GH – Recap May 7: Nina tests her deal with Drew. Anna and Felicia discuss Valentin
Nina gets closer to Willow. Laura visits Heather in prison while Anna discusses Valentin with Felicia.

Nina is at a table in the Metro Court with Valentin when Sonny enters. She spots him but Sonny heads to a table with Jordan. Sonny offers to make a significant donation to the city.

Drew and Willow are at the bar. Willow has decided to accept the position as spokesperson for The New Day Institute.

Calvin Bennet appears at Anna’s door. She is surprised to see him at her new house. He claims he was in the area conducting a training exercise. Dex and another cadet are carrying her boxes.

Laura visits Heather in prison. Heather tells Laura that with her new hip, she no longer has pain, rashes, or a problem breathing. She suggests she wouldn’t mind prison if she could see her grandson.

Carly enters the warehouse calling for Jason. When asked what’s wrong, Carly tells Jason that Sonny is in trouble.

Jordan is skeptical about Sonny’s offer. Sonny says all his donations come from legitimate sources. Jordan doesn’t doubt that but let’s him know all of the money would go through a vetting process. She wants to know why he came to her. Sonny tells her he trusts her and that their children are having a child together and that is important to him.

Valentin asks about Nina’s progress with Willow. Nina believes it’s incremental. She recounts how Willow thought Drew forgiving Nina meant she could let go of her anger too. Valentin says that’s more than incremental, asking what Willow said. Nina says she thanked Willow and left before she could push. Valentin worries that Drew might be poisoning Willow against Nina. Nina discounts that and says he wouldn’t if he knew what was good for him.

Drew is happy to work with Willow but thinks he may have pressured her. Willow teasingly says he only thinks that because he saved Liesel and brought her home to save Willow’s life. Drew repeats that he doesn’t want her to feel pressured because he saved her life.

Anna wonders why there are cadets at her house on her day off. She doesn’t want trouble with internal affairs. Calvin offers to take the blame because it was his idea and if he goes down, at least the cadets will be in good shape (from the stairs) when he does.

Carly explains to Jason that she went to Sonny’s to talk about Donna. Ava was interfering, acting like she was queen of the castle. Jason suggests that she might be. Carly goes on to say Sonny was furious with Carly and threatened to take her to family court. Jason remarks he has to know he would lose. She thinks Sonny is off his meds. She confesses to Jason that she rushed into the bathroom to check and it looks like he is taking them. He wants to know how Sonny reacted. Sonny made the point that just because he disagrees with Carly that doesn’t mean he is off his meds.. Carly admits that he has a point. She hates his decisions and choices but that doesn’t mean he is heading for a breakdown.

Laura talks about Ace and offers Heather a picture of the baby. Heather thinks Ace looks like Esme. Laura agrees. Heather believes Laura is lucky for getting to know Esme. Heather talks about Ryan roasting in hell and calls him a murdering bastard like herself. Heather believed in her heart that the people against Esme deserved what they got. She protected her daughter. Now she can’t remember how killing people with a hook was supposed to help her little girl.

Jordan proclaims that any donations have to be vetted and go through civic discharge. Sonny believes that she will give it to the right people and he wants to help the community for his family.
Willow laughs at Drew for trying to talk her out of the job. He believes she is warm, charming, and perfect. Willow says he is sending out mixed signals. Drew reiterates that he doesn’t want her to take the job if it compromises her privacy or she feels pressured. She calls him a hero and he doesn’t want to be called a hero but admits he is proud of doing the right thing.
Nina and Valentin discuss how he bought the Invader for her and she dropped it for Crimson. Valentin was more interested in helping his friend. He believes that The Invader was a good investment either way but he thought maybe he cleared a path for Nina’s happiness post Sonny. They laugh about Alexis dealing with Adrian the gossip columnist turning the Incader back into a rag. Nina teases him about being selfless in his efforts to help her. He says he is but mentions that it was also good business.

Felicia compliments the new house. Anna says she couldn’t stay at the Metro Court forever. Felicia understands that she needed time after the incident with Charlotte to find a new place and teases her about hotel living. Anna says the incident with Charlotte is fading now that Charlotte is recovered and back in boarding school. Felicia asks how she knows about Charlotte’s progress and asks if she has been in contact with Valentin.

Jason says Sonny’s behavior towards Cyrus and all of the recent incidents are sloppy, impulsive, and not like Sonny. They agree that he might need his medication recalibrated. Jason suggests finding a person Sonny trusts to talk him into it. Carly believes the only person Sonny trusts is Ava which is crazy since she was the one who swapped out Morgan’s medication. She isn’t sure Sonny’s issues are bipolar related because he has been off since before Nixxon Falls. She wonders if he is upset and has nowhere to place his anger.

Anna talks about bumping into Valentin at the Metro Court. Felicia says of course he was nice he has been in love with her since the Cold War. Valentin had flowers delivered while they were talking and it came with a dinner invitation. Felicia is surprised that Anna would accept a dinner invitation.
Willow insists The New Tomorrow Institute is doing important work and she wants to be a part of it. Drew calls her amazing and wants to talk about scheduling. She says it won’t be a problem because she is leaving her job. She wants to spend more time with her children. Drew agrees that that time is precious.

Heather is upset that she believed that killing people would help Esme. Laura insists that she was suffering from cobalt poisoning. She believes that Heather’s illness colored her choices and logic. Heather cannot remember the logic behind what she did but she remembers what she did. Laura says Heather is seeing clearly now that she isn’t sick. Heather people must hate her.
Jason asks how they can get Sonny help. They discuss who could potentially get Sonny to get checked out. Carly thinks Sonny would know it was her behind whoever they sent and refuse out of spite. Jason asks who then. Carly suggests Stella but knows she would have to witness symptoms to get involved. Carly is upset that this will be hard on Donna because Sonny won’t come to her house to see her. John Cates arrives, surprised to see Carly there. He has some questions for Jason.
Laura says whatever the cause, Heather did do horrible things but she is still capable of love. Heather wonders if she is only capable of loving her children if it was convenient for her. She abandoned all of them before the ski accident. She wasn’t in any condition to take care of them. She became obsessed with them years later and if she hadn’t been poisoned, she might have been a good mother.
Felica reminds Anna that she can’t trust Valentin. Anna agrees. Felicia asks why she would have dinner with him. Anna flashes back to the conversation at The Brown Dog where she and Jason discussed Valentin’s involvement with Pikeman. She tells Felicia she doesn’t trust him but she misses him and wonders if Felicia is disappointed in her. Felicia says only a little, but she also believes that Valentin loves Anna.

Nina says she and Drew have reached a quid pro quo. Valentin questions if the deal is equal. Nina gets up telling Valentin she is going to test it. She interrupts Drew and Willow with an excuse to talk to Drew about the magazine. Willow willingly tells her about accepting the nonprofit position. Nina exclaims she is so proud of her and asks if it is okay that she is proud. Willow says yes. Drew suggests a Crimson article about the nonprofit.

Carly says she saved Cates from being beaten and he repays her by threatening her friend. Cates says it has nothing to do with her. Carly wants to call Diane and Jason makes her leave insisting he just wants to get things over with. Carly leaves the office but hangs around to eavesdrop. She hears Cates say that Diane wouldn’t be able to help Jason and that they need to talk about Pikeman.

Anna says it complicates things that they do love each other but she can’t share her life with someone she can’t trust. Felicia agrees. Anna says she and Valentin understand each other. Felicia agrees and adds that they see each other clearly and whereas Anna doesn’t like what she sees in herself, Valentin loves it. Felicia wonders if this dinner is a good idea.
Nina thinks the article is a great idea. She says to schedule with the Crimson rep. Nina goes back to the table and tells Valentin that her daughter smiled at her. Nina believes she is way ahead on the quid pro quo, and can put up with Drew forever if it gets her together with her daughter.
Drew worries he pushed her into the interview with Nina. Willow is happy and thinks it’s her job now to do interviews, and insists it is not a problem. She hugs Drew. He thanks her for the help before she leaves.

Drew walks past Jordan and Sonny. Sonny stops him to tell him that he has changed his mind and isn’t selling the gym. Drew wishes him luck, and when Sonny leaves. Drew has a proposition for Jordan.
Heather thinks that if she had never gotten sick, she could have been a mother to her children instead of spending all her time in prisons and mental institutions. Laura says there is no way to know. Heather wonders if she might have been a great mother or a terrible mother. Heather believes all the guilt for the damage she did is part of the punishment.
Laura believes it’s a good thing that Heather is taking responsibility. She thinks that means Heather is coming back to reality. Heather says it doesn’t matter because Franco and Esme are dead and the third (Steven Lars) is in prison. She thanks Laura for giving Ace a happy life. Laura gives her word that Ace will have the best possible life.

Drew talks about getting McConkey to throw money at the city. Jordan asks what he wants. Drew says he wants his name all over everything. Jordan is impressed. Drew says he acted like he had a plan but he had nothing but the esplanade (that McConkeyis putting his name on.) Jordan asks how she can help. She says she talked about urban reclamation, so this was basically her idea. She wants to know how he got the meeting. Drew says it is complicated.
Nina thinks everything is writing itself and it is all thanks to Valentin.
Anna insists it is just dinner. She believes they had a very intense relationship, and that Charlotte will always be between them. She thinks they never had closure. Felicia hopes Anna knows what she is doing.
Cates states that Sonny is Jason’s business partner, and he did a deal with Pikeman. Jason says that Sonny hasn’t spoken to him about anything. Cates brings up the ongoing association between Sonny and Pikeman. He mentions that Jack Brennen is in prison because of it.

In the park, Sonny sees Dex running with the cadets. Drew says it is complicated.