General Hospital
GH Recaps
GH Recaps – April 16: Laura Wants Justice for Cyrus, Maxie Frustrated
Laura discusses Sonny’s attack on Cyrus, Maxie and Felicia discuss Spinelli while Brick Flirts with Jordan.

Felicia finds a stressed Maxie on the floor in her office screaming into a rug.

Jordon and Laura discuss tax returns. Jordan is uncomfortable uploading her tax returns for the City Council. Laura says Ned was the same way, but she believes in transparency. When Jordon agrees. Laura gets to the real reason she is there, to discuss Cyrus.

Joss and Trina are running in the park at night. Joss comforts Trina and espouses exercises as a grief coping technique. They run into Dex jogging, shirtless.

Brick and Sonny are in Pozzulo’s discussing business since a VIP (Jason) is at the warehouse. Brick explains that the “meeting” Sonny wanted between Cate and Brick’s guys was interrupted before they were finished. Sonny knows it was interrupted by Carly.

TJ sees Gregory for an appointment since Dr. Kramer is unavailable. Gregory anticipates and answers the questions that a doctor would ask as TJ nods.
Felicia gets an update from Maxie about the segment on Home & Heart. Frustrated, Maxie is having issues with the team at work. Everyone is tired of Lucy’s antics, Sasha is tired of the job, and Brook Lynn has other priorities. Maxie is handling the entire business on her own. Felicia wants to know who is taking care of Maxie.

Brick and Sonny share drinks. Brick confirms that Cates was bruised but he should have no broken bones. Sonny rants that John ‘Jagger’ Cates has no loyalty. He uses Stone’s illness as an example. He helped Stone when Cates didn’t. Brick comments that Cates has no gratitude. Sonny is connecting the dots between Jason and Cates; They are working together. Jason told Sonny himself that he is an FBI informant. Brick warns him about misleading pictures and misconnected dots like Dex.

Trina is surprised to find out that Dex joining the PCPD. Trina asks if this is his last workout before dinner. Joss and Dex are uncomfortable in each other’s’ presence. Trina calls them out for being awkward.

Maxie had her doubts about Deception, but things are looking up. The business is in the black. Her personal finances are not going as well. Felicia wants her to prioritize selfcare. Maxie thinks she means be like she used to be; selfish, and self-centered. Felicia doesn’t believe that Maxie has been too selfless since having children and needs to take time for herself. Maxie is mad at everyone and finds it exhausting. She gives a list of the people she is angry with, Lucy for being Lucy, Brook Lynn, Sasha, and ending with Spinelli. Felicia accepts the blame for what Spinelli did because she strong-armed him into it. Maxie tells Felicia she is not helping her case. She tells her mother that she is tired of caring about Spinelli as much as she does and then keeping him at arms’ length. Maxie blames Felicia for raising her to be illogical.

Jordan believes her history with Cyrus makes her biased. She reminds Laura that she compromised herself t put the man in jail, and he punished her for it. Laura sympathies. She knows that he has done horrible things. She says she wants to slap him when he spouts bible verses but wants to believe he has changed. Jordan scoffs. Laura lets it go. Jordon can’t see Cyrus as not dangerous because of her bias. Laura understands but is there justification for what Sonny did to Cyrus? Laura’s real problem is with Sonny, not Cyrus.

Dex retreats, wanting to continue his run. Trina stops him. She wants to know why they are acting like strangers at a party. Joss says they need time. Trina argues that this is all we got, and Spencer is gone. Their love was so strong as to be annoying so they needed to figure it out. She leaves them alone. Joss tells Dex that they need to be Trina’s friends right now which means they need to be able to coexist without making everyone uncomfortable. Dex is willing.

Sonny wants Dex dead. Brick angrily reminds him that Brick uncovered Dex but not the money. Sonny gives up as the source of the money. Sonny condemns Michael after saying he loves his son, but he didn’t know whether Michael would give him respect and loyalty or take him down. Brick believes he failed Dex by putting him in a difficult position. Sonny reiterates that Dex is a spy who should be dead, but he will stay away from him and his business because he is smarter than Jagger. Brick stands up to leave and asks how things are between Sonny and Ava. Sonny says it’s nice to have a woman around. They shake hands, laughing.
Jordan confirms that everyone knows Sonny beat Cyrus. Laura feels like an accomplice to Sonny because they are friends. If it were anyone but Sonny, Laura would want them to pursue the case. She wants to know why Sonny is the exception. And she cannot look away. Jordon asks if she wants to have him arrested. Laura knows that’s not her call. She knows whose it is.

Ava enters Pozzulo’s late and flustered. She asks about Avery, who ate and it she is asleep in the office. He asks why her day was long. Avery says it’s about she-who-must-not-be-named. Sonny guesses Carly first then Nina. Ava tells Sonny that Nina wants him back.

The doctor’s appointment continues. TJ talks to Gregory about his medication schedule. Gregory has issues with taking medications on time. Gregory says Finn is a taskmaster who always knows when he doesn’t. TJ agrees. Gregory deflects from his illness to ask TJ if he has kids and realizes he knows Alexis. They discuss when the baby is due. TJ looks unhappy.
Felicia teases Maxie that she raised her to be illogical so she would have at least one flaw. Maxie scoffs then blurts out that she kissed Spinelli when they found Jason. Felicia claims credit for matchmaking and wants off Maxie’s grudge list. Maxie is upset and afraid she will break his heart again, which she has done a million times before. She doesn’t think it matters that Spinelli is ‘the one,’ and she will probably love him forever.
Gregory reassures TJ that people have been having babies for years. Recounts a story about a general who had a baby on a battlefield ruining her disguise as a man. He tells TJ that this is his moment, live in it.

Ava and Sonny eat dinner together. Ava lets Sonny how the meeting went where Nina talked about wanting him back. Sonny thinks it’s sad that she cannot accept that the marriage is over. She is going to be hurting until she does. Ava can sympathize with Nina, but the situation is all Nina’s fault.

Joss and Dex sit on a bench and talk about events. Joss says that Jason’s return has rejuvenated Carly, and that light has reached the rest of them. He says he misses her.

Brick enters Jordan’s office and gives her daffodils. Jordan is flattered. He asks her if she can come out and play.

Felicia and Maxie sit down. Felicia tells the her love story with Mac. When they broke up, she didn’t believe it could be mended and then she was so afraid she would ruin it. She listened to her heart and not her fear. When they were married for the last time, it was for forever. Maxi wants nothing bad to happen between her and Spinelli. Felicia counsels her to have faith. Maxi doesn’t believe she could survive a second breakup. Felicia believes that Spinelli has never given up.
TJ and Gregory view the ultrasound and discuss gender. TJ secretly wants a girl. TJ thinks Molly’s family is crazy. Kristina and Sonny are passionate people, and his perfect Molly makes excuses for them. Gregory says trust me, it will all be wonderful. TJ teases him about who exactly is the doctor in this scenario. Gregory advises him to eat all his veggies.
Jordan compliments Brick’s charm. They banter. Brick says he’s a sure thing. She calls him easy, and he agrees that he is easy only for her. Jordan wants to scan her tax returns before she accepts his offer of dinner. Brick admits he saw the tax returns. She takes umbridge that he looked at her private documents. Brick, flirty, offers to show her his in exchange.

Joss believes that Dex is joining the PCPD because he has something to prove to himself or her. She worries that he is putting himself in Sonny’s sights. Dex said Sonny didn’t kill him before. Joss reminds him that he no longer has Carly’s protection. Also, Sonny put him on a meat hook when they met and nearly killed him. Sonny will not let this go. She doesn’t want him to be hurt. He stops her from leaving.
Felicia apologizes again for getting Spinelli to move in. Maxie agrees that it was a miss, but Felicia was wise, and she should listen to her mother. She admits she is surrounded by wise people. She puts herself down. Felicia comforts her and insists they all love her. She suggests what Maxie needs is an adorable crazy nerd.
Dex told Joss about his meeting with Anna and his desire to testify against Sonny. Anna suggested becoming a cop for some level of protection. He sees it as a second chance because it felt right. He fought for his company, then so Sonny could make money, but now he wants to fight for good. He needed her to know that. Joss appreciates it.

Jordan declines his invitation to look at his taxes because of his clientele. Brick says he is a consultant, and his taxes aren’t scary. Brick gets a phone call and is disappointed to have to cancel dinner. Jordan says to call him when he is in town next. He asks if it’s a demand.

Ava admits that she really likes living with Sonny. He thinks sometimes unconventional is the way to go.