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GH Recap-May 30: Sonny Encounters Josslyn and Dex, Willow Champions Drew

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GH Recaps

GH Recap-May 30: Sonny Encounters Josslyn and Dex, Willow Champions Drew

Plus, Maxie extends an invitation to Spinelli. Alexis tries to calm Molly, while Kristina and Dante bond over Sonny.

A is for Advocacy

Drew greets Willow at the gatehouse, and she is happy to see him. She asks if he has given any more consideration to the congressman’s suggestion. He admits he’s still weighing the pros and cons. Willow thinks Drew would be a great legislator and encourages him to accept the offer. She reminds him that he has already changed her life, and she believes he could the do the same for others.

Michael arrives and assumes Drew stopped by for business about the New Tomorrow Foundation. Drew clarifies and tells Michael about potentially filling the congressman’s seat. Drew wants to know what Michael thinks.

Michael is honest and admits he doesn’t endorse the idea. He believes Drew running for Congress could interfere with his responsibilities at Aurora and his new commitment to the wellness project. Michael also warns Drew that he would be under renewed scrutiny from the SEC, and his prospective opponent could use that against him.

Willow steps in and argues Drew’s case. She contends that Michael could handle running Aurora independently, as he has done it before. In addition, she thinks Drew is more than capable of handling any scrutiny that may come his way.

She concludes her argument by reminding both Michael and Drew that Drew is a decorated military veteran who had committed his life to helping people. He can help end the public’s jaded perception of politics.

An impressed Drew jokes that he should make Willow his campaign manager. Michael says he’s convinced, and Drew agrees that he’s persuaded as well. He intends to take the congressman up on his offer and do everything in his power to make things better for the people.

B is for Bonding

Maxie arrives home to find the kids, Felicia, and Spinelli enjoying family time together. Spinelli is cleaning James’ computer as the kids bicker. Georgie enthusiastically brings up the idea of Spinelli moving back in. Felicia agrees, as Maxie shoots her a look.

Maxie asks Georgie if the idea was hers or her grandma’s. James pipes up and proclaims Spinelli moving in was his idea. Sensing Maxie wants some alone time with Spinelli, Felicia offers to take the kids for ice cream.

When they are alone, Spinelli insists he didn’t know what the kids would say. Maxie says he has no need to apologize, as she believes she overreacted when she learned about Felicia and Spinelli’s plan. She regrets making him leave. Maxie admits that she loved having him there then and that she misses him now. While Maxie doesn’t want to put him on the spot, she asks Spinelli if he would like to move back in with her and the kids.

Spinelli turns her down and explains that he doesn’t want them to be roommates. He wants Maxie and him to be a real couple. Maxie concurs that she wants the same thing. Spinelli doesn’t want to give Georgie the wrong idea and asks if Maxie would be sharing a bedroom with him.

Maxie confesses she’s not ready for that step yet, and she wants to take things slow. She invites Spinelli to move into the guest room.

Spinelli assures Maxie he’s willing to wait for her. He agrees to Maxie’s request that he move in while they continue dating. As he leans in for a kiss, Spinelli happily proclaims that he wants to be with his family. Felicia and the kids return home, and Maxie and Spinelli confirm the news to an overjoyed Georgie and James. Felicia gives Maxie a thumbs-up of approval.

C is for Conflicted

At Bobbie’s, Dante and Molly spot each other at the counter. Dante congratulates Molly on her impending motherhood. Molly brings up the wedding and admits she hasn’t been in touch with Kristina recently to discuss it.

Dante makes a vague comment about an occurrence at the wedding, which raises Molly’s suspicion. Dex arrives for a meeting with Dante. Molly takes note of Dex’s appearance and appears disturbed.

Outside, Molly runs into Blaze. They agree that they should do a double date with T.J. and Kristina. When Molly asks about the “eventful” wedding, Blaze assumes that Molly knows about Sonny’s assault on Dex. She responds that Kristina is okay now, which tips Molly off that something happened. Blaze hesitates to provide more information and urges Molly to speak with Kristina.

Molly continues to pursue the issue, and Blaze eventually relents and tells Molly about the incident and Kristina witnessing it. Molly looks alarmed.

At Alexis’ house, Sam and Kristina are preparing to welcome their mother home. They pledge to be there for Alexis in the wake of Gregory’s death and the hearing. Kristina worries that Alexis might not handle it well if the hearing didn’t go as she wanted. Sam makes a remark about Alexis being stronger than people give her credit for, just like Kristina.

Kristina is curious as to why Sam would say that, so Sam brings up what happened at the wedding. She knows Kristina will do the right thing, even if it costs Sonny. She also mentions Kristina avoiding Dante’s attempts to reach out.

Kristina defends that she’s been preoccupied and tells Sam that it doesn’t matter what she does because Dex is not pressing charges. Kristina wants to get off the subject, but Sam presses her about how she feels now that Sonny will not face consequences. Kristina says that Sonny will have to live with what he did and the knowledge that she knows what he did.

Alexis arrives and hugs her daughters, who express their condolences about Gregory. Kristina asks how the trip to Albany went, but Alexis deflects and claims Kristina looks pale. Kristina shoots Sam a warning look, so Sam doesn’t say anything when Kristina brushes the comment off.

Molly comes in shortly thereafter and also gives her condolences. Alexis knew what was coming with Gregory but never imagined it would happen so soon.

Their talk turns to the hearing, which Alexis believes didn’t go smoothly. She updates her daughters about the development with Fergus, and they are outraged that he was allowed involvement in the case. Alexis is preparing herself mentally to lose the case and says she won’t know a verdict for 30 days. Kristina is angry they are leaving Alexis in limbo, while Molly states she is proud of her mother for trying.

The girls are even more shocked and enraged on Alexis’ behalf after Alexis reveals that Ava filed the complaint against her. They assure Alexis they will stand by her no matter what happens. Kristina receives a text from Dante and leaves with Sam to meet him.

When they are alone, Alexis notices Molly seems worried about something. She reassures Molly that she will not take a drink. Molly admits that she’s worried about Kristina and fills Alexis in on the post-wedding drama.

Molly isn’t sure why Kristina didn’t tell her and now feels conflicted about whether to bring it up to either Kristina or T.J. She believes she has the right to ask questions about Kristina’s physical and emotional state and resents having to tip-toe around the “land-mine” of her sister’s feelings.

Alexis encourages Molly to approach the situation like a lawyer with an objective. Molly agrees that the ultimate objective is a healthy baby. Alexis adds that the best way to achieve that objective is not to “rile up” Kristina. Molly is still unsure. Alexis promises to serve as a buffer with Sonny, as she can handle him.

Molly will back off for the time being but vows to keep the baby “far away” from Kristina and her “drama” once the baby is born.

Dante converses with Dex at Bobbie’s and asks him if he is okay. Dex confirms his injuries are healing. When Dante mentions Dex having to make a decision, Dex clarifies he has already decided not to press charges against Sonny. He says he doesn’t want to put Kristina in the position of having to testify because she’s pregnant and she’s his friend. Dex also believes that if Sonny went to jail, he’d immediately kill Dex after being released.

Dante assures Dex that he won’t be pressuring him about Sonny. Dante further admits that Sonny had told him a different version of the story and had asked him to step in, but Dante declined. He had tried to warn Sonny off of going after Dex and Jason. Dante’s concerned because his father is acting “untouchable” and out of control. He laments that he misjudged Sonny, just like he misjudged Dex.

Dex regrets that he let working for Sonny turn him into a person he didn’t recognize. He wants to do better and be better. Dante admires Dex’s determination to change and thanks Dex for helping to save his life.

After Dex leaves, Kristina arrives and sits down with Dante, who pledges to be there for her. She admits she’s “all over the place” emotionally, as she can’t erase the image of Sonny beating Dex so viciously or the blood dripping from Dex’s face. She compares it to a mask dropping and wonders if the loving, reasonable father she had known was the real mask.

When Kristina references Sonny shooting Dante and asks Dante about having seen Sonny in that violent state before, Dante corrects that Sonny was cold and emotionless in the moment. Dante confesses he lied about the shooting being an accident.

Dante then opens up about how he had fallen in love with Sonny’s family and with his siblings – including Kristina – while working undercover. While he loved his family in Bensonhurst, he had missed the sound of his father’s voice during baseball games and had even claimed to the other kids that one day his dad would be there. Dante had always felt an emptiness because of his dad’s absence. When he had woken up in the hospital and learned he had a father, that emptiness had been filled.

Dante admits he didn’t want to give that up, no matter who his father was. So, he had covered for and protected Sonny. He calls having his dad in his life a gift that he hadn’t been willing to give back. Kristina takes Dante’s hand and confides that she too had tried to protect their father by asking Michael to lean on Dex. She fears that she had made things worse.

Dante assures Kristina that Sonny’s choices aren’t on her. But if she is taking on the burden, he’s right there with her.

D is for Division

Sonny is jogging in the park when he sees Josslyn, who gives him a look and runs past him. Sonny shouts after her and demands she say what’s on her mind. Josslyn turns and bluntly asks Sonny why she should bother. He knows how she feels, and he wouldn’t listen to her anyway. Sonny dismisses Josslyn as too young to understand what he has been through.

Josslyn says they used to be honest with each other, so she’ll be honest with him now. Josslyn had loved Sonny and respected him, and he had always been there for her, especially after Oscar died. But she doesn’t recognize that man anymore. Sonny had attacked Dex unprovoked. The only reason he will not be going to jail is because of Dex, who is acting in the best interest of the family Sonny claims to love.

When Josslyn tells Sonny about Michael going to Dex on Sonny’s behalf, Sonny scoffs and sarcastically asks if he should be grateful to Michael. Josslyn knows he won’t be thankful, but she just wants him to remember that Dex had the “grace” to let Sonny go unpunished.

Later, Josslyn walks up to Blaze at the park and asks her about Kristina. Blaze says Kristina is getting along as best as she can. Josslyn is sorry about what happened and is also sorry that Blaze was dragged into it. Blaze says that Kristina’s worth it and says she owes Josslyn an apology. Josslyn was right about Sonny.

Josslyn is glad that Kristina’s eyes are opened but regrets that Kristina had to witness Sonny like that. Blaze agrees. The two wish each other well and part ways.

Dex is studying on a bench in the park. When he sees Sonny approaching, he tenses and prepares for a confrontation. Dex cautions that if Sonny is planning an ambush, he’ll respond this time. Sonny tells him he can relax. He just wants to talk, and he frisks himself to show Dex he is unarmed.

Sonny begrudgingly thanks Dex for keeping what happened “in-house.” Dex sharply clarifies that he did it for Kristina’s sake. Sonny appreciates it and claims that his vendetta against Dex is over. Dex looks skeptical.

Sonny dismisses Dex as a distraction and proclaims he has more important things to worry about. “You are not worth my time and energy, and you are nothing to me now. For your sake, keep it that way,” Sonny warns. He walks off, leaving Dex to ponder the veiled threat.

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