General Hospital
GH Spoilers
GH – Recap May 28: Sam pressures Spinelli to hack the FBI. Carly visits Jack Brennan
Sam tries to strong arm Spinelli into hacking the FBI. Carly visits Brennan at GH, and Chase continues to greive.

Carly enters Jack Brennan’s hospital room. He is surprised to have another visitor. Carly remarks that he should have expected her since he stabbed himself to see her again.

Alexis is at a coffee shop when approached by Fergus who asks if she is dining alone.

At Chase’s apartment, he holds the compass and tells Brook Lynn that he cannot believe his father is gone. Brook Lynn offers to unpack as they get a knock on the door. Chase isn’t up for visitors. Brook Lynn goes to chase them away but it’s Tracy.

Sam shows up at Spinelli’s. He is deeply troubled by the idea of Jason working for the FBI, but he needs to emphasize that tangling with the FBI is ill-advised. Sam accuses him of not wanting to help her anymore.

Anna visits Jason’s room at Bobbey’s. When he asks why she is there, Anna comments on his lack of bruises. He is confused until she tells him that last night he got between Sonny and Dex.

Alexis tells Fergus to move along. He sits instead asking her what are the odds of them being at the same diner. She tells him to go away. He doesn’t leave. Instead, he asks her why she is filing an appeal now when she didn’t then.
Tracy gives Chase her condolences. She brought them bottles of Berolo in lieu of a casserole. Tracy knows they should be on their honeymoon and since that isn’t possible, she brought a taste of Italy to them. Chase thanks her for being a friend to his father. Tracy wants to skip the platitudes.
Spinelli thinks going behind Jason’s back is wrong. Sam believes they have something huge on him to force him to be an FBI informant and they need to find out what.

Anna recounts how Dex came to her office about Sonny’s attack and that Kristina was a witness. Jason asks if Dex is pressing charges. Dex isn’t because they want to wait and get a charge that would get justice instead of two years for assault.

Jack teases Carly about wanting to impress her. Carly wants to see the scar. He says it’s epic but bandaged. Jack repeats the lie that he was jumped in the shower. Carly doesn’t buy it. He is a spy. She doesn’t believe he would ever leave himself in such a vulnerable position and he could overpower most prisoners. Jack suggests that he may have wanted to see her. She doesn’t believe he would leave a liter of blood on the floor just to see her and asks what is really going on.

Chase denies it’s a platitude. Tracy apologizes for offending him and that if it were up to her that she and Chase’s father never would have been friends. She finds most people annoying. Caring about Gregory snuck up on her. Tracy praises Gregory for being warm and facing the end of his life with dignity. She thinks Chase should be proud. Chase believes Gregory’s death was his fault. He pushed him too hard to be in the wedding and it killed him. Tracy doesn’t see it that way.

Alexis says it took her a long time to realize what a miscarriage of justice her disbarment was. Fergus believes she was playing the long game, hoping if she waited long enough people would forget what she did. She sarcastically congratulates him on guessing her master plan. Fergus wants her to stop playing the victim. She did this to herself. Alexis wants to know what the real reason behind his mission to stop her from practicing law. Fergus went out of his way to go down to Port Charles and get Ava to sign an affidavit.

Jack says the truth is complicated. Carly sarcastically wants him to explain it in small words. Jack calls it ‘the wilderness of mirrors’ and calls himself a spy and all of this spy games. He is in prison because he is being accused of being the head of Pikeman, but he hasn’t been tried. He thinks they fear what would come out in the courtroom. She accuses him of not being innocent. Jack agrees he isn’t. He says no one is innocent including Anna.

Jason didn’t see the fight start; he saw Sonny beating Dex and pulled him off. He had a bad feeling when Sonny followed Dex out. Anna asks if there is anything else, encouraging Jason to give her more information on what is going on with Sonny. Off the record, Jason tells her that Sonny lost control and said he would empty a gun into both of their heads. Anna is confused as to why Sonny would let all this happen so close to where Anna and the family were. She asks if Jason believes that Sonny would actually have Jason and Dex killed.

Tracy thinks officiating the wedding was the honor of Gregory’s life. She says that Gregory was struggling for a while, and officiating the wedding was what was keeping him alive. Chase hadn’t thought of it that way. She thinks he was too close to see clearly. She teases him about how annoyingly proud of Finn and Chase Gregory was and teasingly called it his only flaw. She shows herself out with a joke about their apartment being the size of a postage stamp.

Brook Lynn and Chase drink the wine Tracy brought. Chase feels like he has whiplash, events are happening too fast to handle. He is in a lot of pain. He can’t blame Finn for drinking when he is too. Brook Lynn says that alcohol is dangerous for Finn in a way it isn’t for Chase. He spoke to Finn and Finn knows what the drinking meant for his sobriety. Chase got rid of the alcohol, and he knows what it means but Finn found their dad. He doesn’t want to add to Finn’s pain. He wants to be supportive and keep Finn from taking another drink. Brook Lynn agrees. They will support Finn together, but she looks doubtful.

Spinelli explains to Sam that what they are doing is a federal crime and they could go to prison forever. Sam is pushy but asserts that she wouldn’t risk losing her family. Maxie knocks and enters, breaking the tension. She is surprised to see Sam and happy about Dante’s recovery. Sam offers to have dinner with both couples. Before she leaves, Sam asks Spinelli to think about what she said. Maxie asks what that was all about.
Alexis asks Fergus if he checked into Ava’s past before taking her on as a credible witness since Ava is a murderer. Fergus doesn’t think that fact mattered to the truth. Alexis asks what about the personal vendetta Ava had against her because of Julian? Fergus says the way Alexis destroyed Ava’s brother’s life was strikingly familiar to how she destroyed both his brothers’ loves. Alexis comments that Neil never ever mentioned Fergus. He admits that the brothers argued over his father’s estate, and he hadn’t spoken to either of them for a decade. He deeply regrets being unable to resolve anything. He says that he didn’t know he only had two years left with them because of Alexis. He wants to console himself by making sure she never practices law again. Alexis doesn’t believe going after her will fix the problems Fergus had with his brothers. Fergus is disappointed because he was hoping she would take some responsibility for her actions. He is upholding the ethics of the job and despite what she thinks, it’s not personal. Fergus takes a parting shot calling her the perjurer while he is the one with the law license before he leaves.
Chase is unprepared for the grief. He believed that his father could beat a fatal disease. He tells Brook Lynn that her being there is helping. Chase thinks that Gregory waited until after the wedding because he knew that Chase wouldn’t be alone. Brook Lynn says always.

Spinelli tells Maxie about the hacking plan in a spirit of renewed closeness. He is happy she interrupted the conversation to give him some breathing room from Sam. Maxie asks him if hacking the FBI is a federal crime. He says it is. Maxie mentions that it would put him and his family in danger. Spinelli gives Maxie the power to make the decision for him.
Jason goes over what happened in the fight, including when Kristina dropped the plates and ran away. He believes that is what gave Dex the chance to escape. He let Sonny go once Dex was gone so he could chase after Kristina. He called Carly because he believed that only Carly could have gotten through to Sonny. Anna sarcastically murmurs, “Carly to the rescue again.” Jason asks who else she has rescued?
Carly doesn’t care about anything going on except for Jason staying safe. Jack denies having ever met Jason but calls him a great guy for inspiring such loyalty. Carly believes Jason deserves peace and whatever is going on, Jack should keep Jason out of it. Jack says he doesn’t know him, but he would kill him if he had to, but he probably won’t cross paths with him since Jack was going back to prison. She offers to come back to visit him. He tells her that she should stay far away from him.
Maxie asks what Spinelli would do if she wasn’t a factor. He says he would help Jason and Sam. Maxie agrees to him helping but she doesn’t want him to get quit. She makes him promise not to get caught. Spinelli agrees that he will be untraceable. Maxie says the kids need him and miss living with him. She asks if he would come over for dinner tomorrow night. He agrees.

Anna tells Jason about Brennan being stabbed. Jason calls the timing of the stabbing suspicious. Anna agrees. Jack knows he will have an easier time communicating with Pikeman from the hospital. Jason wants to know how this involves Carly. Anna confronted Jack. He admitted to stabbing himself in order to see Carly again. Jason asks if it is possible. Anna thinks Jack might use Carly as a cover.
Jack says that people will tell Carly that he is a bad man and it’s best to stay away. Carly says she is a big girl who can make her own decisions.

Alexis calls Gregory. Chase answers and breaks the news to Alexis that Gregory has died. Devestated, she takes comfort in the medal he gave her.