General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap-May 2: Just Another Day at the Q Estate
Deception finds its new spokesmodel, while Willow explores a new career path. Sasha is eager to please, and Tracy and Gregory commiserate.
Living Room Lights, Camera, Action!

In the Quartermaine living room, Maxie, Lois, Gregory, Chase, Maxie’s kids, and Violet have converged to watch Brook Lynn’s audition for Deception’s new spokesmodel. Lucy and Scott arrive as well, and Lucy huffs she was not invited. Maxie will act as Haven from Home & Heart while Brook Lynn debuts Deception’s newest face cream.

Tracy and Yuri also arrive, while Sasha tries to give a nervous Brook Lynn tips. The kids are getting impatient. As Scott films the audition on his phone, things immediately take a turn for the awkward due to Brook Lynn delivering her lines in a halting, stilted voice with an unnatural smile frozen on her face. When she attempts to dab some of the face cream onto her finger, a big glob squirts out. Brook Lynn apologizes as Scott stops filming and the gathered group share looks.

Chase enters and beams that he’d like the cream and the spokesmodel. Lois insists Brook Lynn just needs more practice. The kids, Gregory, Sasha, and Tracy soon beat a quick retreat. Lucy, meanwhile, feels vindicated and announces that now they should give the real professional—herself—a try. More looks of exasperation and dread are exchanged amongst the group.
Maxie tries to remind Lucy to focus on the product, but once Scott begins filming again Lucy wanders off-topic almost instantly. As Lucy continues rambling about herself, Chase remarks that she’s not very good. Brook Lynn doesn’t think she has any room to judge and admits that the spokesmodel gig is not a natural fit for her. She doesn’t want to let anyone down, though.

After reviewing the tape, Lucy concedes it wasn’t her best performance and blames the problems on the lighting. Lois encourages the group to give Brook Lynn one more chance and pulls her daughter back center-room. She begins showing Brook Lynn what to do and what to say. Scott starts filming and the group watches, impressed, because Lois is a natural.
Brook Lynn subtly prods Lois to do the demonstration again as she stands in admiration of her mother. Lucy blurts out to stop the filming now. As everyone wonders what Lucy will say next, she announces that Brook Lynn cannot be the spokesmodel because they already have the perfect model. Lois assumes Lucy is going to offer herself up for the job again but is shocked when Lucy says, “Lois, it’s you!” Lois asks Lucy if she’s lost her mind, but Maxie agrees with Lucy.

Brook Lynn laughs and asks Lois to imagine what the “ladies from the old neighborhood” would think. Lois grins as she concurs they’d get a big kick out of seeing Lois on TV. She seemingly warms to the idea.
Kitchen Chaos

Tracy bursts into the Q kitchen in a bad mood because so many children are running around. She lays into Olivia for hiring an untrained cook without her approval. Olivia defends her decision by saying Sasha worked in a restaurant. Tracy snarks that fast food doesn’t count. When Olivia clarifies Sasha worked in a real restaurant, Tracy’s still unimpressed and wants to give Sasha an audition.
Aiden arrives in the kitchen and explains Willow had picked him up on Elizabeth’s behalf. Tracy sighs about having more children around under her breath but decides to make use of Aiden by instructing him to pick a random recipe out of a cookbook. As Sasha comes into the kitchen, Aiden randomly selects a fancy dish. Tracy gets him to choose another after Olivia makes a crack about the children dining on pate.

Tracy instructs Sasha to cook the dish Aiden has selected for dinner and leaves. Sasha surmises that Tracy wasn’t happy with her, but she is determined to prove Tracy wrong. Both Olivia and Aiden offer to help.
Meanwhile, at the Gatehouse…

A frustrated Willow fields calls for Elizabeth at the hospital. She wants to get home, so she turns down an offer by Felicia to take another shift. Elizabeth calls and asks Willow to pick up Aiden for her as she is consumed with work. Willow agrees and leaves to get Aiden.

Later, Willow and Aiden arrive at the gatehouse. Aiden thanks Willow for picking him up and leaves for the main house. Willow mulls over a brochure about Drew’s proposal and falls asleep on the couch. She awakens when Michael comes home with Amelia. He suggests Willow take a nap in the bedroom while he puts Amelia to bed. Smiling, she encourages him to join her after he’s done.

After they have both settled in bed, Michael inquires about Willow’s next shift. She sighs and tells Michael she has been giving serious thought to her nursing career. While she finds her work rewarding, she thinks she might have gotten into the field because she craved financial independence. Watching Elizabeth struggle with her work-life balance has made Willow rethink her priorities. She informs her husband she is leaning toward accepting Drew’s offer to be a spokesperson for bone marrow donations.

Michael guesses she has made her decision and vows to support her. The two begin kissing but are interrupted by a crash downstairs. Michael watches Cody usher the kids away and returns to bed, promising to give Cody a raise. Willow and he resume their bedtime activities.
‘Downstairs’ at the Stables

Cody and Wiley are at the stables when Michael arrives toting the rest of the children. The kids express doubts about the new cook, but Cody and Michael are quick to defend her honor. Chase arrives with Violet, and the kids go to play in the hay. Chase warns the grownups that watching Brook Lynn has given Violet ideas about the spotlight.

Sasha comes to the stables later and is amused to find Cody being tied up by James and Wiley. Once the kids run off again, Cody asks Sasha how her first day’s going. She thinks her first day will be her last day because Tracy’s not a fan. Cody offers to put in a good word for Sasha since Tracy likes him. Sasha muses the offer was too good to be true.

Cody tells Sasha she is always welcome to stay with him in the stables’ living quarters. After she cracks that co-habitation isn’t the natural next step from a first kiss, he quickly clarifies that he’d sleep on a cot. He insinuates he wouldn’t mind if they shared a bed one day, though. Sasha leaves to check on her meal, and Cody rounds up the kids for dinner.
Patio Downtime

Gregory joins Tracy outside on the patio. Tracy launches into a complaint about Olivia hiring Sasha and lists her reasons for having reservations about the decision. She asks Gregory if she is being awful, and he thinks she’s just being reasonable…and being herself.
Tracy grows reflective and admits she feels she’s wasted the privileges and advantages life has handed her. She believes the only chance she ever took in life was with Luke, and that lasted for a short time. Gregory correctly assesses that Tracy thinks she doesn’t have much to show for the life she was given.
He reminds Tracy that life is not about winning trophies or accolades but about fully embracing life and the people populating it. He assures Tracy she still has time to change what she wants to change, and she should be grateful for that opportunity because not everyone has it.

They are interrupted when the kids bring food out to the patio. The kids leave to bring Michael and Willow food, leaving Gregory and Tracy to sample Sasha’s meal. They are both impressed. Tracy smiles because the food reminds her of a meal she had experienced with Luke in Europe. Gregory wishes he could have met Luke. Tracy doesn’t think they would have gotten along, but Gregory believes otherwise.

Sasha waits with anticipation while everyone samples her meal. She frets over what else she should have added to the food, but Cody assures her it tastes great. He wants Sasha to know he wasn’t trying to make a move on her earlier by inviting her to stay with him. He’s just “Team Sasha,” he declares.
Sasha smiles but grows anxious again when Tracy enters the kitchen. Her smile reappears after Tracy declares that she has the job, no more tests needed. Tracy welcomes Sasha to the staff and scolds Cody about minding the kids, who have disappeared on him.

Cody finds the kids at the gatehouse arguing about some plates they have broken. Before the kids can rush upstairs, he quickly leads them back to the main estate, leaving Michael and Willow to enjoy their alone time.