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GH Recap-May 16: Here Comes the Bride

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-May 16: Here Comes the Bride

After a rocky start, Brook Lynn and Chase exchange wedding vows. Guests mingle, both happily and unhappily, at the reception.

Dearly Beloved

Gregory’s voice halts, and he struggles to continue officiating the ceremony. He clutches the podium and goes silent as the gathering looks on in concern. When Gregory’s hand knocks his papers off the podium, Violent runs up and retrieves them for him. Chase asks his father if he is okay, while Tracy goes up to Gregory. Clutching Gregory’s hand, she gently tells him to breathe and to take all the time he needs because everyone will understand.

Tracy asks Gregory if he wants her to take over officiating or if he believes he can continue. Gregory composes himself, straightens, and whispers “thank you” to Tracy. She smiles at him and returns to her seat. Gregory resumes his recitation in a steady voice, to his family’s and the guests’ relief. He begins the traditional wedding vows (with an assist from Shakespeare), but Chase asks if he can say the vows since he has them memorized by heart.

Following the regular vow recitations, Chase speaks from his heart about Brook Lynn, whom he calls “a tsunami, a tornado, and a force of nature.” He jokingly recalls the first time they met, when instead of being struck by lightning he had been struck in the head with a bottle.

The crowd laughs as Chase reminds Brook Lynn he still has that bottle in evidence lockup. He vows to bring strength and love to the marriage and to their future children, just as his father had always done for him. Chase looks at Gregory with renewed concern, but Gregory assures everyone he is just overcome with emotion.

With a smile, Brook Lynn protests that the bottle incident was an accident. She then opens up about how growing up surrounded by strong women had made her determined not to settle for anything less than the perfect man. She had envisioned her future groom as someone who was handsome, strong, loved music, and loved her. Chase had checked all of those boxes, but she had forgotten to add “goodness” as an attribute at the time.

Brook Lynn praises Chase as a genuinely good man who is patient, gentle, and kind. He had always made her feel secure and had always forgiven her even with all her faults. She pledges to always forgive Chase as well and calls vowing to love him for the rest of their lives the easiest promise of her life. Smiles and tears are abundant amongst the gathering, especially from Lois.

I Now Pronounce You…

After the rings are exchanged, Gregory pronounces Chase and Brook Lynn husband and wife. The room erupts into applause as guests huddle around the couple, offering hugs and congratulations.

Chase hugs his father and thanks him, while Gregory beams that his bucket list is now complete. Chase wants to add one more thing to the list: Gregory holding Chase and Brook Lynn’s firstborn child.

Meanwhile, Dante gives Leo some bird seed. Violet politely refuses the seed and asks to be driven to the reception early for her “special surprise” for Chase. Dante goes over to Finn, pats him on the back, and jokingly welcomes him to the Bensonhurst family.

Outside, Sonny is standing with Natalia, Kristina, and Blaze and looking around at all the familiar faces of the Bensonhurst clan. Kristina asks him to introduce her, as they are part of her extended family too. Natalia calls the ceremony beautiful and notes that Blaze had teared up when the bride and groom exchanged vows. When Blaze says she must be the person who cries at weddings, Natalia gives her a pointed look and tells her to think about that. Blaze’s smile fades.

Tracy asks Gregory to accompany her to a private room away from the crowd. He obliges, and when they reach the room he thanks her for letting him make the choice about continuing the ceremony. Tracy cracks that every good wedding ceremony needs some suspense.

Gregory grows wistful and confesses to Tracy he often wonders what life might have been like if he had met her when he was a younger man. Tracy admits that she’s had the same thoughts. She concedes with a smile that life would likely have turned out very differently for both of them. But she also reminds him that would have made today different too.

Tracy believes after having watched their two families joined in “such a joyous way,” why would they want to change that? Gregory agrees. He interlocks his arm with Tracy’s and they return to the celebration. They arrive in time to watch the happy couple being showered in birdseed.

Something Blue

At the reception, Jordan and Drew toast Brook Lynn and Chase. Drew wonders how long he should wait to leave before it would be considered rude. Jordan asks him if he’s bored already, and Drew confides that seeing all the smiling couples makes him mull over “what might have been”s.

Jordan understands as she observes Portia and Curtis, who are discussing the weight of wedding vows. They are glad that they have each other.

Drew later runs into Jason, who he is surprised attended the wedding. Jason explains that Monica wished him to come in her place. Drew acknowledges he has not seen much of Jason since his return. Jason asks Drew if he wants that to change. Drew brusquely tells Jason their current lack of interaction should speak for itself and walks off.

Something New

Lois calls everyone together for photos, and the wedding party poses for pictures.

Jordan and Portia have both convened in the restroom for a moment away. Portia is curious about Drew, as she had sensed a “vibe” between Jordan and him. Jordan jokes that single people “traveled in packs” at weddings. Both women wonder why they had been invited to the wedding and want Olivia to settle the question after she enters the room. Olivia holds up her hands and says invites were Lois’ lane.

Sam, Kristina, and Blaze come into the restroom for a touch-up after Jordan and Portia have departed. Sam excuses herself after Dante sends a text about his Aunt Patty stirring up trouble. Kristina tells Blaze she considered it a good sign when Natalia smiled at her, even if it was in a “keep your hands off my daughter kind of way.”

They talk their crazy mothers, whom they don’t always like but do always love. Kristina thinks she needs to prove to Natalia that she’s what’s best for Blaze, and Blaze assures Kristina she has nothing to prove to her.

Their moment’s interrupted by Anna and Lois, who bring Gloria in to correct a minor crisis with her eye contacts. After Anna makes a suggestion, Gloria exclaims she can see again and promptly heads back out to the dance floor.

Sonny introduces Natalia to Giovanni, whom he calls Gio. Natalia praises Gio’s musical talents, and Sonny beams that the boy will be a concert violinist one day. Gio credits his success to Sonny, as Sonny had paid for Gio’s lessons and his first years of college. He thanks and hugs “Uncle Sonny.”

Something Old

Gregory asks Finn to sit with him, and father and son share a warm moment as they gush about Tracy. Lois comes up and introduces the two to her dad Carmine. Sonny catches Carmine’s eye, and he approaches Sonny and heartily embraces him. He calls Sonny “one of ours” since Sonny had been over at the Cerullo house so much as a kid. Sonny smiles fondly at the memories.

Liz and Jason chat about Jake, whom Jason wants to take out sometime for an outing on the lake. Gloria approaches, and things get awkward when she asks “Jason Quartermaine” if he ever became a doctor. He confirms he did not and leaves it at that. Gloria is sidetracked when she spots Sonny, and she gives a bear hug to her “honorary son.” Sonny’s expression darkens as he locks eyes with Jason.

In another corner, Maxie updates Natalia on Deception’s sales rise and credits it to their new Face of Deception. Natalia is pleased and prods Maxie on when Blaze will get her cut of the profits. An annoyed Maxie makes a crack about Natalia not being invited to many parties.

Later, Maxie joins up with Spinelli. He wonders where the bride was because the only one he could see was Maxie. She believes a wedding is the perfect time to tell him that she loves him. She seals her declaration to an over-the-moon Spinelli with a kiss. Applause breaks out again, and the duo realize it’s not for them.

Raise This Glass

Chase and Brook Lynn take their spot center-stage. Lois urges the couple to kiss. Chase happily obliges as he dips Brook Lynn.

Brook Lynn later approaches Gregory and thanks him for performing the service. He considers it an honor.

Olivia loudly attempts to get the crowd’s attention. She proudly introduces the gathering to her specialty cocktail: the Brook Lynn Chaser. She gives the couple first dibs.

Carmine approaches Finn and expresses relief at having a doctor in the family now. He pulls up his pants leg and shows Finn a rash that has developed. An amused Finn gives Carmine advice and the name of a dermatologist friend.

Sam takes Spinelli aside and asks for his help on a new case. The Jackal is intrigued. Sam clarifies the case involves investigating the FBI.

Violet and a guitar-toting Ned have moved to the center of the gathering. Ned announces that Violet wrote a song especially for the occasion. As he strums the guitar, Violet sings her song. Several couples share loving looks, including the bride and groom.

As Violet basks in the applause when she finishes, Carmine remarks to a proud Finn that Violet is an angel. Finn concurs, and they raise a toast to his daughter. He takes a sip of champagne, pauses, and gets a startled look on his face.

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