General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH – Recap May 8: Chase doesn’t want Gregory at the rehearsal dinner. Jason tells Anna the FBI have evidence against Carly
Jason tells Anna the FBI has evidence on Carly. Laura thinks Heather deserves leniency. Lois and Jagger reunite.
Anna, still unpacking, answers the door to Jason. He tells her Cates came to see him about Pikeman. She invites him in.

Sam wakes Dante up excited to find out how Anna took his resignation. Dante didn’t resign.
Laura and Kevin are having lunch at the Metro Court. Kevin asks her what’s up because she is distracted and barely eating. Kevin assumes the meeting with Heather went poorly. Laura tells him it is the exact opposite, it went well, and that’s what is bothering her.

Chase visits Finn at the hospital. Finn asks how he is doing in the ramp up to the wedding. Chase is worried Gregory won’t be able to do the rehearsal and the wedding. He doesn’t want his dad to fly to Coney Island with them for the rehearsal dinner. Chase feels guilty and doesn’t know how to tell him. Finn says, “You don’t.”

Brook Lynn and Lois are at Bobbey’s discussing the rehearsal dinner. Brook Lynn notices that the FBI agent that tried to question Danny without a parent is there. Lois excitedly recognizes Jagger.

Brennan is pleased to receive a visit from Carly at Pentonville.

Lois hasn’t seen Jagger in years and drags Brook Lynn over to greet him. Brook Lynn asks if Lois cares about what he did to Danny. Cates apologizes to Brook Lynn and thanks her.

Laura believes that Heather is the most rational she has been in years. She is acting like the old Heather she knew (in the 80s.) Kevin agrees that Heather would be because she is getting treatment. Kevin asks if Heather said anything upsetting. She said yes in the context of her regrets. She thinks despite everything, Heather is just a mother missing her child. She empathizes with Heather.

Dante explains how Anna wouldn’t accept his resignation. He goes through how it wouldn’t solve the conflict he is having and might open the doors to Sonny to push Dante’s boundaries. Anna even suggested that he would need to leave town to be free of his father’s influence. Dante also believes being a cop is what he is good at and who he is. He knows he needs to stay away from cases involving his father. Upset, Sam climbs out of bed. She says should have known better than to get her hopes up.

Jason tells Anna that Cates had a lot of questions about Pikeman and Jack Brennan. Anna explains that Brennan is the ex-head of the WSB. When asked, Jason says he doesn’t believe that the FBI or Cates know about Valentin’s involvement. Anna asks if he will tell them. He doesn’t trust Cates and won’t give him more information than he has to and it’s not part of the deal he made. Anna believes there should be full transparency between them and asks what the FBI is holding over him.

Jack Brennen and Carly rehash their history where he tried to kidnap Carly. He denies he was ever trying to kidnap her. She tells him she saw the zipties. He teases Carly about hitting an innocent man with a tray.
Sam tells Dante there are no easy answers. They aren’t leaving PC. Sam agrees that Dante would probably be pulled into his father’s business. Sam felt a huge wave of relief when he said he would resign and had a glimpse into what life would be like if she didn’t have to worry when he went to work.

Finn agrees it isn’t safe for their dad to fly right now. He offers to break it to him. Chase wants to do it himself. He feels guilty for not wanting him there for the pre-wedding fun. Finn says he will do it because Chase is the favorite son. Chase contests that.
Brennan tells Carly his arrest was purely political. His rivals framed him to get him out of the way. He says there were allegations that he was Pikeman, and he was framed. Carly says that’s a sad story. He asks her to distract him and tell him all about her.
Cates admits he was wrong to question Danny without a parent present and he is grateful she stopped him from doing something he would have regretted. He realized how furious he would be if someone did that to his son. Lois didn’t know he had a son, so he tells Lois he named his brother after Stone. Lois is thrilled. Brook Lynn says she needs to go meet. Cates offers to buy her coffee and catch up.

Jason wants Anna to keep the information between them. She gives her word that it will. Jason explains that the FBI has a recording of Carly at a meeting with the organized crime families saying that she is in control of the business and has control over Sonny’s territories. Anna didn’t know Carly was involved. Jason says she wasn’t. She did it while sonny was ‘dead’ to protect her family. Jason was supposed to be at the meeting, but he had been shot. He didn’t want to go but she had to or look weak. Anna understands that was Carly’s best defense at the time. Jason agrees and says that the FBI got it all on tape.
Sam can’t deny that she will always wants safety. But she knows what she was getting into and can’t ask him to change. Dante says that is a huge relief. Sam cuts him off and says she can control her responses to his decisions.

Kevin says the cobalt poisoning manifested in Heather in a rampage. Laura wants to know then if it is right for Heather to stay in prison for ever because of metalosis? Or does she deserve leniency?

Finn and Chase rehash Finn’s issues with Gregory. Chase wants Finn to leave it in the past. Finn says he lost so much time because of his pride and anger. Chase insists he stop beating himself up.
Anna asks why didn’t Jason call the FBI’s bluff. Jason couldn’t take the risk. He thought it would be six months and now it is three years in and he is in too deep. Anna thinks he should tell Carly because she is smart and has a good lawyer. With no guarantees, Jason refuses to take that chance. He knows she would do something crazy to save him if she found out what he did for her and wind up sending herself to prison.
Brennan asks Carly to pretend they are at her restaurant and have ordered breakfast. He asks her about her life. Carly talks about her daughter’s dance solo, her breakup with Drew, and how her best friend is back after two years. Brennan asks about the news coverage on Jason. Carly says Jason didn’t do anything he was accused of and turns the conversation back on him being accused of being Pikeman. He says if he were Pikeman, he would have a fleet of lawyers instead of his one. Carly slyly asks if it would bother him to know that the FBI are investigating Pikeman.

Anna thinks it’s a hard choice to make between Carly’s safety versus his family. Jason weighed the outcome to his family versus Carly’s. His kids had mothers who would care for them. He chose to work for Sonny. Carly never chose that, he and Sonny pulled her in. Carly had no criminal intent. It is on him to get her out.

Brennan wants to know how Carly knows about the FBI investigation. She admits to being friends with FBI Agent Cates and that they have people in common. She asks if he has a problem with Cates investigation. He asks if he should.

Cates tells Lois that after his marriage to Karen broke up, he joined the bureau. She offers condolences for Karen’s death, and asks about his son Stone. He is 21, on the spectrum, and lives in a group home outside of Quantico and he wishes he could see him more, but he is happy. He asks her what it’s like to come back to town. Lois says all the old places are gone. Cates admits that all his dreams were wrong for him or slipped through his fingers.
Kevin believes it is impossible to say that metalosis is the only cause of Heather’s crimes. Laura asks if there are any legal grounds to help Heather. Kevin says he believes there should be but not without paying for her crimes. Kevin gets a call. When he leaves the table to answer, Valentin appears and asks if he can impose. Laura says that depends.
Finn says he will talk to their father and Chase should have the best night of his life. Chase hugs him and calls him the best brother ever. Finn wants him to remember that when he stumbles through his best man speech.
Sam contemplates breaking up with Dante and the effects on her them and their children. She ultimately decides that even if they were separated it wouldn’t stop her from worrying about him. She says she needs time to process her emotions. Dante is grateful and they kiss.
Brook Lynn arrives at the PCPD to distract Chase from his important work. He tells Brook Lynn about asking Finn to talk to Gregory. They agree that they will miss him, but he will be well rested for the wedding day. Brook Lynn is excited to show Chase all her favorite places in Coney Island. Chase says they will be so busy that there won’t be time for prewedding jitters. He doesn’t have them. Brook Lynn says she does and she is freaking out.
Lois admits that being in Port Charles again is harder than she thought it would be. She believes being there is a gift, but it is a constant reminder of what her life was, what she thought it would be and how it turned out. She tells Cates that different isn’t necessarily bad.

Valentin offers to catch Laura up on Charlotte. He sits and talks about how she is thriving in Switzerland. Laura says she got emails but not much else. She is glad that Charlotte is happy and hopes Charlotte can put everything behind her.
Anna asks Jason if he believes that the FBI will hold up their end of the deal. In her experience they will keep the evidence and bury it to use at a later date. He will keep his end of the bargain regardless but after they take down Pikeman; he is done. He has no intention of taking orders from Jagger Cates for the rest of his life.

A frustrated Finn knocks all the papers of his desk. While picking them up, he sits on the floor and seeks an AA meeting on his phone.
Brook Lynn worries about flowers and her dress getting ruined. Chase says that won’t happen. Brook Lynn tells a story about a dress in an article ruined by a pen. Chase says he doesn’t matter what she wears as long as they get married. She is not nervous about marrying Chase. They both say they can’t wait to be married. She says she shouldn’t kiss him in the squad room, so he drags her into interrogation to make out.
Anna says the FBI need to stick to their deal or they are no better than Pikeman. Anna believes Valentin is a key player and luckily they are going to dinner which is the perfect opportunity to gather intel. The date on the photo proves that Valentin was in Port Charles for the shooting but Valentin doesn’t know they have it. There is no reason for him to know he is caught in a lie. Anna believes he will lead them to Pikeman.
Laura worries that it is too soon for Charlotte to be so far away from family. He agrees but his new business venture takes him out there a lot which should ease their minds. She asks if it is something for ELQ. He repeats for ELQ with a smile.
Lois asks if Jagger if he likes his work. Cates says he is accomplishing good things by enforcing the law. He gets a call. He has to take it so they hug and Lois insists they don’t be strangers as she leaves Bobbey’s.

Carly leaves Pentonville and Brennan thinks Valentin should watch his back.