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GH Spoilers, May 7: Does Carly Learn Way Too Much?

General Hospital

GH Spoilers

GH Spoilers, May 7: Does Carly Learn Way Too Much?

Carly is about to screw things up.

On the May 7 episode of General Hospital, spoilers tease Carly getting an earful, Laura on another bleeding heart mission, Willow making a decision, and more.

Carly Eavesdrops

Carly (Laura Wright) always needs to know what’s going on so when she sees Agent John Cates (Adam Harrington) deep in conversation with Jason (Steve Burton), she has to hear what he is saying.

To that end, Carly listens in on what he is saying to try to glean as much information as possible. Will she finally learn why Jason stayed away for two years and feel every ounce of guilt that she should? Then again, Jason made that choice, didn’t he?

Help For Heather?

Laura (Genie Francis) keeps feeling sorry for all the wrong people. We didn’t see Laura visit her son Nikolas (Adam Huss) much in Pentonville, but we do get to see her visit Heather (Alley Mills) and check up on the serial killer whose daughter killed her grandson.

Is Heather calmer these days now that she doesn’t have a cobalt hip messing with her brain, thoughts, and personality? Will Laura realize Heather was like that long before the hip replacement surgery? Is Laura about to find a way to get Heather released from prison? So many questions about things that fans are united against.

A Warning For Anna

Anna (Finola Hughes) knows Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) is in no way sincere with his offer to date again and see what happens. She also knows that he was not in Europe last summer during the Metro Court pool shooting. But she is ready to play his game.

Felicia (Kristina Wagner) has to warn her BFF that she is playing with fire and is about to once again get burned. Will Anna take Felicia’s advice or plunge ahead with her plan?

Willow’s New Mission

Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) thought it over a lot and the truth is, she is filthy rich, doesn’t have to work, and can be with her children all day long if she wants to.

She can even be a spokesperson for people searching for bone marrow. When she accepts Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) job offer, does he plan to tell the world that the only reason she needed bone marrow was because she refused to have her cancer treated due to being pregnant?

Don’t forget to watch new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and weeknights on Hulu.

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