General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap-May 23: Dex Decides, Chase Reaches Out to Finn
Plus, Carly gets an update about Brennan and pays Sonny a contentious visit. Alexis learns surprising information, while Lois welcomes a new guest to the Quartermaine estate.
Kristina Stands Firm

Kristina apologizes to Dex for putting him in the position of potentially covering for Sonny. She believes Dex didn’t deserve Sonny’s treatment of him since Dex had proven his loyalty by saving Sonny’s life. Kristina reiterates that if Dex chooses to press charges, she will testify on his behalf. Dex admits he hasn’t yet made a decision. He thanks Kristina for making the offer, tells her to take care of herself, and leaves.
Blaze thinks Kristina should listen to Dex about looking after herself. She reassures Kristina that Kristina’s not to blame for her father’s actions. Kristen believes she is partially just as guilty since she had encouraged Michael to take action on Sonny’s behalf. She calls herself her father’s daughter. Blaze adds Kristina’s so much more than that and says she is beautiful.

Blaze again urges Kristina to focus on herself and the baby. Kristina admits she wants a better world for the baby than the one she had. Covering for and excusing Sonny is doing nothing to provide that better world, she laments.
Blaze offers to take Kristina home. Kristina jokingly asks if her girlfriend is trying to get rid of her. Blaze says she just wants Kristina to get some rest and states she’ll make Kristina an omelet when they get to her place. Kristina is surprised Blaze can cook breakfast, and Blaze calls herself a woman of many talents.
Kristina concurs with that assessment. She warns Blaze the only breakfast she can personally prepare is a Pop Tart. Blaze smiles and the two leave, arm-in-arm.
Anna Offers Words of Caution

Carly arrives at Anna’s office and assumes Anna wants to interrogate her about Sonny. Anna says the reason she asked Carly to meet with her is because a friend of Carly’s is in the hospital. Carly is surprised to learn it is Brennan and that he was the apparent victim of a stabbing.
Anna updates Carly on Brennan’s condition. She insinuates that since no major organs were hit, Brennan may have stabbed himself. Anna thinks the stabbing would have given Brennan the perfect cover for getting out of prison for a few days. Carly agrees and sarcastically wonders why more prisoners haven’t taken Brennan’s approach. Anna clarifies that Brennan did not confirm his injury was self-inflicted, but he did mention a visit from Carly as a potential perk of being in the hospital.
Carly firmly states that Jack Brennan and she are not those kinds of friends and that she barely knows the man. She says she has somewhere to go and gets up to leave. Anna inquires if Carly is going to visit Brennan. Carly doesn’t answer and departs.

Later, as Anna mulls over a document on Brennan, Dex comes into the office. He says he wants to talk with Anna off the record. Anna, alarmed at Dex’s appearance, demands to know what happened to him. He tells her about Sonny’s attack, Jason breaking it up, and Kristina witnessing it.
Dex admits he’s worried about Kristina testifying, and Anna admires his integrity. Dex requests an honest answer from Anna: if he doesn’t press charges, will he be tarnishing the badge before he ever wears it?
Anna doesn’t believe he would because failure to report a crime is not a crime in and of itself, and the victim is under no obligation to report. Plus, she reasons, in the event Sonny did face charges Diane would likely secure him a sweetheart deal where he’d serve little time. She also admits that Sonny’s family would have to endure a prolonged legal conflict.

While Anna points out the potential cons of pressing charges, she recognizes that Dex is the victim of a crime and it should ultimately be his decision whether or not to move forward. She warns that any crime has ripple effects and the potential to impact many people. She’s not sure if now is the right time to go after Sonny, but Dex still has that right. She cautions that as a cop, things won’t always be black and white for him.
Dex decides not to press charges. He’ll “live in the gray” and take responsibility for that choice. Anna tells him he’ll make a great police officer.
Ava Plays Master Manipulator

At the penthouse, Ava continues to comfort Sonny and to raise his ire at his perceived enemies. She claims since Kristina is in her third trimester, she’s extra-emotional and more likely to blow things out of proportion. Ava believes Kristina will come around, and she concurs with Sonny that Dex has shown his true colors.
Sonny thinks Kristina’s reaction was made worse when she saw Jason restraining him like Sonny was “a crazy person.” Ava takes some subtle jabs at Jason and agrees that Kristina witnessing her father’s former best friend treating him that way likely didn’t help. Sonny claims he doesn’t need friends, not anymore.
Ava thinks something else is bothering Sonny. He admits he’s thinking about how his sons have turned on him. Ava notes that Sonny said “sons” in plural form. Sonny now includes Dante in the list and rants about Dante prioritizing being a cop over being loyal to his father. Ava echoes that Sonny had a terrible day and puts the blame on Dex and Jason.

Their conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door. Ava is displeased when she finds Carly on the other end. Carly walks past Ava and says she wants to speak with Sonny, without Ava present. Ava doesn’t leave, though.
Carly asks Sonny if he’s heard from Kristina. He admits he hasn’t but says she’ll calm down and they’ll be fine again. Carly reminds Sonny that Kristina saw him violently beat a man and then threaten to kill another. When tensions begin to rise, Carly says she thought Sonny and she had reached a truce.
Sonny thanks her for being with him after the incident but contends that she was not there at the time. He gives her his view of what happened. He had lost his temper, and then Jason had intervened and escalated things. Carly asks Sonny if he’s blaming Jason. Sonny asserts that Jason’s strong, and the situation wouldn’t have ended the way it did if Jason had stayed out of it.
Carly lists off all the people Sonny has blamed and asks him what happens when he runs out of “traitors”? The only person he’ll have left to blame for the man he has become is himself. Sonny tells Carly to go. She says Sonny seems to have everything he needs, with a pointed look at Ava. Carly wishes him well with Kristina and leaves.

When Ava is alone with Sonny again, she immediately begins casting aspersions at Carly. She observes that it’s almost as if Carly wants Sonny to be estranged from his children.
Lois Expresses Gratitude

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned asks if Brook Lynn wanted to see him. She responds by hugging him and telling him how much she loves him. While Chase has lost his father, she still has hers and wanted to let him know how much he means to her.
Meanwhile, in the foyer Chase takes Gregory’s compass out of his suitcase and holds it close. Later, he receives a concerning call from Elizabeth and leaves with Brook Lynn.

Lois is preparing condolence food in the kitchen when Ned comes in and tells her that Chase and Brook Lynn went to see Finn. Lois laments how the couple is facing a major test “right out of the gate.” She suggests Ned talk with Tracy, but Ned believes Tracy needs time to herself.
Lois informs a surprised Ned that she believes Tracy’s feelings for Gregory ran deep. Ned only remembered the two fighting and did not imagine it was anything romantic. Lois reminds him that Tracy respected and felt the most deeply for the people who challenged her.

Ned realizes Lois is right and calls himself a terrible son for not seeing Tracy’s feelings. Lois assures him he is a good son and says today should remind them that they all need to treat each other better. Lois also conveys how lucky she feels for having Ned in her life, first as a husband and now as a dear friend. She gushes over their beautiful daughter and their future potential grandkids. She doesn’t, however, look forward to turning into a “Nona in a black dress, support hose, and orthopedic shoes.”
Ned grins and reminds Lois that neither Tracy nor Gloria fulfilled the traditional “Nona” role. Ned returns Lois’ appreciation and gratitude. He looks forward to their future grandchildren as well. Lois grows sad and observes that when she’s holding her first grandchild, Gregory won’t be there to experience the same joy. Ned consoles her.

Later, Lois opens the door to the mansion and warmly greets Gio, who is toting suitcases. She invites him in and assures him that Yuri will take his bags upstairs. Gio marvels at the mansion and thanks Lois for allowing him to stay there. She fills him in on Gregory dying and says the family is in mourning.
Gio gives his condolences and wonders if he would be imposing. Lois balks and says Monica has already given her full support to having another houseguest. Lois tells Gio he is welcome there and calls him extended family to the Quartermaines. Gio relaxes and smiles.
Elizabeth Enlists Reinforcements

At Finn’s place, Elizabeth insists that she cares about Finn too much to let him “throw away” his sobriety. She implores him to see the alcohol is not helping and that he needs to stay sober for himself and, more importantly, for his little girl.
Finn gets enraged and declares he is in charge of his sobriety. He blasts Elizabeth for trying to dictate his relationship with his daughter when Finn had been the girl’s only parent since her mother walked out on them. It’s just been the two of them for five years, he angrily reminds Elizabeth.
Elizabeth defends that she is only watching out for his child like Finn has watched out for her children. Finn tells her she can stay and make friendship bracelets with Violet or leave. “Those are your choices,” he proclaims as he holds the door open.

Elizabeth walks out. Finn closes the door on her and then buries his face in his hands, sobbing. Outside, Elizabeth calls Chase and tells him she’s not the one Finn and Violet need right now. She pleads with him to see Finn.
Later, Finn is drinking from the bottle of bourbon when Violet comes out with a friendship bracelet she had made for Aiden. She asks where Elizabeth went, and Finn lies that Elizabeth had a work problem.

Finn opens the door after someone knocks. Chase comes in and silently hugs his brother, while Brook Lynn goes over to Violet and asks about her bracelet. Finn laments that things will never be the same, and Chase affirms they’ll be there for each other. Brook Lynn glances at the bottle of bourbon on the table.
Brook Lynn asks Violet if she wants to take a walk so Chase and Finn can talk about “grown-up stuff.” Violet agrees, and Finn hugs her before she leaves. When they are alone, Chase asks Finn to tell him everything and stares at the bottle.

Finn recalls finding Gregory and then watching as the medics wheeled him out on the gurney. He confesses that he took a drink, possibly more than one. Chase looks concerned.

At Bobbie’s, Brook Lynn asks Violet how she’s doing. Violet confesses that she’s worried about her dad, since he lost his dad. She doesn’t know what she would do without Finn. Brook Lynn reassures Violet that her dad will be around for a long time.
Alexis Makes Her Case

At the hearing, Alexis stands and starts her defense. She begins that she was disbarred for lying, but Fergus Byrne angrily interrupts and calls her an “admitted liar.” The board’s main representative commands Fergus to quiet down and conduct himself better. He sits down, and Alexis continues that at the time of her disbarment, she was not under oath in a courtroom. She had lied before a medical board.
Alexis also contends that she never saw official documents outlining the accusations. She brings up Fergus being on the panel that decided her fate, which would have presented a conflict of interest. Fergus retorts that he recused himself, but Diane reminds him that he had installed his law partner and good friend in his place.
Fergus tries to defend the integrity of his colleague, but Alexis reiterates that she wasn’t given a fair hearing, nor did she ever discover the name of the person who had accused her of wrongdoing. Fergus shoots back that Alexis never pursued the issue of the accuser’s identity. Alexis accepts responsibility for her actions, but she wants to know the person’s name now. She contests that she had the right to face her accuser.

The board agrees with Alexis, so Fergus relents. He identifies Ava Jerome as the witness. Alexis and Diane are stunned. Diane demands a new hearing in light of the new information, but the board refuses and instead grants a 10-minute recess. Outside, Alexis rants against Ava, whom she believes ruined her career because of Julian. “I lost my career and myself,” she says with a sigh.
Alexis despairs that the case is lost. Just then, the bailiff informs her the recess has ended and she is due back at the hearing.