General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recap-May 24: Tracy Learns About Gregory, Elizabeth Pleads with Portia
Plus, Finn makes a pledge. Alexis’ hearing concludes, while T.J. and Molly enjoy quality time.

Portia approaches Elizabeth at the nurses’ station and gives her condolences for Gregory’s passing. When Elizabeth mentions Gregory died in his sleep, Portia acknowledges that type of death can be especially hard for family members. Elizabeth mutters about it being harder for some.
When Portia inquires about Finn, Elizabeth says they are all struggling. Portia offers to give Elizabeth the day off to be with Finn, but Elizabeth believes she’s the last person Finn wants to see. Portia encourages Elizabeth to talk to her as a friend. Elizabeth hints she can’t because Portia’s also the Chief of Staff and Finn’s boss. Portia is taken aback when Elizabeth walks off.
Later, Portia catches up with Elizabeth in the hospital locker room. She implores Elizabeth to confide in her, and she’s confused as to why her friend is shutting her out. Elizabeth insists it’s not her place to tell the story. Portia is insistent, so Elizabeth eventually relents and tells her about Finn’s relapse. She immediately second-guesses the decision and pleads with Portia not to make her regret taking Portia into her confidence.

A short time later, Portia and Elizabeth are back at the nurses’ station. Elizabeth is sorry she unloaded on Portia, but Portia is grateful that Elizabeth trusted her. Elizabeth defends Finn, calling his relapse a one-time “aberration.” His pain’s still fresh, she asserts, and he knows that he needs to take care of Violet. Portia reminds Elizabeth Finn also has a responsibility to his patients.
Elizabeth doesn’t think Finn would do anything to endanger his patients. She asks Portia to keep the secret for Finn’s sake. Portia concurs it was likely a one-time mistake. Elizabeth assumes Portia will stay quiet and thanks her. After Elizabeth leaves, Portia looks unconvinced and very concerned.

Before the hearing resumes, Diane gives Alexis a pep talk and commands her friend to direct her anger somewhere besides at herself. She doesn’t want any more of Alexis’ “wishy-washy nonsense.”
The hearing reconvenes, and Alexis stands for her closing argument. She restates her main points, the first being that she did not commit perjury in a court of law. She adds that her testimony was given not as a lawyer but as a private citizen. Alexis further defends that her lie had been an attempt to protect the reputation of a man for whom she cared deeply.
She reminds the board that Neil was the brother of her opposing counsel. Fergus interrupts and contests that he had recused himself from the first hearing. Diane chides him again about Fergus having replaced himself with a friend. He eventually quiets down, and Alexis resumes her summation.
Alexis believes her disbarment resulted from a vendetta perpetrated both by Neil’s family and by Ava Jerome. She informs the board that Ava was her sister-in-law, and Ava likely wanted payback after Alexis had divorced Ava’s brother Julian. Alexis assures the board that if she had known about Ava’s involvement or Fergus’ involvement — or even if she had received official notification of the disbarment proceedings — she would have taken action.
Alexis finishes by acknowledging that she’s made mistakes in her personal life and she has tried to rectify them. Those mistakes, however, should have no influence on her ability to practice law. She cites her track record as proof of her legal capabilities and thanks the board for the chance to finally say her piece.

When Alexis sits down, Fergus rises and scoffs about Alexis’ attempts to separate her professional and her personal life when the two are so intertwined. He wants to update the board on some pertinent facts that Alexis had omitted. First, he invokes the case of Carlos Rivera: a client whom Alexis had allegedly dissuaded from taking a plea deal in an attempt to protect Julian.
The head of the board asks if Mr. Rivera can corroborate the allegation, but Fergus retorts he can’t because Carlos Rivera was murdered by Alexis’ then-husband. Fergus doesn’t relent and then brings up his other brother Brendan. Fergus accuses that Alexis also bears responsibility for Brendan’s death. Fergus grows hostile and rages that both his brothers would be alive if they had never met Alexis. She destroyed his family, and Fergus will make sure she never destroys another one.
As tensions flare, the board calls for order. Fergus collects himself and concludes by reiterating that lying under oath is perjury, regardless of the circumstances. Alexis, he claims, has shown she has no regard for legal ethics. Her actions can’t be undone, and neither should the disbarment.
After he finishes, the board announces a decision will be reached within 30 days. Diane tells Fergus he should be ashamed, as Alexis and he trade glares.

Molly exits the elevator at the hospital and is greeted by T.J. They decide to go to Bobbie’s for a date.
The couple are approached by Elizabeth, who wants to get in contact with Alexis about Gregory’s death. Molly had heard the news and expresses her condolences. She explains to Elizabeth that Alexis is out of town for a court hearing. When Molly offers to get in touch with Alexis herself, Elizabeth thanks her but says she’d rather talk with Alexis personally. Molly knows hearing about Gregory will be tough for Alexis since the two had been so close.
Later, at Bobbie’s, T.J. and Molly chat at an outside table. Molly wonders how the hearing is going and hopes for the best. T.J. jokingly asks her if she has thought about a “Davis girls matchup” in the courtroom between Alexis and herself. Molly thinks that would be a nightmare scenario since mother and daughter would each know the other’s weaknesses.

When T.J. asks Molly what she’s planning to do with the rest of her free time, she mentions taking a walking at the bluffs. Kristina was supposed to join her but hadn’t been returning Molly’s calls. T.J. guesses there might be tension between the sisters because of him. Molly thinks Kristina’s just busy, and they’re on good terms. T.J. regrets if Molly is hesitant to talk about her sister in front of him for fear of how he might react.
Molly admits they have been going overboard with monitoring Kristina and asks T.J. if they would be acting the same way if the surrogate was a stranger. She thinks it’s easier for them to be overbearing because the surrogate is her sister. T.J. acknowledges that Molly’s probably right and agrees to back off.
T.J. worries about Molly walking alone but quickly apologizes for going into “dad mode.” Molly smiles and says he should get prepared because he’ll be a dad soon. The two bask in the joy of their impending parenthood.

Inside at Bobbie’s, Violet wonders to Brook Lynn if her dad might live to be 100. Brook Lynn thinks it’s very possible, as Finn is strong. Violet wishes her grandpa could have lived so long, but Brook Lynn gently reminds her that Gregory was sick.
When Violet confides that she’s worried about forgetting Gregory, Brook Lynn assures her that the people we love are imprinted on us forever. “Like a tattoo,” Violet muses. Brook Lynn thinks that’s the perfect comparison.

At Finn’s place, Chase promises Finn that he won’t be judging his brother. It’s going to be a hard day, and Chase himself wants to deal with his grief in his own way.
Finn opens up about the dead bodies he’s seen during his career. When he saw Gregory, all he could think was that wasn’t his father. The body didn’t have Gregory’s understanding, kind eyes, nor did it hold a mouth that curved at the edges like it was always ready to smile.
Finn grows more emotional as he talks about the lack of an Old Spice smell and how the body was so cold to the touch. Finn cries that his dad was a warm person, and he doesn’t want this to be happening. Chase embraces him as Finn breaks down.

After Finn composes himself, he expresses his regret for handling his grief in the worst way possible. He had hurt Elizabeth and made the bottle the thing he held onto through the pain. He had made his father’s death all about himself. Chase offers that there’s no right way to grieve, but Finn insists he chose the wrong way.
Finn then laments how much he’d hurt his father. He dares Chase to tell him that he hadn’t ruined his relationship with Gregory. Chase contends that Finn had rebuilt that relationship with hard work, just as he could do with his sobriety. Finn sighs as he asks Chase for a favor. “Get rid of it,” he says, nodding to the bottle. Chase silently retrieves the bottle of wine and removes it from the room.

Later, Brook Lynn and Violet return. Finn hugs his daughter and tells her how much he missed her. Violet asks if they can make grilled cheese sandwiches like grandpa did. The comment shakes Finn and Chase, but they hold back their sadness for Violet’s sake. After Violet eats the sandwich, she gives Finn the last bite and states he needs a hug.
Finn gladly accepts Violet’s hug. He tells the little girl to never forget that he loves her, then sends her upstairs. Finn apologizes to Brook Lynn for the canceled honeymoon, but she assures him she is here for whatever Chase and he may need. Finn admits he needs a meeting, and Chase agrees.

Tracy returns to the stables, fresh from a ride. Noting her upbeat mood, Cody hesitantly approaches and says Tracy’s wanted at the house. Tracy tries to blow it off, as she thinks she’ll just be greeted by the Bensonhurst gossips. Cody clarifies that Chase wants to speak with Tracy.
Tracy is confused because Brook Lynn and Chase are supposed to be on their honeymoon. When Cody says they didn’t go, Tracy snaps at him. She gets a knowing look in her eyes and asks why. Cody gently says he’s sorry. Tracy finishes for him, “Gregory’s dead.” She is shaken but tries to hold back in front of Cody. He suggests she sit down and gets her a glass of water.
As Tracy sips the water, Cody sits with her. She wistfully remembers how happy Gregory had looked at the wedding. “How does that person no longer exist?” she asks. While Tracy knew it was coming, it still feels so sudden. Cody agrees that even if a person knows a bad event is imminent intellectually, it still feels like “a punch in the gut” when it actually happens. He’s sorry Tracy had to hear the news from him.
Tracy’s not sorry, though. With a smile, she confides that she would often imagine what Gregory was like in his youth. She looks at Cody and says, “I imagined he was a lot like you.”

Cody is flattered, but he doesn’t see it. Tracy talks about how Gregory was quiet, open, and had an unworried aura about him. Cody admits he worries about plenty of things, but hanging out with the horses helps. He thinks the world can’t be so bad with them in it.
Tracy believes Gregory would have said the same thing, only about his family. Tracy continues to compliment Cody and his unassuming strength, his keen observation of the world around him, and his kindness and grace. She calls those qualities cherished gifts. Cody is touched.
Tracy prepares to leave but confirms she’s not ready to go back to the house yet. She inquires about clothes in the tack room and asks Cody to tell the family that he delivered the news to her. Cody agrees and again says he is sorry for Tracy’s loss. Tracy says she’s sorry too, her voice cracking with emotion. She departs.

Later, Tracy runs into Elizabeth at the hospital. They exchange polite greetings, and both say they’re sorry for the other’s loss. Tracy then finds Stella in the breakroom. Stella says she heard about Gregory and immediately offers Tracy a seat and coffee. As they sip the coffee, Tracy worries if Gregory experienced pain at the end.
Stella assures her that he likely died peacefully and without pain. She offers to look up details for Tracy, but Tracy declines. Tracy’s also relieved to learn that no autopsy will be performed, as that would be even harder for the family. She makes a request of Stella. Since Stella seems to “run the place,” could she let Tracy know if medical bills or anything else Tracy could handle with her checkbook should arise.

Tracy also doesn’t want her name associated with any payments. Stella is blown away that Tracy would make such an extraordinary gesture, as most people would stop at baking a casserole. Tracy jokes that no one would want to consume a casserole she made.
Stella believes that her offer shows the kind of person Tracy really is at her core. Tracy credits Gregory with changing her for the better. She doesn’t want to let him down. When Tracy mentions she should be getting home, Stella takes her hand and urges her to stay a few more moments. Tracy seems happy and relieved to oblige.