what she is doing (by spending time with her) and says it is working.
Nina nervously rambles about pushing things with Willow. Drew asks her to calm down. He has everything handled and he called her in to talk about Crimson. Willow enters and asks Nina what she is doing there.

Drew makes up a “work related” excuse for Nina to be there. Drew explained to Nina that Willow is prepping on her very first PSA for The New Tomorrow. Nina is so proud of Willow. Before she can leave, Drew asks her to sit in on the meeting.

Stella denies having ulterior motives for spending time with Trina. Trina says she took Stella’s advice to do something meaningful to get closure for Spencer’s death. Stella asked if it helped, and she said a bit but she is still working on it. Stella says that sometimes she just needs a hug and a shoulder to lean on. They hugged and continued working. Stella teases Trina about taste when she sees the $15,000 price tag on a painting. Jordan enters, telling them that she is about to be a buzzkill.

Carly states that the conversation is an interrogation. Anna is curious as to why Carly would go visit her abductor in prison. Carly snarks if she has to run her comings and goings past Anna. Anna counters that maybe she should when she is talking to the former head of the WSB and head of the Pikeman Group. Carly wants to know if that’s confirmed but Anna wants her question answered. Carly deflects reminding Anna the last time Anna and Cates came to her house they believed she was harboring a criminal. Anna says just because Jason slipped out before they got there, doesn’t mean he wasn’t there. Carly asks how they knew she was at Pentonville. Anna said Brennan is dangerous and has a lot of eyes on him. Carly says especially the FBI’s.

When Tracy asks Gregory why he was late. Yuri picked him up and Gregory asked him to take the scenic route. He got lost in the sunset while listening to Tchaikovsky. Tracy also saw some of the sunset from her horse. Cody offers to saddle horses to catch the rest of the sunset together. Gregory declines.

Carly cuts to the chase and tells Anna that she overheard Cates and Jason’s conversation and confronted Brennan, but he didn’t seem to know anything about it. Anna confirms that Carly told Brennan that Cates specifically was on his case. Carly didn’t think it was a secret. Anna angrily tells her that yes it was.

Willow believes that Nina has more important things to do than listen to her practice her PSA. Drew talks her into it by listing Nina’s expertise and since it is Willow’s first one, they really want to knock it out of the park. But they won’t do it if she is uncomfortable.

Cody tells a story to Tracy and Gregory of how the first time he rode a carousel horse. He tried to get the brass ring and bumped his head. When Gregory asked what happened, he said the girl sat next to him on the bus the next day. Tracy tells Gregory that Cody means well. Gregory says he wishes everyone gave such good advice.

Sasha reassures Michael that the drama means their relationship barely registered with the family and suggests he is disappointed because she never cooked for him. He agrees with a smile. Michael is sorry that she has to work and wishes he could have negotiated a better deal for her to leave Deception with. Sasha said selling the stock hurt but she did it for her peace of mind besides Gladys had already stolen all her money. She wanted the job. She longed to be part of a family and now she gets to cook for his crazy family. It occurs to her that she should have checked with Michael and Willow and worries she might make things awkward between the couple.
Michael tells her that it is not a problem and even when Sasha brings up her history with drugs, he says that they trust her. Sasha finds the job nurturing. She doesn’t believe that it’s a step down and she loves seeing how happy Michael is with Willow. She calls them inspirational and hopes to have that again someday. Cody overhears the last line and asks, “have what?”
Jordan drops the news that Heather’s case might be reopened. Stella calls it preposterous. She wants to know what there is to revisit. Jordan tells them about the cobalt poisoning. Stella is aware of the mental health issues inherent with cobalt poisoning like bipolarism, and psychosis. But she doesn’t think that erases her crimes. Trina is shocked to learn that Laura is advocating for Heather.
Willow does a run through of her PSA while Drew records. She asks Nina’s opinion. Nina tells her that Willow is the success story that people can aspire to and now she has a fulfilling life. She needs to show that and that they can have that too. Willow quips that it is totally okay to smile. Nina laughs and as she is leaving, Willow thanks her.
Anna berates Carly asking her why she thought it was a good idea to tell Brennan he was the subject of an investigation. Carly wanted to know how he would react. Anna demands to know if she is running her own investigation. She said yes, from the minute she laid eyes on him. He said he was in security, and she took that to mean ex-military. She thought he was after Sonny but then realized he was working with Hulme. It wasn’t a stretch to jump to Pikeman. Anna asks if Brennan told her about Cates or did she mention it. Carly did. Anna tells her she has compromised a major investigation by tipping off Brennan.

Anna wants Carly to listen but Carly asks why should she trust Anna or any of them. She talks about Cates being nice to her then threatening Jason. Anna demands to know how she knew, and Carly doesn’t admit to eavesdropping. When Anna mentions how she saved her from Brennan, Carly remembers Anna and Dante coming in guns blazing. Brennan only had zip ties and believes that all spies carry them, which Anna denies. Carly believes what they thought was a life and death situation was a miscommunication. Anna insists she stay the hell away from Jack Brennan. She leaves, and Carly calls for a ride to Pentonville. Nina appears behind her and thinks it’s nice that she is visiting her friend in prison.
Tracy invites Gregory to dinner at the house. Gregory says she needs to go and stand in for him. Tracy asks if that’s why he wanted to see her. Gregory says partially. He needs Tracy to be his failsafe plan for the wedding.

Willow is glad that Nina helped. Drew asks if she is open to Nina becoming more involved. Willow isn’t surprised at the suggestion because she knew he and Nina planned the whole thing.

Cody is up at the house to scrounge food. Sasha says if he sticks around, he can sample some appetizers. Michael notices the flirting and asks Cody about it.
Trina and Stella feel betrayed by Laura. Jordan is struggling with objectivity, but Laura is brave to do it. Stella wonders what it will do to Laura’s political career while Trina worries that Heather might be set free.
Michael asks Cody what his intentions toward Sasha are. Cody tries to get around it but when sked directly he says he will be as good to her as she lets him.
Drew asks if Willow is accusing him of setting her up. Willow thinks he is well meaning. Drew says it’s good business, but he would never do anything to hurt Willow. When he calls Nina her mother, she balks. Drew suggests he can get past it. Willow says his actions have made her rethink her own. She says it is hard because there is always a lie or a manipulation. Drew says he is willing to give Nina a chance. Willow reminds him that Nina sent him to prison. He says that their relationship is all business and she can’t emotionally hurt him. He admits to setting up the meeting and apologizes for it. He still wants to do it if she is comfortable. Willow can’t complain (about Drew helping Nina handle her) because she has been keeping something from Drew about his brother.

Nina apologizes for taking a shot at Carly. She wanted to talk to Carly to tell her that she was right about Sonny.
Gregory has a list for Tracy in case he can’t preside over the wedding. She insists it is meant to be. Gregory wants to cover his bases because he has been losing his breath more often and having issues. He needs her to be ready in case as his understudy, she needs to go on. She thinks he is perfectly capable of marrying them while being the most attractive man in the room. He insists she needs to go to Coney Island. He tells her to think mermaid for the dress code. She groans.

Sasha heated up beef stew for Cody. She asks where Michael went. He tells her that Michael left after telling Cody to be good to her. Sasha says that’s not his job and reassures him that he is already good to her.

Jordan says she can’t speak to Laura’s intentions, but she is smart and sensitive. She wonders where Heather belongs while they sort all of this out. Stella says it is a complicated issue and pain can drive people to do unthinkable things. Trina wonders about the victims and their families and the pain Heather inflicted on them.
Willow confesses to Drew that she and Michael found him in the boathouse badly wounded. They bandaged him up and got him antibiotics. Drew thinks Jason shouldn’t have put them in that position. He asked if Willow stitched him up. He says that of course she did because what Willow does is help people. He appreciates her and says her secret is safe.

Nina tells Carly that she was right about Sonny leaving her. They have a heart to heart about making amends. Carly lets her know that there is no point in looking back because she isn’t going that way.

Anna arrives at the warehouse, looking for Jason. When she can’t find him, she says alloud, “well, you were right.”