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Sonny Has Consequences Coming, Or Does He?

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Sonny Has Consequences Coming, Or Does He?

The real victim is Dex and yet he is the one saddled with babysitting everyone’s feelings. Kristina owes several apologies…

Consequences are coming Sonny’s way despite everyone who cares about him trying to mitigate the damage of his recent behavior, which culminated with an attack on Dex. Even Dex was trying to protect Sonny in his own way, even as he was being assaulted, by not fighting back. 

With Kristina now afraid of Sonny and having her world turned upside down, Sonny is in full spiraling crisis management. He even tried to rewrite history with Ava, and again while attempting to manipulate Dante into pleading his case to Kristina. Dante flat out refused to do anything on Sonny’s behalf except check on his sister, and rightly so. He can’t sacrifice his career and integrity everytime Sonny goes off the rails.

Kristina asked Michael to plead with Dex not to press charges against Sonny, but he wasn’t happy about it. After his attempts to keep Sonny safe by hiring Dex went south and he became estranged from his father, he’s had enough. Michael accepted that Sonny is going to have to pay for the choices he made before his children were born, which are only exacerbated by the choices he continues to make. He’s always known exactly who Sonny is, as does everyone else. 

It’s Kristina who has been blinded by her love for her father. And, accepting that her step sister, Josslyn, was right must be a tough and jagged pill to swallow, especially after their last run-in. But even Josslyn asked Dex not to go to the police! Not for Sonny’s sake, but for the very pregnant Kristina. 

It is endearing that the general consensus of all involved is to minimize the damage to Kristina and maintain the health of the baby she is carrying for her sister Molly. If Sonny’s actions endanger the baby, Molly and TJ will never forgive Krstina and they will definitely go after Sonny with everything they have. 

The real victim in all of this is Dex and yet he is the one saddled with babysitting everyone’s feelings about what happened. Things have gone too far for too long, and it’s time people stop protecting Sonny by looking the other way or continually advocating for him. Kristina sees that quite clearly now, as she had a change of heart regarding asking Michael to ask Dex not to press charges. Hopefully, her eyes are truly open now. Though, she does owe several apologies to several people. 

But given all the pressure from all sides and his personal feelings for Sonny, what will Dex do? Will he press charges? Or will he fall in line and protect the Corinthos clan, again?

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