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GH – Recap May 6: Dante contemplates leaving the PCPD. Sonny gets closer to Natalia

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GH Recaps

GH – Recap May 6: Dante contemplates leaving the PCPD. Sonny gets closer to Natalia

Natalia and Sonny grow closer. Dante considers resigning from the PCPD. Alexis worries Kristina is too attached to the baby.

Kristina overexplains accidentally calling the baby ‘hers’ by telling her mother how the pregnancy has completely taken over her body. She believes she can’t win because TJ thinks she doesn’t care enough about the baby and Alexis thinks she cares too much. Alexis agrees that there has been a lot of backseat pregnancy-ing. Kristina is falling in love with the baby. She doesn’t understand why that’s cause for concern. Alexis thinks that her not understanding everyone’s concern is cause for concern.

Blaze and Natalia stop at a park bench with shopping bags. Blaze is excited that her mother got the designer Miranda to create looks for her. Natalia is surprised because Blaze was resistant to what Miranda was doing. Blaze says because she is supposed to be designing looks for her tour but, in her downtime, she wants to wear whatever she wants. Natalia says that she has no downtime.

Anna and Calvin Bennet are at the PCPD going over the schedule for the next day since she will be off. He comments that even though she is off, she will have a full day. Anna agrees but at the end of it she will have moved out of the Metro Court and into her own place.

At their apartment, Sam and Dante are discussing whether or not he should be a cop because of his father. Sam believes that Dante will always do the right thing. Dante wonders how many times he has erred on the side of being a son before being a cop. His example is that he thought about Dex as what he got on his dad instead of being happy that he’s a new cop and the other cops hate Dex. He wonders how they feel about him as Sonny’s son, his blood. Sam doesn’t believe there’s a comparison because Dante was a cop for years before he found out about Sonny and Dex knew what he was getting into. She knows they trust him because they showed up to donate blood for him. He says cops do that and she agrees that that is what he does.

At Sonny’s penthouse, Ava holds Sonny’s pills while Sonny rants about how Carly spoke to him not like he was a father but like he wasn’t taking his medication. He said she charged into the bathroom to check. Ava says it sounds like she isn’t showing respect. He agrees and says, “The hell with you, Carly Corinthios!” Ava replies, “Don’t you mean Carly Spencer?”

Sonny is irritated that the slip is the thing Ava picked up on. Ava calls Carly entitled and how she hasn’t been a wife in years or his doctor. Sonny says to be fair; Carly would be the one to notice. He feels like she treated him like a child. Ava says that Sonny has changed, and Carly doesn’t know him anymore. Ava suggests he sit down and relax. Sonny wants to get his medication levels evaluated so he can throw his results in Carly’s face.

Sam knows that Dante loves being a cop. Dante believes that now that he knows he is subconsciously looking out for his father, he needs to stop. After questioning if he is serious, Sam admits that has waited a long time for him to want to give up his badge.

Bennet asks if Anna is ready to give up hotel life. Anna explains that for a long time living out of hotels worked for her but then hotels became less of a convenience and more of a habit. She wants a place of her own. Bennet congratulates her. Anna says she has it all planned out for tomorrow. He asks if she has movers but realizes she can’t. Anna agrees that her files can’t be trusted with anyone but herself.

Kristina reminds Alexis of how devastated Molly was when the surrogate miscarried. It made her want to help. Alexis says she loves her for that and so do Molly and TJ. Alexis says we all need to give each other slack. Kristina asks if it was another surrogate if everyone would be policing her if a ‘my baby slipped out.’

Natalia asks if her music manager has any feedback on her latest song. Then jumps to the conclusion that everything is on hold until after the wedding. Blaze asks her why she has an attitude about Brook Lynn. Natalia questions Brook Lynn’s priorities. Blaze believes there is nothing wrong with being happier about her wedding than Natalia was about her own. Natalia complains about the new guitar solo, saying it’s terrible. She hates the guitar player and wants to replace him with Blaze’s brother. Blaze tells her that she has to let her, and Eloy live their own lives.

Natalia praises Eloy. Blaze says her brother left the music business for a reason. Natalia says music is the air he breathes, and she needs to make him understand that. When Blaze becomes upset, Natalia asks if she wants to leave the music business too. Blaze is unhappy that she is not enough for her mother and leaves.

Alexis reassures Kristina that she will bring this baby into the world without any agendas, just love. She hugs and comforts her before she leaves to meet Blaze.

Sam talks about lying in bed and praying that he would come home and tell her that he was done. She talks about the faces of the other cop families that were devastated (when he was shot) and she could tell that they felt guilty that they hadn’t been chosen. Dante says cops are superstitious. She knows and if he gave up his badge, she would be grateful.

Ava talks Sonny out of getting a blood test by saying that it sets a bad precedent. Sonny says he doesn’t need Carly’s approval and that Carly would just find something else to blame him for. He says she doesn’t care about him anymore. He thinks she is probably with Jason. Agitated, he says he needs time alone to cool off. Ava offers to go with him and he rejects the offer.

Diane shows up at Alexis’ house to work on Alexis’ case. Diane hopes that Alexis had better luck than her. She hasn’t but she did find a graham cracker recipe stuck in one of the law books. Diane brought transcripts to figure out what not to argue, since there has never been an overturning of a disbarment in their state. Alexis says they knew it was doomed from the start. Diane disagrees and tells her if she wants to give up, make the graham cracker recipe. Alexis isn’t giving up, but she is worried that she may have a legal crisis under her own roof that might shred her entire family.

Kristina arrives home to see Blaze holding up a dress and Kristina says it’s a lot for movie night. Blaze said it was safer to come to Kristina’s than strangle her mother in the park. Kristina says no one makes you more nuts than your mother.

Natalia is startled by Sonny in the park. He apologizes and tells her her bags are safe. They tease each other about style. She invites him to join her on her bench.

Dante goes to Anna’s office with his resignation letter. Anna wants to know what prompted it. He talked about Sonny stopping by and talked about Dex. Sonny implied that Dante would know better than to believe what Dex said. Anna questions if Sonny asked what Dex said. He wouldn’t tell Sonny what he knew but he feels like the line between being a cop and son is getting blurry. He was trying to build walls so he and Sonny could coexist. Dex being a potential threat to Sonny made him rethink things. Anna says he is too hard on himself and that he is a good cop. His worry is different than sharing intel. Dante says it feels like a betrayal of what the badge stands for. He lays his badge on the desk.

Sonny asks what Natalia is stuck on. She says her daughter. They talk about their daughters. Sonny admits that he is bipolar and that his ex helped him get diagnosed and into recovery. He now believes she is using it against him.

Alexis says Molly and TJ are nudging Kristina about her lifestyle. Diane believes surrogacy is difficult for everyone involved. Alexis says Kristina is doing everything right for the most part but she believes the baby is hers. Diana says that it’s normal for surrogates to feel possessive. Alexis says she is falling in love with the baby and the energy behind it is problematic. Diane reminds her that it is a ‘could be,’ not reality. But in the eyes of the state that the baby is legally Kristina’s.

Molly arrives at Kristina’s. Kristina invites her in, passive aggressively teases her about eating a healthy dinner. Molly points out that she left the office early because of the tension between them. She apologizes and says she talked to TJ about not policing Kristina. Kristina appreciates it and asks if that means she doesn’t have to disown her dad.

Natalia thinks it’s brave to be open about his disorder. Sonny knows how important it is to stay on his medication and his ex doesn’t give him the benefit of the doubt. All she gives him are excuses. Sonny compliments the bench but says it has no refreshments and invites Natalia to get a drink.

Anna tells Dante that Sonny was there for Robin at a crucial moment of her life, but now whatever debt she owed him is paid. She was waiting for him to come to the same conclusion. He isn’t sure he has. Anna believes that giving up the badge is a mistake. The badge protects Dante from Sonny. What happens when he doesn’t have it and Sonny comes calling? What happens when he asks for favors? She believes he can’t afford to give up the badge.

Sonny returns home with Natalia. He introduces a surprised Ava as the mother of his daughter who helps out. Natalia asks if Sonny doesn’t have any nannies. He says Natalia is Blaze’s mother. He wants to crack open a 25-year-old scotch. Ava offers to get it and he says to get Natalia a glass. Ava isn’t thrilled.

Molly says they will never see eye-to-eye on Sonny because she is the ADA. Kristina asks if she honestly thinks Sonny is a danger to the baby. Molly says no and she will stop TJ from making it an issue. She thanks Blaze for being there for Kristina. Kristina thanks Molly for coming after the disaster at breakfast.

Diane asks if there is a contract with Molly and TJ. Alexis says yes but it won’t stand up in court. Diane agrees and offers some advice. She tells Alexis to stay out of it. If issues arise, send them to other lawyers.

Dante isn’t sure what to do. Anna says whenever Sonny comes up, he needs to look away. He needs to give the files to Chase or Anna. Anna tells him not to put himself in a position to be compromised. She believes that he is where he needs to be and tells him he is staying where he is.

Natalia and Sonny discuss her musical children while Ava hovers. Sonny subtly ask Ava to make herself scarce. Ava leaves. Natalia thanks him for making a challenging day pleasant as they toast. She loves the view and asks how long he has been there. He says since the 90s. She says he has amazing taste. Sonny welcomes her input because he thinks it needs to change and have a woman’s touch. She asks about Ava. He says it’s not like that between him and Ava. Ava, who is lurking, hears.

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