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Old Wounds & Patient Autonomy Add To Gregory’s Mounting Troubles With Finn

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Old Wounds & Patient Autonomy Add To Gregory’s Mounting Troubles With Finn

Sadly, Gregory will be at a similar crossroads again, and again as his journey with advancing ALS continues. He shouldn’t be treated like a child. On the other hand, is Gregory’s pride with a dash of denial getting in the way of his family’s happiness and putting their well-being at risk?

Gregory is having to confront a series of trials as a result of his ALS diagnosis, and it’s all putting a strain on his relationship with his sons. Not only was he given an ultimatum from Finn after his last medical scare; agree to hiring in-home medical care or go to an assisted living facility away from his granddaughter, Violet. Tracy was able to help him work through his pride. But then, Chase has tasked Finn with stopping their father from attending the rehearsal dinner on Coney Island. But is that Chase and/or Finn’s call to make? Doesn’t Gregory deserve to have his autonomy respected while he is capable? Or is Gregory selfishly putting his pride before his family?

Chase chickened out of asking his father not to attend the trip to Coney Island, however, Gregory beat his boys to the punch and announced he didn’t think it would be best for him to skip the festivities, so that he could be rested for the ceremony. Of course it didn’t end there, Finn wanted to call an in-home caregiver, so that Chase wouldn’t have to be worried about his father during his rehearsal dinner the suggestion was taken poorly by Gregory, who lashed back, “By all means, son. You lecture me on proper wedding etiquette!” 

Clearly, weddings can be a stressful time for families, but old wounds from Gregory’s wedding day to Jackie are definitely bubbling up. However, the issue of in-home care is a trigger.

What is the right thing to do? Gregory is of sound mind and capable of making his own decisions, and while it may be a bit of extra work and worry for Chase and Finn perhaps they should have kept quiet… Gregory shouldn’t be treated like a child, and perhaps that is what is most upsetting to him:

“Of course I’m nervous, tomorrow is a huge day. Tonight’s an important night too, its the night before my son starts his life as a married man. And, as much as I want to be there with you and Brook Lynn and everybody, tomorrow is more important. I want to go over everything that I’m going to say, make sure I get a good night’s sleep. And can’t do all that if I’ve got some stranger I’ve never laid eyes on before asking me if I’m alright every 15 minutes like I’m a toddler!”

On the other hand, is Gregory’s pride with a dash of denial getting in the way of his family’s happiness and putting their well-being at risk? Tracy already presented him with the options and consequences of defying his sons regarding in-home care. He eventually saw the reason in her arguments and chose to stay with his family while maintaining everyone’s safety and sanity. But, as much as he respects her, she obviously can’t be there at all times to talk him down. He did calm down after his altercation with Finn, although the incident left Finn in a precarious emotional state, possibly endangering his sobriety.

Which path will Gregory choose the next time he is challenged? And the time after that? Sadly, Gregory will be at a similar crossroads again, and again as his journey with advancing ALS continues. The cause of the disease is still unknown, and it only worsens over time. It’s commendable that GH is dedicated to bringing awareness to the realities of what ALS patients and their families experience. 

For those GH fans who want more information about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), the nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, which causes loss of muscle control, visit

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