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GH Recap-May 17-The Wedding Festivities Conclude

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-May 17-The Wedding Festivities Conclude

Plus, the reception ends in a bloody mess. Brennan makes a risky move, and Cody and Sasha enjoy alone time.

A Bloody Good Bash

At the prison, Brennan folds a shank into a towel. Another inmate spies him hiding the knife and approaches aggressively. Brennan wants to know what it’ll cost him for the other man to keep quiet. The other inmate demands the shank for himself. When he makes a move to take it, Brennan punches him and knocks him out.

While the inmate is unconscious, Brennan gets the shank, takes a deep breath, and plunges it into his stomach. He falls beside the other inmate. Before he passes out, Brennan places the shank in the other inmate’s hand.

Later, Brennan is rushed into the hospital on a gurney. One of the nurses working on him shouts that he’s losing blood fast.

At the reception’s conclusion, Anna receives a call about Brennan.

Private After-Party

Sasha arrives at the stables toting a basket. She’s been busy preparing food for the wedding after-party, she informs Cody. She hadn’t been expecting so much prep work, but she’d felt since she was so new at the job she couldn’t refuse. Sasha’s only sorry the work prevented her from attending the wedding.

When she pulls out a bottle of expensive wine from the basket, Cody balks. Sasha insists they need to drink it now since it won’t have any value tomorrow. Cody accepts her invitation, and the two sit down for a drink and a chat. Sasha wonders how the wedding went, and Cody cracks weddings come off one of two ways: happily or miserably. He then lists off all the reasons the wedding could go sideways, such as food poisoning or a runaway bride or groom.

Sasha chooses to believe the ceremony went beautifully. Cody’s disappointed that Sasha proved the old cliché true that all girls dream of a big wedding. He laments that he won’t be able to provide that for his future bride. Sasha assures him that it’s not so much the wedding that matters, but the marriage that comes after, hopefully with your best friend.

Sasha reminisces about how Brando and she married in a garage. While it wasn’t the kind of wedding either of them had envisioned, they had been so excited for the happily ever after. She grows sad when she thinks about how that happily ever after proved to be so short. Cody admits he’s never really thought about a happily ever after, as he prefers to live in the moment.

Sasha prepares to leave for the after-party, but Cody wants a dance first. He brings out a radio and takes Sasha in his arms. They get lost in the moment, and Sasha weakly replies that she needs to get going. Cody asks for one more song, and the two continue their slow dance.

Merry Mingling

At the reception, Brook Lynn kisses Chase and then makes the rounds to mingle with the guests. She briefly chats with Jason and thanks him for coming. She wants him to have a good time. Maxie and Spinelli also catch up with Jason and Brook Lynn. Maxie hugs Jason, while Spinelli raves about Brook Lynn’s talented violinist cousin.

Brook Lynn then goes over to “Uncle Dimples” and hugs Sonny, proclaiming the wedding wouldn’t have been the same without him. Gloria and Carmine chastise Sonny for not visiting the “old neighborhood” more, and they cajole him to come to a 4th of July celebration.

Later, Brook Lynn jokingly thanks Olivia for being the very best “wicked stepmother.”

Gloria and Carmine make the rounds as well. They chat up Kristina and Blaze. Gloria tells Blaze her great-granddaughters love her singing, and Carmine chides Gloria by outing her as a big fan too—one who dances enthusiastically to the music. Gloria asks Blaze if she’ll be performing, but Natalia comes up and says Brook Lynn having her “biggest client” sing at her wedding would look like exploitation. Kristina makes a displeased face.

Lois works the room, with her camera in hand. She snaps a photo of Drew and Jordan, who continue to protest they’re not a couple. Lois also gushes over Gio, who perks up when Brook Lynn and Chase join the conversation and Chase starts talking about being a cop. When Chase jokes about Gio joining the force, the family immediately interjects and proclaim the boy’s destined to be a concert violinist. Gio doesn’t appear enthused at the prospect.

Chase points out Dex to Gio after the boy mentions having a military veteran father who had served in Afghanistan and had passed away. Gio approaches Dex and introduces himself, and Dex is happy to meet him.

Dex admires someone like Gio who can make beautiful things in defiance of so much destruction and pain in the world. Dex expresses his condolences after learning Gio’s father was killed in action, and he guesses the man probably served in the early 2000s. He tells Gio that military service makes a soldier think of home, and he’s sure Gio’s dad thought about his family every day.

Across the room, Finn eyes the champagne he had been drinking. Violet, who had been talking with Michael and Willow, approaches and tells her dad she has a serious question for him. And she wants an honest answer. Violet asks how Finn liked her song.

Finn smiles and calls his daughter “amazing.” She gives him a big hug. Elizabeth can’t help noticing that Finn seems distracted. She believes he’s still worried about Gregory. She assures him Gregory got through the ceremony fine and he’s having a great time now.

Maxie makes a toast to Brook Lynn. She calls their relationship living proof that just because you can’t stand someone, that doesn’t mean your lifelong enemy can’t become your best friend. She affirms that person will be there for you when you need them most. Maxie hugs a beaming Brook Lynn and jokingly wishes Chase luck with the next arrest.

The next wedding tradition commences when Olivia brings Brook Lynn and Chase onto the dance floor for the first dance. Afterwards, the couple share dances with their in-laws. Chase invites Lois, Gloria, and Violet for a dance, while Brook Lynn shares the floor with Ned, Gregory, and Sonny.

As Ned and Olivia take to the dance floor next, Lois stands aside and chats with Kristina, who has noticed her dad seems to be having a good time. Lois cracks that Kristina should have seen him when he was younger and calls her lucky to have a dad like him. Kristina agrees. Lois believes Sonny is and always will be a stand-up guy.

Brook Lynn honors another tradition by gathering all the single ladies for the throwing of the bouquet. Jordan and Violet both catch it, but Jordan relinquishes it to a delighted Violet.

Afterward, Jordan meets up with a departing Drew. She’s intrigued when Drew brings up his conversation with the congressman and a potential new job opportunity.

Natalia asks Kristina if she’s seen her father, as she wants to tell him she has to go and that she had a wonderful time. Kristina promises to deliver the message, and Blaze declines Natalia’s invitation to leave with her. When Natalia leaves, Kristina admits to craving another piece of wedding cake. Blaze asks her to get two pieces and to meet her in her room.

As the guests begin to leave, Dante tries to get out of going to the after-party, as he knows the Bensonhurst clan will drag him there. Cousin Patty ropes him into attending. Meanwhile, Sam congratulates Brook Lynn and lightly reminds her of her tenure as a trouble-maker. Brook Lynn says marrying a cop helped straighten her out. She suggests the same might happen with Sam, who beats a quick retreat.

Chase and Gregory share a hug, and Tracy jokes with Chase if he has any regrets about arresting her. Chase smiles and says he’d do it again. Tracy laughs.

Later, Chase carries Brook Lynn into a hotel room with rose petals strewn on the floor and bed. They fall onto the mattress, relieved they have finally “crossed the finish line.”

They lovingly call each other husband and wife and promise to have a great wedding night, a great honeymoon, and an even better future together. Then they share their first honeymoon kiss.

Matrimonial Mayhem

Spinelli attempts to flirt with Maxie but is interrupted by Sam, who whisks him off for a private chat. When they’re alone, Sam wants to talk about her proposed investigation of the FBI. Spinelli’s hesitant because he knows it’ll likely end with a federal prison sentence. Sam confides that Jason had been working as an FBI informant. Spinelli’s shocked.

Sam reminds Spinelli Jason would only take that extreme step if the FBI had something damning on him. She needs to find out the source of the evidence. Spinelli agrees to assist after Sam reminds him Jason would do the same for them.

Anna approaches Jason, who is standing alone, and lightly scolds him for “causing a scene.” He smiles. She wants him to forget about Pikeman for the day and loosen up.

Anna then runs into Sonny as she’s leaving the bar. He gets close and asks how “Cadet Heller” is doing in a seemingly threatening tone. Anna firmly and coldly states she won’t discuss Dex with Sonny and walks off. Sonny chuckles.

When Sonny spots Dex and Gio chatting, he angrily tells Lois to keep Gio away from Dex, whom he labels untrustworthy. Lois urges Sonny to let it go, but Sonny continues eyeing Dex with hatred.

Sonny’s rage simmers more when Dex sidles up to Gloria and offers her a glass of water. Gloria gushes over Dex and tells Lois they should introduce him to Cousin Lucia. Gloria would love to have another cop in the family. Dex smiles at the interaction, while Sonny seethes in the background.

Later, Michael jokingly threatens Dex about “big brother” watching Dex’s moves with Michael’s little sister on the dance floor. Dex notices a hearing aid on the floor. Once he learns it probably belongs to Carmine, he goes off to find the man. Sonny follows, and Jason observes.

Sonny catches up with Dex and begins yelling about the Cerullos being his family. He commands Dex to stay away from his family. He roars that Dex is a snitch, a spy, and a traitor who’s lucky to still be breathing. Sonny warns a mostly silent Dex to stay away from “me and mine,” or he won’t be breathing much longer. As he turns to leave, Dex grabs his arm and says he’s not Sonny’s enemy.

Sonny takes a swing and knocks Dex to the floor. He continues beating Dex, who crumples against the wall with a blood-streaked face. Sonny pulls him up and throws him across the room, then begins to kick him. Sonny’s stopped by Jason, who grabs him from behind.

Sonny demands Jason let him go and threatens to put a gun to both their heads and to kill the “traitors” Jason and Dex. He stops when a plate crashes to the floor. Sonny looks up and sees Kristina, who is horrified.

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