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GH – Recap May 29: Chase and Finn attend the reading of the will. Alexis confronts Ava

General Hospital

GH Recaps

GH – Recap May 29: Chase and Finn attend the reading of the will. Alexis confronts Ava

Gregory’s Will is read. Drew considers running for office. Alexis confronts Ava.

Brook Lynn greets Chase and offers him coffee. Chase is on his way to see Finn. He is worried about making sure Finn doesn’t drink again and what made him drink in the first place. Brook Lynn tells him to offer support.

Alexis opens her door to hug Finn and invites him in. She arrived home ten minutes before him and made coffee. Finn asks about Albany, but Alexis wants to talk about his dad. She is sad she missed the wedding. Finn describes it as an almost perfect time. There was a moment when Tracy and Violet had to get Gregory back on track when he was struggling. He believes that his father willed his way through the ceremony. Alexis hugs him tightly.

Josslyn meets Trina at the gallery to go apartment hunting. She was called into work because Ava said there was an important meeting at Crimson. They need to wait for her to get back before they can leave.

Ava barges into Crimson’s office where Maxie and Nina are talking about ads. Nina wants her to leave and make an appointment. Ava demands to know why Ava broke their deal.

Willow lets Drew into the Gate House, calling him boss. He teases her that they are off the clock so she can call him Mr. Cain. Drew is there to see Michael, but he has something he wants to run by Willow. He asks her not to tell the rest of the Quartermaines about it.

Josslyn thinks PCU is a good location for their place. Trina is over dorm life and unsure if she wants to return to PCU. It reminds her of Spencer. Joss complains about noises in the dorms. Trina teases her about making noises herself (with Dex.) Trina asks when was the last time she saw Dex. Joss says at the wedding which was beautiful right up until Sonny attacked Dex.

Ava had a deal with Nina to promote her artist. Nina bumped the article because she needed to make space for an in-depth article on the charity expose that her daughter works for. Nina also alludes to her relationship with a gentleman (Drew.) Ava accuses him of being imaginary (You wouldn’t know him he lives in Canada…) and that Willow isn’t speaking to Nina. Nina argues if they were still friends, she would know what was happening in her life. Ava thinks her head trip with Crimson is sad since it is the only thing she has left in her sad little life. Maxie who has been listening in the background, steps forward to call their interaction nuts when Ava leaves and asks why Nina would antagonize Ava Jerome.

Drew explains that McConkey is retiring and wants Drew to run for his seat in congress. Willow asks if he is going to do it since he would be perfect. They discuss the ups and downs of it including his stint in prison, his military history, and his family. Willow thinks he would be great and thinks that being of service to other people would help Drew deal with his darkness. Drew loves her for having faith in him and teasingly offers her the job as campaign manager. She turns it down in the same tone and he playfully fires her. She asks if he is going to do it and Drew thinks she convinced him, and he is thinking about it.

Finn recounts the story of finding Gregory after dropping off Violet at school. While he was waiting for the paramedics, he spotted the bottle of bourbon that was gifted to his family for the wedding, and he drank a third of it. Alexis isn’t surprised. Finn is worried that the accidental champagne led to the bourbon. Alexis says regardless of the slip the night before, he had a pretty sympathetic reason to break his sobriety. Finn doesn’t think it excuses it. Alexis wants him to forget about excuses and after what he has been through. It is an explanation. He asks if she wants to drink. She says yeah, but she didn’t and doesn’t want to. He didn’t want to either. Alexis calls it a ‘two meeting’ a day kind of week. Finn says he was at a meeting this morning and he is never going to drink again. She reminds him that he will never drink again for now and that they have children.

Nina explains Ava’s betrayal to Maxie. Ava was supposed to help Nina with Sonny, and instead she sandbagged Nina. She also gave her bad advice about selling the Metro Court to Jason. Maxie reminds her that Ava is a murderer with a touch of mayhem. Nina thinks the smirk on Ava’s face was worth a little arsenic.

Chase is sad about they missed the honeymoon. BL tells him they will do it again and the rest of the honeymoon is their life together. She reminds him that she will do anything to help him. He calls her amazing.

Diane arrives at Alexis and gives her condolences for Gregory’s loss. She asks Diane if there are any updates or insights on the court of appeals. Diane thinks they stood a good chance before but now it is clear that there was animus involved by both Ava and Fergus. She is going to file for harassment against Fergus. Alexis tells Diane about Fergus joining her for lunch and the inheritance issues between the brothers. She is frustrated because she has already been accused of ruining two Byrne’s brothers, why not go for a trifecta and ruin Fergus too? Alexis got the blame even though Harmone killed Neil and tossed Brendan off a bridge. Diane reminds her that Gregory’s will reading is happening today.

Finn stops in to see Liz at the hospital break room. He sits and apologizes to her for how he spoke to her. He explains that he drank to numb the pain. He gives Chase credit for talking it through with him and he was already back to meetings. Liz thanks him and is glad that he is taking care of himself, but she wants him to understand that she was only thinking of Violet. She needed to put Violet first. Finn understands. Liz says he didn’t seem to understand the other day.

Brook Lynn and Chase discuss how their marriage made everything better because they had each other.

Trina asks how Joss feels after what happened to Dex. Joss says she is pissed off which is how she feels most days since the last time Sonny tried to kill Dex. She took Dex to GH to sit all night in the ER. Ava walks in and confronts her about spreading gossip, asking if she saw all of it. Josslyn says she was at the wedding and saw Dex after, but Kristina saw everything. Ava discounts her view and Kristina’s because of pregnancy hormones. She then downplays Sonny’s behavior by blaming it on drinking and Jason’s interference. Trina tries to get them out of there. Josslyn takes a shot at Ava reminding her that she knows nothing because she wasn’t invited.

Alexis is going to skip the will reading to visit Ava. She thinks Gregory would want her to be in charge of his literary legacy. She wishes she had gone to the wedding to see him on his last day.

Liz explains that Violet has always been his first concern, but Finn reacted like she was a possession not a little girl in need of reassurance. She had never seen that side of Finn before and hadn’t thought he was capable of it. Finn reassures her that she will never see that side of him again. She thanks him for looking out for his daughter. Will reading in Finn’s office.

Maxie is trying to talk about Deception ads while Nina continues to complain about Ava. She goes on about how Sonny is a man who will never ever love Ava and Maxie shuts the door so they can talk. She confirms the gentleman Nina mentioned was Drew. Maxie is disappointed that it is and wants to know if the sex can really be that good.

Chase and Finn meet at Finn’s office. They check in with each other. Finn sat in Dad’s room for half the night. He reassures Chase that he didn’t drink again. Chase says he trusts him to take care of himself and Violet.

Ava greets Alexis at the gallery. Alexis tells Ava that she met an old friend of hers in Albany. Ava claims to not know anyone in Albany. Alexis drops Fergus Byrne’s name and how Ava hired him to ruin Alexis’ life. Ava asked if he was any relation to the other two Byrne’s lives that Alexis ruined? Alexis reminds her that Harmony killed them. Alexis blames Ava for the end of her career. Ava says she is responsible for the end of Alexis’ career, but it was no bother. She was more than happy to help.

Diane reads the will. Chase is the executor. She offers him advice if he needs it. Gregory named Alexis as his literary executor. He split everything between the brothers. He left his library to his granddaughter. Instead of a funeral, Gregory wants to be cremated and an open-air ceremony.

Nina isn’t talking about sex with Drew. Maxie gasps, worried that Nina is developing feelings. Nina says the frenemies with benefits thing helped her with Willow and Drew got a big deal with McConkey. Nina calls them business partners and tells Maxie not to worry. Drew is the opposite of irresistible. Maxie asks if he is, then why does she keep not resisting Drew?

When Alexis asks why Ava would go out of her wat to destroy her. Ava says she did it for her brother. Ava reminds Alexis that Julian loved her and saved her life multiple times and she hit him with her car while on a bender. A bender, Alexis reminds her that she was on because Julian had manipulated her about the Rivera case which was brought up in court. Sad to have missed that, Ava says Alexis can’t blame her, because Alexis committed perjury. She should blame herself.

Liz enters Finn’s office to check on him. He is catching up on paperwork to keep his mind off of things. She has x-rays for him. She says she’s never too busy to help the people she loves. Open air memorial. She asks when his next meeting is, he says in an hour, and she offers to pick up Violet. He thanks her. She says she should get back to work.

Chase tells Brook Lynn that he is the executor. He thinks it was to keep stress off Finn. He has one thing left to do for his father and he has to do it right. Brook Lynn thinks he is putting too much pressure on himself and that she is there for him.

Ava asks if Alexis had seen the affidavit that she signed and if there was anything untrue in it. Alexis isn’t objecting to the truth but to Ava’s cruelty. Alexis tells Ava that she only has two modes of defense; deflect blame or inflict harm. Ava thinks Julian would be alive today if it weren’t for Alexis and she has nothing to be sorry for. She hasn’t done anything that she has been prosecuted for. Alexis threatens her, saying, “license or not, you will regret making that report.”

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